Extinction Rebellion = les nouveaux carrés rouges.

C'est juste bon pour des oeufs.

Sinon que dalle. Quand j'achete des fruits a l'epicerie ca va direct dans mon sac reutilisable. Ca doit faire 5 ans j'ai pas pris de sac transparents mais effectivement moi aussi quand je vois du monde mettre des bananes dans ces sacs la je dois cligner des yeux.
Yep, je casse la propagande. 30 secondes de copypaste pour 'scrapper' le thread. Ca prend pas grand chose! Une petite dose de verite pour aneantir une secte. Ca me fait penser a une autre secte avec 3 milliards de pratiquants.

Si Buffalo gagne a soir, attache ta tuque avec dla broche!

2 buts de Weber a soir sinon ca va aller mal pour Sheldon.

Au moins tu admet que tu fais exprès d'être fatigant.
We're all inevitably paying for climate change, there's a level of baked in change that's occurring that we won't be able to reverse. Montreal isn't even the most directly impacted place you could argue that we're seeing impacts. Remember those 100-year floods that we got 2 in what 5-years? Insurance companies know better than to offer flood coverage so who's paying for the reconstruction? We all are.

No one wants you to pay the tax, not even the government that's why it's refunding you the money. They would much rather you change your behaviour and reduce carbon emissions.

Yeah right spiter, stop spitting your bs. They dont fucking care if you change your behaviour. They want more money and thats it. If the environment was such a priority would they threw 615 millions of public money to build a cement factory that produces more co2 than the “raffineries” and “alumineries” in quebec? They’re picking money in your pocket using the environment just like restraining personal freedom in the name of safety. Paying taxes won’t change companies behaviour, they’ll just send the bill to their customers. Resulting again into middle class pressure.

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Vas te plaindre à Legault d'abord pi demande lui de te faire un cheque de remboursement comme le fédéral le fais pour le reste des provinces. Aussi au Québec on a systeme de cap and trade pas de prix sur le carbone faque je suis pas certains si l'impact sur le consommateur est aussi direct.

Tes sérieux ? N'importe qu'elle taxe imposée a une compagnie est automatique refilé aux consommateurs !
Spiter be like


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I always bring up that they're finding ancient forests under the melting glaciers means life was fine before the glaciers formed. Imagine the planet heading back to what was the norm before the ice age and we are panicking for nothing.
I always bring up that they're finding ancient forests under the melting glaciers means life was fine before the glaciers formed. Imagine the planet heading back to what was the norm before the ice age and we are panicking for nothing.

Among what kind of dim whit is that considered even remotely related to the current era of climate change?
Yeah right spiter, stop spitting your bs. They dont fucking care if you change your behaviour. They want more money and thats it. If the environment was such a priority would they threw 615 millions of public money to build a cement factory that produces more co2 than the “raffineries” and “alumineries” in quebec? They’re picking money in your pocket using the environment just like restraining personal freedom in the name of safety. Paying taxes won’t change companies behaviour, they’ll just send the bill to their customers. Resulting again into middle class pressure.

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Now you're conflating two systems, the federal system that's being imposed on provinces that don't have their own system very much reimburses the vast majority of households more money than they pay.

On the rest I don't disagree the provincial stance is filled with incongruity.
Tes sérieux ? N'importe qu'elle taxe imposée a une compagnie est automatique refilé aux consommateurs !

Yes, except we don't entirely consume everything we produce here. Not every snowmobile that BRP manufactures is bought by a consumer in Québec, same goes for C-Series in mirabel or Aluminum from Saguenay.
My point was that with Cap and Trade it's not as direct a cost to the citizens in that jurisdiction. But yes companies always flip the bill to the consumer.
Spiter be like

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I've said it multiple times if you don't want to pay the tax change your behaviour. Don't want to pay the sin taxes on cigarettes or alcohol? Don't smoke or drink.

Stop playing the victim as if you have no control over your own decisions or just keep up with the entitlement and pay the tax.
Ya encore du monde qui travaille au centre-ville?!

Céder leur le centre ville tbnk... Il aime ça vivre entouré de béton, d'asphalte et respirer du smog, c'est très environnemental comme endroit le centre-ville.

le monde vont tous vers les métropoles. la moitié des régions au québec perdent en population. dans 40 ans ils vont abandonner la gaspésie.
ça fonctionne.

La folle a fait la tournée de tous les médias aujourd’hui. Je n’en reviens pas.