Tourists dying in the Domincan Republic

Parlant de voyage et alcool.

J’arrive pas à trouver réponse sur le net.

Je m’en vais en Guadeloupe au club med dans quelques jours. Es-ce que je peux m’apporter quelques bières de micro dans ma valise dans un tôt boîte à lunch?

Pour être aller quelques fois au club med il ne serve que de la stella et de la leffe, j’aimerais bien donc avoir 3-4 bières de micro pour faire changement.
There seems to be a whole lot of "had a drink from the mini bar, died of heart attack and pulmonary edema" going on there...
I have one word for you: Bad Moonshine.

OK. Two words.

If they have a batch of "fake" spirits like the type we can buy for cheap from the "indians" on the south-shore and that's not actually alcohol but ethanol: If they don't go blind they will die.

How hard would it be for an importer of spirits to have wanted to make a quick buck or two that way?

After all we get fake Italian "extra virgin" olive oil here that's made with anything but olive oil.

A bit less dangerous than ethanol based drinks IMHO. I'd have a look at that to begin with if I were the "local authorities" that's assuming the local authorities actually WANT to catch the bad guy here.

Just figure out where all the hotels get their booze. Cross reference.
similaire au coverup des insecticides toxiques qui étaient utilisés dans les hotels en asie ou 2 jeunes femmes québécoises sont mortes , le gouvernement a fait raser l'hotel pas longtemps après qu'une journaliste de Radio-Canada avait prélevé des échantillons dans la même chambre où les 2 jeunes femmes avaient couchés

Quand la journaliste est arrivé au Canada , le gouvernement fédéral a saisie ses valises avec les échantillons pour les donner a un coroner !!

Résultat , mort par empoisonnement , trop de pesticide dans la chambre d'hotel !

Vu que c'est des Américains , le FBI va aller faire enquête , l'alcool va être analysé et c'est clair que y'a quelques chose de pas conforme !
I think one article I read today said 128 Americans died there between 2012-2018 or something. So this is pretty much par for the course, but the causes of the recent deaths seem pretty suspicious. Another article was talking about groups of 100 plus people that went there and over half of them had gotten sick. The had all drank at the walk-up pool bar. Probably something in the ice/water and other various health concerns that come with filthy island resorts.

Americans represent over 50% of the tourism there and they're not generally the healthiest population so this could explain why it's "only" Americans, if that's the case. The family of the 55 year old that recently died of the heart attack there was claimed he was in good health. I saw a picture of him and to me he looked like a heart attack waiting to happen. Americans have a different idea of healthy than the rest of the world.
I think one article I read today said 128 Americans died there between 2012-2018 or something. So this is pretty much par for the course, but the causes of the recent deaths seem pretty suspicious. Another article was talking about groups of 100 plus people that went there and over half of them had gotten sick. The had all drank at the walk-up pool bar. Probably something in the ice/water and other various health concerns that come with filthy island resorts.

Americans represent over 50% of the tourism there and they're not generally the healthiest population so this could explain why it's "only" Americans, if that's the case. The family of the 55 year old that recently died of the heart attack there was claimed he was in good health. I saw a picture of him and to me he looked like a heart attack waiting to happen. Americans have a different idea of healthy than the rest of the world.

Business as usual.. Just media hype.
I have one word for you: Bad Moonshine.

OK. Two words.

If they have a batch of "fake" spirits like the type we can buy for cheap from the "indians" on the south-shore and that's not actually alcohol but ethanol: If they don't go blind they will die.

How hard would it be for an importer of spirits to have wanted to make a quick buck or two that way?

After all we get fake Italian "extra virgin" olive oil here that's made with anything but olive oil.

A bit less dangerous than ethanol based drinks IMHO. I'd have a look at that to begin with if I were the "local authorities" that's assuming the local authorities actually WANT to catch the bad guy here.

Just figure out where all the hotels get their booze. Cross reference.

Ethanol is the alcohol in most drink... methanol is the one who blind and kill (ethanol kills too but you need way more)
lalcool quon consomme cest de L'ethanol.... ya pas 500 sortes dalcool quon peut boire. Alcool ethylique/ethanol toute la meme affaire..