Drone strike forces Saudis to cut production IN HALF - Pepper you Angus

C'est de la marde pour les petits moteurs à essence comme les weed eaters, tondeuses et Honda Civics.

Oui pcq un moteur a carburateur ne compensera pas comme un moteur a injection

Mais pour les applications haute performance l'ethanol a l'avantage d'augmenter l'indice d'octane. PLusieurs chars modernes ont des tunes hyper agressive avec du E-85 parcontre tu consomme 35-40% plus sur du E85.

1.264 actually.

This is kind of funny (in a not funny kind of way)

Meh I'd wait until Aramco comes out with actual info, also people are too quick to rule out more attacks. Clearly Saudi Infrastructure isn't as well defended as people thought. This is literally one if not the single most important piece of infrastructure in the country and some rebels from Yemen manage to get to it.
Meh I'd wait until Aramco comes out with actual info, also people are too quick to rule out more attacks. Clearly Saudi Infrastructure isn't as well defended as people thought. This is literally one if not the single most important piece of infrastructure in the country and some rebels from Yemen manage to get to it.

They should blow it all out. Some people just want to see the world burn.