Can we Talk about infrastructures ? What in God's Name is going on?


New member
I'm flabbergasted,

I don't understand what is going on with our infrastructures. The whole fucking Province is falling apart.

We should have a thread just to post pictures of our Potholes.

It's becoming ridiculous, I can barely drive my summer ride without bouncing up and down like a motherfucker.

I don't even understand what the cities are doing anymore? Have they become so corrupt that it doesn't matter to them anymore? Am I being ridiculous? Is this our beautiful Soviet Republic Of Quebec's intended plan to get us out of our cars?

What the fuck are they doing?




A partir du moment on il répareront le système qui donne des contrat impérativement a l'entrepreneur le moins chere ben p-e que les chose vont durer plus longtemps.

C'est pas le moins chere qui devrait avoir le contrat, mais celui qui prouve avoir la meilleur ingénierie pour le montant soumissionner. Suisse style.

Buy cheap buy twice
But, in Ontario Contractors are forced to repair the roads for up to 15 years without being paid after they obtain the contract.
Or they should ask for some big warranties on their work. When I'm bidding on jobs with big warranty in the specs, yes my price is higher to cover my ass but I also quote a heavy duty product that is more taught than what they really need...
It's easy to understand.

No one is responsible for the fuck ups, so no one cares about getting the work done properly.
old, outmoded mentality - harsh environment - idiotic traffic patterns also causing uneven road wear - more cars on the road during warm seasons -

budget cuts to satisfy gov't lenders -
ca semble etre pire a mtl que nimporte ou ailleur au qc.

Dans mon coin je me rappelle pas avoir vu des routes aussi pire que celle affiché dans le premier post.
Do we have any structural or civil engineers here? perhaps someone can provide us with an answer why in Florida they use cement (I get that asphalt would melt in the sun) and not us up here (other than initial cost?)
Do we have any structural or civil engineers here? perhaps someone can provide us with an answer why in Florida they use cement (I get that asphalt would melt in the sun) and not us up here (other than initial cost?)

Dont they use cement in other canadian provinces also ?
Une partie de la 417 est en ciment entre Ottawa et Montréal. Ta un bruit de drone constant quand tu roule sur le ciment qui est pas nécessairement super plaisant.

À Gatineau, y ont refait le boulevard Gréber, pis c'est même pas au niveau, sa condole comme sa pas de bon sens. Sa des mini buttes qui paraissent pas tant que sa quand tu roule sur la rue, mais quand tu la regarde de loin, sa paraît en sale et sa juste pas d'allure. À Gatineau y ont eu tellement peur des méchantes compagnies d'asphalte corrompue, qui ont rien fait pendant 2-3 ans côté entretien des rues.

Faudrait vraiment que les entrepreneurs soient obligé de garantir leurs travaux et peut-être on aurait de quoi qui dure plus que 4-5 ans.
La portion ciment à Vaudreuil a pas de criss de bon sens... Estie de job de tout crochet

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Do we have any structural or civil engineers here? perhaps someone can provide us with an answer why in Florida they use cement (I get that asphalt would melt in the sun) and not us up here (other than initial cost?)

Dans la plupart des chaussées à Montréal, il y a des dalles de béton sous la couche d'asphalte. Pour l'état qui ce dégrade, c'est comme n'importe quoi, ça prend de l'entretien régulier.
le pire je trouve c'est sur les parties sur-élevées/pont. Genre tu roules sur turcot et c'est REMPLI de trou/patch... c'est pas un pont ça? lol

et tu descend de minimum 18po entre les joints d'extension. capoté