Fermez les frontières, un nouveau virus apparaît: La COVID-19


C'est comme ça que ça fonctionne DHL et j'en ai reçu souvent d'Allemagne qui passait pas Cincinnati.

Scheduled Delivery April 3rd

Regardez event 4 et 5 ... Parti de Hong Kong à 7.45... Cincinnati update 4.27. C'est PAS ARRIVÉ... C'est uniquement Custom Clearance. Quand Cincinnati a fini sa job, c'est à Lachine de faire la sienne et ils ont fait le clearance, event 13...

C'est uniquement du paperwork et selon la cédule de livraison, Lachine a updaté (event 14) avec la date de livraison selon le transport route...

Cincinnati n'a PAS LE DROIT d'expédier au Canada si le Canadian Custom Clearance est pas complété... Pcq si ça passe pas, il devront rapatrier le colis au USA et c'est à leur frais et charge.

C'est mon guess sur ce qui va arriver...

Ca va bien aller!

Ils ont été assez cave pour laisser le # du waybill là... Ça serait TELLEMENT FACILE de voler les masques!!!


Tu as le nom de la compagnie de destination avec le nom du dude et l'addresse...

Ah ben, ah ben... Livré à midi à St-Hubert.

Là, le dude semble dire qu'il manque des boites... Ya surement juste commandé des samples, depuis le début, c'est uniquement 1 boite, ya rien qui manque dans sa commande.


I compare the current situation to not having a single hospital in Montreal. Cause like, if I were to get injured or sick in some way, last thing I wanna do is go to one... and I may have just fucked my shoulder slightly thinking I can lift over 9000.
Anyone else with home gym and similar issues? Lol
They can confine elderly/sick and let younger people gradually return

I am willing to forego seeing my parents and grand parents for a few months while the crisis passes.
Here is the problem the test is less accurate in patients with low viral load, but it's not entirely inaccurate. Basically, it's 65-75% accurate if you are asymptomatic and 70-85% accurate for symptomatic patients. That level of accuracy is ok when you test enough. It's like vaccines. They're only 80-90% effective. But as long as enough people are tested/vaccinated, you have a good sense of the population's potential risk....Decreased effectiveness x low levels of testing = we have very limited understanding of the actual spread of the disease

This is exactly why we are in isolation and social distancing because it's the only thing we can do for now. The mask recommendation is iffy because there is no real conclusion. It's vague. Best action is to limit other human contact...

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I want to travel to Europe in August. It's not looking good right now.

Dude I don't think anybody's travelling this year (at least not when it's warm)
I cancelled my winter trip last minute and I was supposed to visit Switzerland this summer... well shit I'll be yoddling from my balcony