Need help identifying a baby bird


New member
Found it and its starving to death. want to know what it can be fed

If it's a crow it will eat almost anything.

It looks like a Starling juvenile but it's hard to tell without lifting the wings. Also the beak is thick like a crow so it's possible.

Tuna is a good idea, contrarily to what many believe, bird seeds aren't very popular among the bigger birds. Sparrows, Chickadees and smaller birds will eat seeds but above that weight class they will eat worms and any scraps they can find.

If it survived the night you can try anything with protein although I'd personally avoid giving it chicken, but cooked eggs are okay. Any cheap canned meat like from dollarama genre Paris Pate will do.

And water.
We fed our baby sparrow with dry dog food(kibbles) that we would pre-wet to a smushy texture and feed with tweezers.
worms. chop up the worms then feed it to him. but take note, if you the care of him for too long the parents won't accept him back. ( I saw an episode about this on discovery channel)