Oil price!


Well-known member
Damn big drop of -7%
and still dropping!

le crude oil de l'alberta qui alimente 66% de notre consommation lui ?

Tu sort ça d'ou?

Dans l'est vous importer une shit load de petrole de la mer de brent qui rentre par bateau aux raffineries irving de l'atlantic.
Les ventes de VUS et de pick-up vont continuer d'exploser!

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Tu sort ça d'ou?

Dans l'est vous importer une shit load de petrole de la mer de brent qui rentre par bateau aux raffineries irving de l'atlantic.

Selon l’Office national de l’énergie, le Québec importe aujourd’hui environ les deux tiers de ses besoins en pétrole de l’Ouest canadien, lequel est acheminé aux raffineries pétrolières Suncor, à Montréal, et Valero, à Lévis.
Si on suit la logique du gaz, le prix a la pompe va monter, les pickup up vont recommencer a se vendre et une coupe de Exxon Valdez vont couler
C'est le temps d'average down. Belle occasion pour monter les taxes sur l'essence en douce aussi afin de limiter la croissance de vente de camions et vus.
Canada is losing billions of dollars due to no tidewater pipelines, the US is buying our oil at $17 a barrel and then selling it for full price. US money is paying protesters to stop pipelines, Greenpeace is being paid by US groups to stop Alberta oil from getting to tidewater. They protest it will bring in too many extra ships but when the LNG plant on the BC coast will bring in an extra 730 ships not a peep, BC exports huge amounts of coal, not a peep, the east coast has hundreds of oil ships and not a peep, Quebec builds a massive lithium mine which will increase their carbon footprint by 5% not a peep. China and India want our oil, we could have billions of extra dollars which may result in lower taxes or better healthcare but under the Liberal government of Trudeau we will see raised taxes and businesses leaving Canada and jobs with it.
-8.35% loss WTI Crude oil barrel now at 50.42$
-7.96% loss Brent Crude oil barrel now at 58.80$

don't know why this happening, but its been oil prices are on the downfall since september
In economy I believe it's called "Dumping."

When you lower a price as low as you can afford because you're bigger than a smaller competitor.
When it will climb Up afin, prepare to wear shitpant for the price at the pump

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When it will climb Up afin, prepare to wear shitpant for the price at the pump

Envoyé de mon SM-A520W en utilisant Tapatalk

Le même discours alarmiste que d'habitude... C'est pas faux, mais ça va rester cyclique. Y'a trop d'intérêts contradictoire pour qu'on arrête de jouer au Yo-yo demain matin,

A entendre mes profs de cegep sur le "Peak oil" dans l'temps on devrais être rendu dans le monde de Mad Max aujourd'hui.
In economy I believe it's called "Dumping."

When you lower a price as low as you can afford because you're bigger than a smaller competitor.

This, dans le pétrole les plus gros joueurs ont un très gros avantages, celui d'avoir un modèle de business intégré et durable. Je veux dire par la qu'ils possèdent les stages upstream midstream et downstream (extraction, transformation et distribution), ce qui leurs permets d'être soutenable dans les creux du barils. Quand il est bas, le raffinage soutient les entreprises et ils peuvent même se permettre d'acheté les plus petits joueurs qui en arrache. Présentement les raffineries et les pipelines au canada roulent a 110% et le surplus se fait vendre a rabais au voisin du sud car ils savent que notre production déborde, de la le gros avantages de faire de nouveau pipelines… le problème aussi vient du fait que le pétrole des sables bitumeux est très sale, même après avoir passer dans les upgraders, donc les raffineries ont pas le choix de le rouler en alternance avec du pétrole plus léger pour le bon maintient des infrastructures, qui se trouve souvent a être du pétrole importé.

Contrairement aux dires, le prix a la pompe ne devrait pas fluctuer tant que ça a moyen terme, le modèle canadien fait en sorte qu'il est peut probable qu'on se ramasse avec les prix qu'on retrouve en Europe disons… Et pour se qui est de la consommation, elle est encore en hausse mondialement mais commence a stagner en Amérique du nord, ce qui est bon pour le prix a la pompe.
Prix du western canadian select. 21.13$ today
Petrole le moins chere au monde mais pas capable de sortir de lalberta/Saskatchewan

3ème plus importante réserve de pétrole au monde et se place à la 4ème place des plus gros exportateurs. Il revend en effet la majorité de sa production et ce à son principal client : les Etats-Unis. Il est d’ailleurs de loin leur plus grosse source d’importation de pétrole (43% du total). Malgré son statut d’un des plus importants producteurs de pétrole au monde, le Canada est tout de même contraint d’en importer de grosses quantités pour ses régions de l’Est car les pipelines ne sont pas en mesure de traverser tout le pays d’Ouest en Est.
^^^^^^^^ It is our spineless leaders, no backbone, no balls, probably payola to politicians. Look at the new Liberal budget, nothing about the oil industry which is losing billions in lost revenue. More important to make gender a part of the old NAFTA, help illegals, and give subsidies to green companies ( as if they fucking generate any real income ). Carbon tax, since when did Canada have an air quality problem? Anyone who voted for Trudeau should slam their head into a wall, hard.
I hate Justin as much as the next guy but it's not his fault Alberta's economy is a one trick pony. It relies on a sub-par product that doesn't stack up nicely against other petroleum products. That's not politics, that's a fact.

He even got the feds to pay write Kinder Morgan a big fat check of taxpayer's money to buy the Trans Mountain pipeline. I'd say this shows a certain level of awareness on his end that he's standing up to the BC hippies on that issue.

You've got Stockholm syndrome if you expect me to feel bad about the oil industry losing out on potential revenue. They don't give two shits for the rest of us when oil prices are up in the stratosphere. Their investors reap those rewards.

It's only an issue for the province's bottom line because it depends on these guys to balance their budgets. Most Canadians have to pay PST. Maybe it's time for Alberta to wake up and smell the (wild) roses...
^^^^^^^^ It is our spineless leaders, no backbone, no balls, probably payola to politicians. Look at the new Liberal budget, nothing about the oil industry which is losing billions in lost revenue. More important to make gender a part of the old NAFTA, help illegals, and give subsidies to green companies ( as if they fucking generate any real income ). Carbon tax, since when did Canada have an air quality problem? Anyone who voted for Trudeau should slam their head into a wall, hard.

The oil industry gets $3.3 Billions every year in subsidies and Troudeau wrote Kinder Morgan a $7B check to buy their useless pipeline. That's the perfect example of privatize the profits, socialize the losses.
I hate Justin as much as the next guy but it's not his fault Alberta's economy is a one trick pony. It relies on a sub-par product that doesn't stack up nicely against other petroleum products. That's not politics, that's a fact.

He even got the feds to pay write Kinder Morgan a big fat check of taxpayer's money to buy the Trans Mountain pipeline. I'd say this shows a certain level of awareness on his end that he's standing up to the BC hippies on that issue.

You've got Stockholm syndrome if you expect me to feel bad about the oil industry losing out on potential revenue. They don't give two shits for the rest of us when oil prices are up in the stratosphere. Their investors reap those rewards.

It's only an issue for the province's bottom line because it depends on these guys to balance their budgets. Most Canadians have to pay PST. Maybe it's time for Alberta to wake up and smell the (wild) roses...

Better hope Troodope actually grows a spine and pulls his head out of his ass and does something. If Alberta flops Quebec's share of equalization payments will get cut since this province can't sustain itself. If no EQ payments, how does the upcoming payout to Bombardier going to happen? If this outrageous Bill C-69 passes there will never be a pipeline or refinery built in this country ever again. Seems this is his goal. I look forward in helping to make him a drama teacher again in 2019.
Better hope Troodope actually grows a spine and pulls his head out of his ass and does something. If Alberta flops Quebec's share of equalization payments will get cut since this province can't sustain itself. If no EQ payments, how does the upcoming payout to Bombardier going to happen? If this outrageous Bill C-69 passes there will never be a pipeline or refinery built in this country ever again. Seems this is his goal. I look forward in helping to make him a drama teacher again in 2019.

This sums up Albertans: