Fermez les frontières, un nouveau virus apparaît: La COVID-19

Welcome to da club!! Isolé 14 jours pis toute pis toute ton jeune?

Envoyé de mon SM-G973W en utilisant Tapatalk

Mon jeune oui, moi jusqu’au moment où mon fils a son résultat. Si négatif, back to work, si positif, I’m fucked pour minimum 14jrs hahaha

Mon fils, c’est fermé pour 14 jrs. Si il teste négatif, il doit rester à la maison mais son frère et sa sœur non hahaha

Le pire est que mon beau-frère est isolé à cause qu’il a joué au hockey avec son ami qui était positif! On est en train de se faire qu’on va p-e se faire des soupers la semaine prochaine
Everytime I got tested telling them I was doing it by precaution (lowest priority) I got my shit in around the +2 days at noon.
Email goes to your spam box fyi.
If you get a private call. You have covid fyi and then they ask you a bunch of useless questions.

thanks for the heads up.
Holy crap. This curfew thing is ridiculous now. Just realized it's 720pm and I'm at my office still since it's completely daylight.

What happens now?

This is not gonna hold on much longer especially with the crazies protesting downtown.

I have a feeling they are going to come back next weekend!
Holy crap. This curfew thing is ridiculous now. Just realized it's 720pm and I'm at my office still since it's completely daylight.

What happens now?

This is not gonna hold on much longer especially with the crazies protesting downtown.

I have a feeling they are going to come back next weekend!

A client of mine was intercepted post 8pm after leaving the office last week... a name anybody would easily recognize... he told the truth about leaving the office late and he got fined.
Holy crap. This curfew thing is ridiculous now. Just realized it's 720pm and I'm at my office still since it's completely daylight.

What happens now?

This is not gonna hold on much longer especially with the crazies protesting downtown.

I have a feeling they are going to come back next weekend!

Its 620 bro
I guess you meant 6h20PM, in any case agreed it's crap, as soon as temperature start to rise more people will go outside, it's as simple as that...
They're going to adjust with the seasonal/time change and bump it 9:30-10PM they already said as much.

I expect it to go up to midnight once bars re-open.
je suis alle me faire tester au CUSM, in and out en moins de 10 mins.

J'ai un nez qui coule et une petite toux seche depuis que notre nouveau bebe est né. Pas mal sur que c'est pas COVID, mais ma femme s'inquiete.

Combien de temps vous pensez pour obtenir le resultat? On m'a dit jusqu'a 4 jours.
Bon à savoir je suis à côté et je risque d'y aller demain, j'ai ce qui s'apparente à un rhume.
So this is the week where we still start to see if spring break will make or break it. Doesn't seem like there will be a blow up of cases. We would have started to see indications. Curfew will likely be adjusted in 1-2 weeks to 9pm and 10pm summer.

Just need the hospital's to clean out more

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Holy crap. This curfew thing is ridiculous now. Just realized it's 720pm and I'm at my office still since it's completely daylight.

What happens now?

This is not gonna hold on much longer especially with the crazies protesting downtown.

I have a feeling they are going to come back next weekend!

We hope to see you at the protest as well! We all need to end this bullshit once and for all!

ER Editor: The war to lock us down unnecessarily, crash the economy, and deliver as many tax dollars to Big Pharma for dubious new drugs like the virtually useless but very expensive Remdesivir goes on unabated in France.

Marseille’s Didier Raoult, an advocate of the cheap hydroxychloroquine drug, keeps speaking out against this, becoming his own symbol of the Gilets Jaunes-type of France the French Government and the World Economic Forum (Schwab mentions them by name in his publications) would like to wish away. Businessman and publisher, Eric Verhaeghe warns against the political wisdom of pushing Ordinary France, who is squarely behind Raoult, too far.

Prominent Paris physician Prof. Christian Perronne, mentioned below and similarly critical of the government, has been removed from his position as President of the Scientific Council for the French Lyme Disease Association.


Le Professeur Raoult mandate l’avocat di Vizio pour déposer un recours au Conseil d’Etat et une plainte au pénal après le refus de l’Agence du médicament d’autoriser plus largement l’hydroxychloroquine
Arrive de souper chez mes parents pour lr 71e à ma mère. Mes deux parents ont eu leur première dose de pfizer, pis moi chus en confinement permanent.

Première fois je suis sur la route à l'heure du couvre feu. Personne fait ces stop, 130 sur la 440, nice !

Rentré dans le drive way il était 7h59..
Bon à savoir je suis à côté et je risque d'y aller demain, j'ai ce qui s'apparente à un rhume.

ma femme est vraiment inquiete avec le nouveau bebe

un peu apres 8pm, elle m'a dit qu'elle voulait que je trouve un hotel pour a soir

donc je fais 2-3 appels, pis les hotels veulent pas me prendre apres le couvre feu.


estie de marde lol

j'tenferme dans ma chambre pis j'ecoute BB celebrites.