Rustproofing recommendations?

Je n'ai jamais été un fan des produits du dealer. Les centres de services offrent des garanties similaires de toute manière.

Je ne pourrais pas te dire la différence entre un de Krown ou Rust Check, mais une chose certaine, je été très surpris par la qualité et la minutie de la mains d'oeuvre du Rust Check.

Ma soeur a un Subaru Outback et ils prenaient le temps d'enlever les lumières pour appliquer de l'anti-rouille à l'arrière lol... En tk, je n'avais vu ça

Combien pour le fun ?
Ce que je pense des antirouilles:

Les garanties des centres de services ne sont pas souvent aussi bonnes que celles des concessionaires meme si leurs produits sont souvent superieurs et fonctionnent mieux.

Rust-Check, Krown, Metropolitain: la seule garantie que vous avez c'est SI VOUS FAITES TRAITER VOTRE AUTO NEUVE en dedans de 30 JOURS de la mise en service, et que vous faites reappliquer le produit annuellement, ce qui la rend tres difficile voire impossible a reclamer. Qui ici achete une voiture neuve et l'emmene au Rust-Check dans le premier 30 jours?

Pas grand monde.

De plus, SI tu remplis la condition ci haut, techniquement ta garantie sur ces produits est d'un an et tu la rallonges d'un an tous les ans quand t'emmenes ton auto se faire shooter.

Les garanties des concessionaires varient, la mienne est a vie et tranferrable - millage et temps illimite SUR LA CARROSSERIE UNIQUEMENT et pas besoin de perforation, juste de la rouille sous la peinture c'est un claim possible (FIAT - garantie originale sur la rouille de 5 ans PERFORATION uniquement, 7 ans pour les pieces comme le frame, plancher, suspension...)

Sur la CTS c'etait 5 ans et le produit qu'ils offraient etait poche (electronique avec une cathode qui marche pas) ce qui fait que pour la CTS j'ai rien fait les 3 premieres annees et apres j'ai commence a l'emmener chez Krown. Elle a evidemment aucune rouille nulle part (2012.)

La garantie de base contre la rouille de Cadillac est 5 ans, donc la meme qu'avec leur produit electronique... crosse. Honnetement a l'epaisseur du metal je vois mal comment il peut rouiller/percer a moins d'un impact ou vrai defaut de galvanisation ou whatever.

Sur la Lancer le produit offert etait une paraffine et ils donnaient un 2 ans de garantie de plus que le 5 ans original donc 7 ans et c'etait perforation seulement. On lui a fait un Antirouille Metropolitain qui a mal tourne *voir plus bas et par apres un garage boboche du coin a 60$. 2009 remplace en 2014 commencait a avoir de la rouille de surface sur la suspension, frame, vis dans la valise, etc. mais la carrosserie etait clean.

Cela dit, le produit que FIAT ont applique est un genre de paraffine collante qui a date n'a pas seche. C'est un genre de pate jaunatre collante qui prend les traces de doigt et tant que ca seche pas ca va aller selon moi.

Le Rust-Check et cie c'est de l'huile legere semblable a ce qu'on retrouve chez les garages "du coin" a 70$. J'etais voisin d'un Rust-Check (boul Pierrefonds) pendant 4 ans et c'est ce que j'ai constate, je faisais arroser mon auto la a ce moment la mais ils faisaient les trous un peu n'importe ou en "cabochon" ils avaient fait un trou dans un Sidekick direct ou le rubber de la porte arrivait = apres ce trou/bouchon j'avais de l'eau qui rentrait car le seal etait pus bon.

J'avais aussi fait arroser la Saturn (frame) et quand j'ai eu de la rouille sur le frame arriere et j'ai essaye d'aller reclamer leur garantie ils m'ont presente un beau document qui dit ce que je dis plus haut: t'as pas fait arroser ton auto NEUVE en dedans de 30 jours = aucune garantie. Et aussi ils avaient fait le meme crisse de trou dans le frame de porte direct ou le caoutchouc et oui, l'eau rentrait.

Antirouille Metropolitain de l'huile vegetale (d'ailleurs ca sent la pinotte) et j'ai eu un service horrible sur la Lancer ils ont fait un trou d'un pouce de diametre dans le milieu du cadre de porte endroit tres visible des qu'on ouvrait la porte - aucune justification pour ca. Il etait meme trop gros pour les gros bouchons en plastique (ils ont deux tailles de bouchons) et on a du le boucher avec du plastique de carrosserie (putty) qu'ils ont fait a leur frais.

Je n'y retournerais plus.

Krown c'est un hybride entre de la paraffine et de l'huile, le produit est collant et ne semble pas jamais secher completement. Ils font des trous minuscules et qui ne paraissent vraiment pas dans des endroits ou rien ne sera endommage. Ils ont les schemas des voitures et savent OU faire les trous, quels sont les endroits "nevralgiques" etc.

Derniere note: La Subaru, 2004, je l'ai depuis 2012 elle etait clean - pas de rouille a l'achat, et malgre que je l'emmene au garage du coin pour appliquer leur produit a la cerise, j'ai de la rouille dans les ailes arriere des deux bords, bas des portes, sous les miroirs et surement ailleurs que je vois pas.

Une chance UNE CHANCE que Alain (sisi le bon vieux Alain) m'avait conseille dans le temps d'arroser ben comme il faut les shock tower arriere pour pas qu'ils percent, j'arrose avec une canne de Krown tous les automnes depuis je l'ai et c'est clean.

J'ai essaye plein d'antirouilles en pres de 30 ans que j'ai des autos, du boboche du coin qui sent la cerise, au Rust-Check, Metropolitain et au Krown et ce dernier est superieur. Juste regarder mon Sidekick de 20 ans qui a tres peu de rouille c'est une belle preuve si on considere que les Sidekick rouillaient dans le showroom.
Pour le fun qui a sauter le HOLY wall of text de LG... PS: you fucking retard should learn how to read:


This warranty applies to new vehicles purchased less than 6 months prior to application of KROWN, within 12 months of manufacturer's production date, except as may be extended by applicable provincial laws.

ANNUAL APPLICATION GIVES CONTINUED PROTECTION If you have KROWN Rust Control applied by a certified applicator annually within 30 days (plus or minus) of the anniversary date we will warranty

aussi j'ai appelé RustCheck et ça void la garantie de Volks.... hmmm
Honestly pretty much any rustproofing will work to some extent and is always better than nothing assuming you plan to keep the car 5+ years.

I'll recommend a very good independent, Antirouille LB in Mirabel. They'll walk you through the process and you can watch and tell then your concerns unlike the big guys where they keep you far away from the techs. That is all they do and they've been in business 35 years, it's not some young kid hired for the season to pump out cars. It's a mix of paraffin and oil and most importantly for me, does not drip and leave a mess for weeks. I find Krown leaves a mess for weeks, leaks out of door seams and bottoms of doors and trunk then stops when it gets cold, then the mess returns as soon as the late spring when the metal gets warm again. Same with Metropolitan but their stuff seams to wash away after a season, undercarriage always looked dry. I also question why some of these places take barely 20-30 minutes to do an entire car. It takes LB a solid hour to do a car. Stopped going to those places moons ago. During busy season tough to get an appointment quickly but the work is top notch.
Honestly pretty much any rustproofing will work to some extent and is always better than nothing assuming you plan to keep the car 5+ years.

I'll recommend a very good independent, Antirouille LB in Mirabel. They'll walk you through the process and you can watch and tell then your concerns unlike the big guys where they keep you far away from the techs. That is all they do and they've been in business 35 years, it's not some young kid hired for the season to pump out cars. It's a mix of paraffin and oil and most importantly for me, does not drip and leave a mess for weeks. I find Krown leaves a mess for weeks, leaks out of door seams and bottoms of doors and trunk then stops when it gets cold, then the mess returns as soon as the late spring when the metal gets warm again. Same with Metropolitan but their stuff seams to wash away after a season, undercarriage always looked dry. I also question why some of these places take barely 20-30 minutes to do an entire car. It takes LB a solid hour to do a car. Stopped going to those places moons ago. During busy season tough to get an appointment quickly but the work is top notch.

thats the nature of Krowns product is that is creeps and works its way around the metal... If anyone actually read the report I posted you would have known this. The only place pumping out cars in 20 mins is Metropolitan. Most Krown places will be 1hr to 1.5 hrs... You can clean Krown with just soap and water.. It's a proven product. These corner "rust proofing" places mostly purchase either generic rust proofing or will purchase 50 gallon drums of Krown or Fluid Film wholesale.

The rust warranty will only pay max to certain amount

The further the clients stay away from techs the better
thats the nature of Krowns product is that is creeps and works its way around the metal... If anyone actually read the report I posted you would have known this. The only place pumping out cars in 20 mins is Metropolitan. Most Krown places will be 1hr to 1.5 hrs... You can clean Krown with just soap and water.. It's a proven product. These corner "rust proofing" places mostly purchase either generic rust proofing or will purchase 50 gallon drums of Krown or Fluid Film wholesale.

The rust warranty will only pay max to certain amount

The further the clients stay away from techs the better

I read it most of it, basically says they ALL worked, Formula 3000 Corrosion Free outperformed Krown in extreme conditions such as in Quebec. Furthermore Krown is a vendor to the military and has a supply agreement, in other words I would take the report with at least a grain of salt. Not saying it`s a bad product, it's messy, sloppy will stain your clothes, RIP to wife/gf wearing longish dresses. I doubt the military cares about this but some do. Krown is a constant battle to keep hidden. It also is not cheap.

The only thing this report concludes is that if you want to protect metal applying something is better than applying nothing. And yes, if some temporary worker has a drill with a bit in his hands ready to drill holes in $50k++ cars that are at risk of voiding a warranty, you better believe I want to be there.

From page 11.. "In a benign environment, the CPCs tested, performed equally well. In more severe environments, the choice of CPC is important. Of the CPCs tested, Corrosion Free, Formula 3000 showed the most corrosion inhibition."

EDIT: One more PSA, if you do Krown or Metro or any other drip style spray and you park indoors or underground condo and the stuff drips, get ready for a nice bill when the condo association decides to charge you to remove the oil from the ground. Have heard this before several times. Better park outdoors for many days until it stops dripping.
Pour le fun qui a sauter le HOLY wall of text de LG... PS: you fucking retard should learn how to read:


This warranty applies to new vehicles purchased less than 6 months prior to application of KROWN, within 12 months of manufacturer's production date, except as may be extended by applicable provincial laws.

ANNUAL APPLICATION GIVES CONTINUED PROTECTION If you have KROWN Rust Control applied by a certified applicator annually within 30 days (plus or minus) of the anniversary date we will warranty

aussi j'ai appelé RustCheck et ça void la garantie de Volks.... hmmm

Ouais, a la seconde ou tu fait un trou = void volks warranty

J'ai l'intention de faire la mienne chez Krown avec la mention pas de trou.
I've been going to Krown since day 1. I'm sure it works well to inhibit rust where it's applied but it's also very harsh on plastics and rubbers. All of my undercarriage protectors are wavy and need to be replaced. They started to be like that after the 2nd application. All other pre-facelift Mazda3s seems fine. Just mine.
Honestly pretty much any rustproofing will work to some extent and is always better than nothing assuming you plan to keep the car 5+ years.

I'll recommend a very good independent, Antirouille LB in Mirabel. They'll walk you through the process and you can watch and tell then your concerns unlike the big guys where they keep you far away from the techs. That is all they do and they've been in business 35 years, it's not some young kid hired for the season to pump out cars. It's a mix of paraffin and oil and most importantly for me, does not drip and leave a mess for weeks. I find Krown leaves a mess for weeks, leaks out of door seams and bottoms of doors and trunk then stops when it gets cold, then the mess returns as soon as the late spring when the metal gets warm again. Same with Metropolitan but their stuff seams to wash away after a season, undercarriage always looked dry. I also question why some of these places take barely 20-30 minutes to do an entire car. It takes LB a solid hour to do a car. Stopped going to those places moons ago. During busy season tough to get an appointment quickly but the work is top notch.
Do they drill holes?
Avant d'aller porter mon Forester chez krown, est ce que je devrais enlever les plaques en dessous? Caliss yen a a grandeur ça pas sens. Ou le gars va les enlever lui même?
I've found an old thread about Barry rustproofing. Supposedly they remove panel and use grease.
Anybody went there recently?
I've found an old thread about Barry rustproofing. Supposedly they remove panel and use grease.
Anybody went there recently?

Didn't know he's still in business. If you don't mind paying $400, even more if it's an SUV Barry does remove panels and doesn't drill holes. You will also need annual/bi annual inspections at $100 also. Barry was always good but complete overkill unless you plan to winter drive and keep a car forever.