Fermez les frontières, un nouveau virus apparaît: La COVID-19

It uses live cellphone tracking.

Everyone tripping that the government is tracking them doesn't seem to realise they just haven't turned off google tracking history.

From what I know it does not. It might be using an average of the last couple of days / maybe weeks. It is not live.
Try by yourself and you will see...

I paid attention to my traffic data as well, the very next day we started our lock down...and for the the first 3 days I counted...it was still giving me info based on the previous days...saying....traffic...is bla bla. No change...and streets were empty.
Now, it got adjusted , of course.
But you will be able to recheck it again by yourself if you want when traffic will start . It will say "light traffic" probably for 2-3-4 days before it readjusts.
Google maps uses live traffic...+ a history of the last couple of days, for sure. I'm ready to bet. Unless my Google traffic is different...lol
jcomprends rien au stock market lol ca fait aucun sens que ca monté 10% les 3 derniers jours.

ils disent juste ''les marchés sont optimistes qu'on a atteint le peak''. juste pcq ca stagne depuis 6 jours. ca veut rien dire lol

Les marchés ça alterne entre l'optimisme (appat du gain) et la terreur. Y'a pas vraiment de juste millieu / status quo.

La t'as une gang de maniaco-dépressifs qui ont espoir qu'il va y avoir un deal de coupure de production entre la russie / l'arabie saoudite / l'opec (dans une moindre mesure) et que sa va donner un boost au pétrole /les ressources. Sa devrais réctifier en partie l'excédent coté offre.

Et ça c'est plus intéressant qu'une continuité de la guerre de prx et faillites chez les producteurs américains qui ont des overhead / cout de production beaucoup plus elevé qu'ailleurs.
My google traffic always has the average in grey, and the actual in green, yellow or red. It is always exact, and will say × minutes slower or faster than average.

Maybe settings are different, but I've always had pretty accurate results with the busy times in stores.
From what I know it does not. It might be using an average of the last couple of days / maybe weeks. It is not live.
Try by yourself and you will see...

I paid attention to my traffic data as well, the very next day we started our lock down...and for the the first 3 days I counted...it was still giving me info based on the previous days...saying....traffic...is bla bla. No change...and streets were empty.
Now, it got adjusted , of course.
But you will be able to recheck it again by yourself if you want when traffic will start . It will say "light traffic" probably for 2-3-4 days before it readjusts.
Google maps uses live traffic...+ a history of the last couple of days, for sure. I'm ready to bet. Unless my Google traffic is different...lol

Probably some contingencies so a few "bad apples" can't game to system in real time. It's got to look at current situation and weigh it versus some historical context. Imagine how pissy people would be if it estimated a faster commute time and then was way off. Probably best to err on the side of caution. Under promise, over deliver sounds like a safer bet.
My google traffic always has the average in grey, and the actual in green, yellow or red. It is always exact, and will say × minutes slower or faster than average.

Maybe settings are different, but I've always had pretty accurate results with the busy times in stores.
I never said no.
I'm just saying...NOW, in this current situation is different. Because we are not considering a "normal " day. So probably not accurate for the stores...but curious to try it.
80-90% of the population is not out on the streets, shops, etc...and data comes from an average of those people.
And because we have no regular schedule, you might not go at the same time / same day at the SAQ, as you would do while you work regularly. Or go buy you food , etc...
Google isnt factoring in line ups at stores tho. So yes the inside of the is empty... There might be a 15-20 min line up

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Pas surprenant, mais plus ça peak haut moins ça risque de durer longtemps...

Mais plus il y a des décès qui ne sont pas lié à la Covid, mais lié au manque de soins (arrêt cardiaque, chirurgie d’urgence etc

Plus ton système de santé s’effondre

Plus tu risques de perdre des médecins et autres personnels de la santé au combat

Plus des gens qui auraient survécu meurent (fleur de l’âge)

Plus longue les répercussions seront

Sweden with half the amount of detected cases but 240 more death than Canada? Looks like it's spread much much more than they can account for.
Y'a quelqu'un qui croit aux chiffres de l'Iran?

Des observateurs d’Europe et Américain ont témoigné comme quoi ils creusaient des tranchées pouvaient accueillir des dizaines de milliers de corps le mois passé....

We never know avec les régimes totalitaires




Meanwhile dans la planète de Judas

Des observateurs d’Europe et Américain ont témoigné comme quoi ils creusaient des tranchées pouvaient accueillir des dizaines de milliers de corps le mois passé....

We never know.


Meanwhile dans la planète de Judas


Wow. C'est dans des cas comme ça que ça serait bien de voir un peu de brutalité policière.