USA - Mexico Trade Deal


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U.S. President Donald Trump announced a new trade agreement with Mexico Monday that he says will replace the North American Free Trade Agreement.

GJ Team Canada...

On ne voulais pas négocier le NAFTA sans Mexico "par question de principe"

Mexico s'en calissait bien de virtue signaling et ils sont aller se négocier un deal a leur gout. La on a effectivement zero leverage et une semaine pour négocier.

Trump peux dire a sa base qu'il a scrapper NAFTA et il a aussi le plaisir de "punir" le Canada parce que Justin insiste toujours a faire son finfinaud. Win- Win pour Trump, lose-lose pour le Canada.

Une chance que Justin a décider de faire passer le Mexique avant les intérêts nationaux du Canada...
Au final , le Canada va signer , Justin va laisser tomber la gestion de l'offre , ça va nous coûter une fortune pour repayer tout les quotas aux agriculteurs , tout ça pour avoir du lait et des oeufs des states

caliss une douzaine d'oeuf a 1,88 , ça fait 2 ans en ligne que je paye pas plus cher que ça , y vont quand même pas nous les donner les oeufs !
OP, si c'est ça que tu retiens, c'est ce que Trump a gagné sur toi.

Ça sert a rien de vouloir jouer "au front commun" quand l'autre parti s'en contre caliss des apparences et va négocier sans toi.

Cas typique de Divide et Conquer. Et on est sur le receiving end...

C'était écrit dans le ciel qu'il y aurais un perdant a ce "nouveau deal"

On aurait pu tirer profit de notre relation Canada-US qui est historiquement plus forte pour s'en sortir avec la main haute. Finalement on va devoir se mettre a genoux ou ne pas avoir de deal.

Dans le reste du Canada Anglais, la raison pour lequel sa virer a marde sa va être que Trudeau voulais proteger sa vache a lait électorale: les producteurs de produits laitiers Québécois qui beneficient d'un système archaique de gestion de l'offre.

Toi t'en retiens quoi de ça?
Your first mistake is assuming Trump knows what's going on in the negotiations.

Your second mistake is having an opinion on something you don't know enough about.

The auto-related stuff are areas Canada and the US are on the same page about. So whether Canada was involved or not for that part of the negotiations is not particularly important.

Trump doesn't have the authority to sign a new trade deal with only Mexico. He only has the authority from Congress to renegotiate NAFTA (or rename it wtv the fuck he would like after it's concluded) and to enact whatever changes they've agreed upon would require Canada's signature.

He can say whatever he wants to his base, it was always unclear if he could scrap NAFTA in the first place without congressesional approval and he certainly can't enact a US-Mexico trade deal without congress, since he never got fast-track authorization for it.

Neither of those things can happen in the 90 days before the Mexican president leaves office.

They'll up the de minimis threshold to something reasonable instead of the stupid $20 that it's at right now, and they'll up probably up the quota amount before those dairy tarrifs come into effect and call it a day.

Find something better to bash Justin about.
Yea, this was basically a Trump publicity stunt to play to his retard base that never fact check. All that happened was mexico agreed to a few negotiation points on NAFTA.

He even televised the phone call with Mexico.
Thank god you're here to set me straight!

What exactly is it about the timeline I offered that is inaccurate. Was this not Canada's "strategy" to NAFTA? 3 way or GTFO?

How has it not backfired when the U.S and Mexico been negotiating for weeks while we been sidelined? I know we've used this time wisely to bash Saudia Arabia for kicks and what not.

The automotive clauses are hogwash. Do you really think it took weeks to come up with that? Some BS about mandatory minimum wage and a 2.5% tariff if the North American Content falls under? The big 3 will gladly pay 2.5% and keep building trucks in Mexico. How is this a win for Canada? It'll be business as usual for carmakers and they'll just pass this 2.5% on to consumers.

They've been up to so much more while Canada chose not to be involved: intellectual property, digital trade, labour and financial services.

Of course Trump is going to spin this as additional leverage. Unlike us, Mexico won't back down from a deal even if it means leaving Canada out of it.

Nothing like cancelling a week long trip to Europe at the last minute to show how much of a handle on things you've got.

Trump is a big dummy and it's obvious this was going to be a shit show. I would've liked us to ensure we're on the winning side when the dust settles.

It doesn't look like this is the position we're in right now.

Clock is ticking to this deal can be signed by the outgoing Mexican President
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Yea, this was basically a Trump publicity stunt to play to his retard base that never fact check. All that happened was mexico agreed to a few negotiation points on NAFTA.

He even televised the phone call with Mexico.

Honestly it's unclear to me if Trump's bluff move of canceling NAFTA and enacting a trade deal with Mexico only would even pass congress. A final deal still requires congressional approval and for more than half these states losing trade with Canada is a much bigger hit than any gains they'd get from Mexico.
Au final , le Canada va signer , Justin va laisser tomber la gestion de l'offre , ça va nous coûter une fortune pour repayer tout les quotas aux agriculteurs , tout ça pour avoir du lait et des oeufs des states

caliss une douzaine d'oeuf a 1,88 , ça fait 2 ans en ligne que je paye pas plus cher que ça , y vont quand même pas nous les donner les oeufs !

Mais des poules américaines, ça chie des criss de gros oeufs.
Thank god you're here to set me straight!

What exactly is it about the timeline I offered that is inaccurate. Was this not Canada's "strategy" to NAFTA? 3 way or GTFO?

How has it not backfired when the U.S and Mexico been negotiating for weeks while we been sidelined? I know we've used this time wisely to bash Saudia Arabia for kicks and what not.

The automotive clauses are hogwash. Do you really think it took weeks to come up with that? Some BS about mandatory minimum wage and a 2.5% tariff if the North American Content falls under? The big 3 will gladly pay 2.5% and keep building trucks in Mexico. How is this a win for Canada? It'll be business as usual for carmakers and they'll just pass this 2.5% on to consumers.

They've been up to so much more while Canada chose not to be involved. Of course Trump is going to spin this as additional leverage.

Nothing like cancelling a week long trip to Europe at the last minute to show how much of a handle on things you've got.

Yes it was always Canada's position that it should be a 3 way negotiation. You know what happens if all 3 countries decide to just have seperate bilateral deals? Companies favour the US or Mexico, one with a larger addressable market and the other with cheaper labour and Canada is just extra side piece you can sell stuff in to.

You actually think this administration gives a damn about the historical tie that links our countries? I'll give you a hint, they don't. A bilateral negotiation would have been even worst because we have even fewer things to give up.

You're the one that's so adamant that everything has backfired, tell me exactly which negotiation points actually directly concerning Canada or on which Canada and the US have differing positions were settled and screwed us over.

You're conveniently omitting the part about increasing North-American auto content from 62.5% to 75%, which is huge and was one of the major US demands. How is that a win for Canada? Hmm they're called Magna and Linamar.

What would you rather the minister of foreign affairs be doing? It's literally her job to travel the world and work with other countries.
Tu sais que les oeufs sont classés par grosseur ?

le standard c'est '' gros '' et ça vaut pas plus que 1.88$ la douzaine
$1 pour 18 aux USA a certain endroits genre dollar store.

J'imagine que yen a qui vont dire qu'ils sont plein d'antibiotiques..?

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk
Ça sert a rien de vouloir jouer "au front commun" quand l'autre parti s'en contre caliss des apparences et va négocier sans toi.

Cas typique de Divide et Conquer. Et on est sur le receiving end...

C'était écrit dans le ciel qu'il y aurais un perdant a ce "nouveau deal"

On aurait pu tirer profit de notre relation Canada-US qui est historiquement plus forte pour s'en sortir avec la main haute. Finalement on va devoir se mettre a genoux ou ne pas avoir de deal.

Dans le reste du Canada Anglais, la raison pour lequel sa virer a marde sa va être que Trudeau voulais proteger sa vache a lait électorale: les producteurs de produits laitiers Québécois qui beneficient d'un système archaique de gestion de l'offre.

Toi t'en retiens quoi de ça?

Uno, c'est Trump. Ce gars-là est un bullshitteux de première classe. Ce qui dit et qui se produit au bout de la ligne, c'est 2choses différentes. Il joue la "guerre psychologique".

Deuxio, la gestion de l'offre est un bonne chose. Ça évite le gaspillage et la surconsommation du produit fini. C'est parce qu'il y avait pas de gestion de l'offre que le secteur des pêches est devenu ce qu'il est aujourd'hui. Si une ressource est limitée, on en fait une gestion responsable. Et dans le contexte du diairy, ça empêche de recevoir le dumping des produits de basse qualité des pays étrangers.

Tercio, depuis que Trump est au pouvoir, il y a plus de "relation Canada-USA qui est historiquement + forte" qui tienne. Le contexte géopolitique est différent maintenant depuis que Trump est au pouvoir.
What Trump announces on twitter and what really happens are two completely different things. Remember the "treaty" with North Korea?

-To end NAFTA, Trump needs to give 90 days notice to Congress. I'm pretty sure he didn't even know that.

Tuxtla Gutiérrez (Mexico) (AFP) - Mexican President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador called Monday for a three-way trade deal with the United States and Canada, saying a two-way agreement reached with the US was just a first step.
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Yes it was always Canada's position that it should be a 3 way negotiation. You know what happens if all 3 countries decide to just have seperate bilateral deals? Companies favour the US or Mexico, one with a larger addressable market and the other with cheaper labour and Canada is just extra side piece you can sell stuff in to.

You actually think this administration gives a damn about the historical tie that links our countries? I'll give you a hint, they don't. A bilateral negotiation would have been even worst because we have even fewer things to give up.

You're the one that's so adamant that everything has backfired, tell me exactly which negotiation points actually directly concerning Canada or on which Canada and the US have differing positions were settled and screwed us over.

You're conveniently omitting the part about increasing North-American auto content from 62.5% to 75%, which is huge and was one of the major US demands. How is that a win for Canada? Hmm they're called Magna and Linamar.

What would you rather the minister of foreign affairs be doing? It's literally her job to travel the world and work with other countries.

How in the world do you expect that we can settle all the contentious points we've got with the U.S in a single week? This is by definition a last ditch effort. One we haven't been involved with for weeks.

We know Cheetos in Chief is on a really tight schedule with this. The midterm elections are coming and he needs this signed by the outgoing mexican president. Doesn't leave a whole lot of leeway.

Sure, they're increasing the North American Made Content.. Meanwhile, Dum-Dum is still threatening to impose tarriff on Canadian made cars. Mexico isn't getting that rhetoric anymore. Gotta be a coincidence, right?

Doesn't sound good for expanding Canadian operations or securing products for existing facilities.

There's spin and then there's being in a good negotiating position. We clearly aren't.

How is it that we've gone from "Mexico doesn't send their best" and "we're going to build a big, beautiful wall" to "We'll, we've settled things with Mexico. Canada can go pound sand?"

If I was to write a book about this current administration, I'd probably call is thusly:
"How to spite your largest economic trading partners for maximum E-Fame and feel good vibes."

GDP is overrated. Upvotes on Reddit is where it's at.
Mais sérieusement, voyez vous vraiment plus Sheer négotier de quoi avec Trump?

En faite tu négocie pas avec Trump, si il sait qu'il a le gros boute du baton il va te saigner.

A cette étape si je me demande si le Canada ne devrait pas jouer low profile, gagner du temps et attendre que cette imbécile la leve les feutres.
Mais sérieusement, voyez vous vraiment plus Sheer négotier de quoi avec Trump?

En faite tu négocie pas avec Trump, si il sait qu'il a le gros boute du baton il va te saigner.

A cette étape si je me demande si le Canada ne devrait pas jouer low profile, gagner du temps et attendre que cette imbécile la leve les feutres.
Trump s'est fait carrément fourrer par Kim Jong Un. C'est loin d'être un grand négociateur.