Fermez les frontières, un nouveau virus apparaît: La COVID-19

Anyone get any CURFEW tickets yet? Seems like it can easily be beat in court according to this article:

We don’t really know what the government is relying on in terms of deciding that a curfew is a necessary step,” said Zwibel. “When liberties are being restricted we need to have a reason based on evidence, based on data. We want these restrictions to be grounded in evidence and for the government to be able to demonstrate that it is capable of achieving that purpose.”

Quebec Public Health director Horacio Arruda acknowledged in a press conference last week that he could not cite studies about the efficacy of curfews. The curfew, added Arruda, was implemented to serve as a “signal,” and to reduce contacts between people.

But that’s not good enough, said Beaulac. “It appears that they have not even bothered to provide a justification,” said Beaulac. “It’s as if because of the public health emergency they can govern outside of the legal framework, outside of the constitutional framework of the Canadian and Quebec Charters. My fear is that the absence of justification was not committed by negligence nor by oversight but voluntarily. It’s regrettable because in three, five years time when examining how the Quebec government managed the coronavirus public health crisis, it will appear as if they governed by shunting aside the importance of individual freedoms. It creates a bad precedent. It’s a precedent that does not provide a justification behind the adoption of this draconian measure, the curfew.”

La CAQ a laissé fuiter quelques une des questions qui tue et autres question serrés auquelle le PM aura droit dans son point de presse.

-'' M. Legault, comment décrieriez vous l'extraordinaire performance de votre gouvernement lors de cette Pandémie?''

-''M. Legault, quelle émotions éprouvez-vous face à l'appuie massif ainsi que l'amour sans limite qu'a la population envers votre administration?''

-'' Mon Premier Ministre, félicitation pour votre gouvernance magistrale, quand comptez-vous publier vos découvertes scientifique sur les mesures fantastique que votre gouvernement a découvert en les appliquant en premier sur votre population, alors que le reste de l'humanité baignait dans les ténèbres de l'inconnu ?''

-'' Mon cher François chérie, pourriez-vous nous expliquer votre fierté d'avoir su maintenir les mesures sanitaires parmis les plus équilibré en Amérique du Nord, et les succès phénoménale que cela a engendré ?''
La CAQ a laissé fuiter quelques une des questions qui tue et autres question serrés auquelle le PM aura droit dans son point de presse.

-'' M. Legault, comment décrieriez vous l'extraordinaire performance de votre gouvernement lors de cette Pandémie?''

-''M. Legault, quelle émotions éprouvez-vous face à l'appuie massif ainsi que l'amour sans limite qu'a la population envers votre administration?''

-'' Mon Premier Ministre, félicitation pour votre gouvernance magistrale, quand comptez-vous publier vos découvertes scientifique sur les mesures fantastique que votre gouvernement a découvert en les appliquant en premier sur votre population, alors que le reste de l'humanité baignait dans les ténèbres de l'inconnu ?''

-'' Mon cher François chérie, pourriez-vous nous expliquer votre fierté d'avoir su maintenir les mesures sanitaires parmis les plus équilibré en Amérique du Nord, et les succès phénoménale que cela a engendré ?''

un chausson avec ca ? lol
29 janvier 2021
Mis à jour le 30 janvier 2021 à 9h06

En termes de nouvelles sur la pandémie des nouvelles vieilles de 2 mois et demi ou de 1985 c'est aussi bien être la même chose...

la dernière fois que j'ai vu "Le Soleil" c'était dans le fond de mon char pour éponger le calcium.
Anyone get any CURFEW tickets yet? Seems like it can easily be beat in court according to this article:

We don’t really know what the government is relying on in terms of deciding that a curfew is a necessary step,” said Zwibel. “When liberties are being restricted we need to have a reason based on evidence, based on data. We want these restrictions to be grounded in evidence and for the government to be able to demonstrate that it is capable of achieving that purpose.”

Quebec Public Health director Horacio Arruda acknowledged in a press conference last week that he could not cite studies about the efficacy of curfews. The curfew, added Arruda, was implemented to serve as a “signal,” and to reduce contacts between people.

But that’s not good enough, said Beaulac. “It appears that they have not even bothered to provide a justification,” said Beaulac. “It’s as if because of the public health emergency they can govern outside of the legal framework, outside of the constitutional framework of the Canadian and Quebec Charters. My fear is that the absence of justification was not committed by negligence nor by oversight but voluntarily. It’s regrettable because in three, five years time when examining how the Quebec government managed the coronavirus public health crisis, it will appear as if they governed by shunting aside the importance of individual freedoms. It creates a bad precedent. It’s a precedent that does not provide a justification behind the adoption of this draconian measure, the curfew.”


A friend of mine got one, he went for a walk after curfew, he needed some air and got caught. 1 546$. He tells me he's just not going to pay it.
29 janvier 2021
Mis à jour le 30 janvier 2021 à 9h06

En termes de nouvelles sur la pandémie des nouvelles vieilles de 2 mois et demi ou de 1985 c'est aussi bien être la même chose...

Ok, donc LG si je te sors un article sur l’effet néfaste du tabac sur la santé des humains qui date de 2018 ça ne vaut pas un vieux clou rouillé parce que ce n’est pas un article qui date du 13 avril 2021?

Strong argument...
Seriously, what's going to happen? You think they're going to hunt him down like a dog?

If the tickets are judged to be valid, which up until now they are, yes there will be consequences. You can't just ignore tickets and think they will melt away like snow and no one will know.
If the tickets are judged to be valid, which up until now they are, yes there will be consequences. You can't just ignore tickets and think they will melt away like snow and no one will know.

An ex-girlfriend of mine got a ticket for jaywalking once, she threw it in the trash when she got home and never heard squat about it.

Unpaid tickets come up when you get arrested for something else. Guess that's the risk he's taking.