5G is coming despite health warnings from scientists


Well-known member
I was reading up some tech papers on the upcoming 5G networks, when something caught my eye: It's going to use the same frequencies as those used by the US military to flush out terrorists from caves in Afghanistan. The military sent out 5G radiation that had some major health effects on the terrorists, forcing them to come out.

This is alarming because if used improperly (i.e. crowd control?) these rays can actually be quite hazardous.

It gets worse: there are plans to send up 20.000 satellites to inondate the surface of the planet in 5G radiation, basically creating a grid that will not only allow anyone with access to the data collected, to track anyone else, but also put this data at risk of hackers or foreign military forces being able to access it.

They are basically planning to cover the planet in untested, 5G radiation.


“However, no matter what the future research will show, the 5G technology will be by then fully deployed and without any possibility of reverse because the whole future life of the humanity will be based and dependent on the functioning of the 5G radiation-emitting devices. This is a unique situation in the history of the human kind when the whole human population will be exposed to man-made devices emitting non-ionizing radiation that was insufficiently tested before deployment. What is and what will be the responsibility of the scientists, decision-makers and industry leaders who permit deployment of insufficiently tested technology that will affect us all? The answer is simple – no responsibility… because if any health problems will show up in the future, these will most likely take tens of years of time to manifest and, by then the persons that currently enable deployment of insufficiently tested radiation-emitting 5G technology will be retired or the proverbial “six feet under”. Dariusz Leszczynski, PhD, DSc

This worries me to an extent.

Being tracked isn't a huge problem, hey if you don't want to be tracked: Just turn off your phone...

What bothers me is that there is a potential for any military that wants to and has access to this grid, to be able to turn it into a VERY damaging "death ray." Maybe this is what Tesla had in mind when he said in his papers that he had discovered a "death ray" that scared him so much that he destroyed all his research on it.

Avec 5G mon facebook va load plus vite. Don't care about health, au moins j'vais pouvoir stalk plus rapidement

Exactly. The State of California has told us cell phones cause cancer. Think anyone cares? Apple literally told us that keeping a iPhone in your pocket (or within 5/8" of your body ie: HOLDING YOUR PHONE) can cause cancer... nobody gives a shit.
US Army has "frequency wave weapons"


My cellphone has waves




I don't know if you're being serious or not, but the government is basically installing your first picture all over the country.
I don't know if you're being serious or not, but the government is basically installing your first picture all over the country.

Effectivement, VR6 a pas lu les articles de ce qui s'en vient. Pour que le 5G fonctionne ca prend un grid et il va y avoir des boites 'repeater' pas mal a tous les coins de rue dans les grandes villes + les satellites.

Check, je suis pas celui qui va crier au scandale ou a la conspiration d'habitude mais les techno je connais ça et celle-ci m'inquiete grandement.
I don't know if you're being serious or not, but the government is basically installing your first picture all over the country.

Somebody somewhere figured out that 5G uses frequency ranges similar to the ones used by the ADS (non-lethal weapon I posted above) and now all of a sudden people are becoming experts and automatically fallback to the elaborate theory of "if they use the same frequency, it has to be the same thing". People won't go ahead and get some knowledge on the subject, they prefer taking the only thing 5G and ADS have in common, expose it totally out of context and pretend that 5G towers could be death ray guns, it's intellectual laziness at its finess.

ADS weapons are using high powered, highly focused and highly targeted beams that are much bigger in density than what any 5G tower out there can produce. The fact that they use similar frequency ranges is the only thing they have in common, but it doesn't make their application remotely close. You are probably aware that the microwave oven you have in your house, which uses a much lower frequency, can penetrate much deeper into human tissues compared to the military ADS right?

I don't have any hard time believing that there might be long term repercussions related to the 5G exposure, but comparing the ADS with 5G based on the fact that they use the same frequency ranges is just absolute non sens. Keep in mind that the "scientists" screaming out loud about 5G are the same scientists screaming about 3G and 4G since decades, yet I don't personally know anyone who died from cellphone/wifi radiations yet. Could it be an indirect cause of cancer and other diseases? Totally possible, but while the whole North America is going through an anti-China/anti-5G campagn, I tend to read articles against 5G with a big ass grain of salt, especially when their only argument is the similar frequency lol.

Effectivement, VR6 a pas lu les articles de ce qui s'en vient. Pour que le 5G fonctionne ca prend un grid et il va y avoir des boites 'repeater' pas mal a tous les coins de rue dans les grandes villes + les satellites.

Check, je suis pas celui qui va crier au scandale ou a la conspiration d'habitude mais les techno je connais ça et celle-ci m'inquiete grandement.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
wait, why do we need a 5G network? I thought we were good with what we currently have.

i guess i'm gonna have to aluminum foil the roof of my house and my car's headliner? lol
Frequency is meaningless, watts per kilo of body weight is what gets you. There isn't enough power in this city to give every citizen 1W per kilo if you had targeted it. Never mind with real world losses, and even that one watt wouldn't do anything.

Better read some more technical papers.

Also everything in California gives you cancer, proposition 56 or whatever that law is called, requires a cancer label on basically anything manufactured.
LOL, campagne de peur orchestrer par les reseaux télécom pour pouvoir maximiser les profits VS investir dans des nouveaux réseaux...
Frequency is meaningless, watts per kilo of body weight is what gets you. There isn't enough power in this city to give every citizen 1W per kilo if you had targeted it. Never mind with real world losses, and even that one watt wouldn't do anything.

Better read some more technical papers.

Also everything in California gives you cancer, proposition 56 or whatever that law is called, requires a cancer label on basically anything manufactured.

Yes, I would add a few thigs:
Industrie Canada has some strict requirements about electromagnetic and electricic fields .
5G is wanted because higher frequency makes the transmission "faster".

And with regard to Friis transmission equation : the power received decresses by the square of the distance (R^2). Therefore they need more transmission power than 4G - but there are safety distance to keep from the antennas.

But as with many things, I think the studies aren't mature enough
Yes, I would add a few thigs:
Industrie Canada has some strict requirements about electromagnetic and electricic fields .
5G is wanted because higher frequency makes the transmission "faster".

And with regard to Friis transmission equation : the power received decresses by the square of the distance (R^2). Therefore they need more transmission power than 4G - but there are safety distance to keep from the antennas.

But as with many things, I think the studies aren't mature enough

Actually, they are going to need more towers, not more powerful ones.