Fermez les frontières, un nouveau virus apparaît: La COVID-19

Je me demande si les Chinois peuvent oublier une partie de la dette des USA maintenant. Et des autres pays aussi.
Labour issues doesn't simply mean the number of employees, it also means their well-being and work conditions.

Say you can hire all the employees that you want, staff every store at 150%, does the size of the store scale? does the size of the warehouse-scale? do the number of truckers on the road scale?? I haven't seen empty shelves because there aren't enough employees to stock them, they're empty because they don't have the product.

Where did I say it would do anything for stock levels or scaling? All I'm saying is that if you're worried about burning out rejean and ginette because they're working past their 40 hours work week / too manys days in a row there's a simpler solution. How about hiring anita and mario so that the others can get time off? Outright closure of the store does little for the people that would be willing and able to work. What about people whose time off is on Sunday. Now they can't go shopping for the things they need?

Management already had tools to deal with a situation like this (get more ressources) Somehow businesses are able to handle thanksgiving / black friday / boxing day / christmas. What makes you think they couldn't step up for March / April?

We already have strict labour laws. There were remedies and mechanism to address any potential increase in individual workload. This is straight up "do as I say" because "reasons" and "I know best".

Is Legault giving an extra day a week off for all the nurses / doctors / custodial staff? Where is their balance?

Nouvelle du task force de 17:00.

1 million de testés, à partir de demain capacité de 100 000 tests par jour.

Le kit d'auto test avec résultats en 15 min créé par Abott en production et shipping débute cette semaine.

36 millions de doses de Chloroquine en stock et dispatché partout.

Pic de morts d'ici 2 semaines.

INB4 Karens self medicating have a higher mortality rate the covid.
Where did I say it would do anything for stock levels or scaling? All I'm saying is that if you're worried about burning out rejean and ginette because they're working past their 40 hours work week / too manys days in a row then simply hire rejean and mario so that the others can get time off. Outright closure of the store does little for the people that would be willing and able to work.

Management already had tools to deal with a situation like this (get more ressources) Somehow businesses are able to handle thanksgiving / black friday / boxing day / christmas. What makes you think they couldn't step up for March / April?

We already have strict labour laws. There were remedies and mechanism to address any potential increase in individual workload. This is straight up "do as I say" because "reasons" and "I know best".

Is Legault giving an extra day a week off for all the nurses / doctors / custodial staff? Where is their balance?

Maybe it's just psychology game to get people to do larger grocery trips instead of going out daily.

Also, I understand the hiring of people off work, but no company wants to hire people for possibly 2 weeks. You still need basic training, and administrative costs for payroll and filing T4s for 2 weeks is probably seen as a waste of time.

People should be eating less now anyway. I am expecting to see the majority if people come back to work a solid 20lbs heavier.
Maybe it's just psychology game to get people to do larger grocery trips instead of going out daily.

Also, I understand the hiring of people off work, but no company wants to hire people for possibly 2 weeks. You still need basic training, and administrative costs for payroll and filing T4s for 2 weeks is probably seen as a waste of time.

People should be eating less now anyway. I am expecting to see the majority if people come back to work a solid 20lbs heavier.

Interesting times for a social science experiment. Maybe it would be best to pick any time other than a world wide recession to further restrict hours on essential services?Businesses had the opportunity to pick this avenue for themselves if they wanted it / felt it was necessary. Shoving it down everybody's throat is typical of our government's tendency to overstep their boundaries in interesting ways whenever a crisis appears.

You want stores shut down once a week for sanitary/public health reasons? Fine by me. Can't expect people / businesses to put this ahead of their own interest at times.

When you're shutting down businesses because of some idea that worker's rights were being abused? Now, that's off in the left field. They had less drastic options to look into before they dialed it up to 11.

We're paying people to stay home so I doubt there would be a tidal wave of applicants, but I'm sure some would appreciate the opportunity to supplement their income. I'm sure there's no shortage of people with past experience in these fields that could be tempted to go back. And let's face it, stocking shelves isn't rocket science.

-Don't operate equipment you're not familiar with,-
-don't drop things on your feet
- Beware with that x-acto blade
-lift with your legs.
- don't lock up your colleagues in the freezer.
-wet floors are slippery

I bet you won't see the Rest of Canada follow in these footsteps.
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Maybe it's just psychology game to get people to do larger grocery trips instead of going out daily.

Also, I understand the hiring of people off work, but no company wants to hire people for possibly 2 weeks. You still need basic training, and administrative costs for payroll and filing T4s for 2 weeks is probably seen as a waste of time.

People should be eating less now anyway. I am expecting to see the majority if people come back to work a solid 20lbs heavier.
I don't think I'll be back 20 lbs heavier. It's actually sorta nice to have to work out in the am and late afternoon before dinner.

I'd prob go stock shelves for 20$hr just to have fun snapping back at Karen's
Jsuis aller faire des grosses provisions a la saq dépôt tantot, pas un chat. Tout un climat apocalyptique, c'est spécial. Les caissiers ne touche plus à aucune bouteille. En revenant j'avais l'impression d'avoir la peste partout sur moi. Là j'ai peur de boire mon vin en avalant des parcelle de covid à cause que j'ai touché au goulot.
C’est vraiment pas si pire quand on regarde ça.

Ça c’est vraiment éteint en Chine. Comment on peut expliquer ça?

En Inde rien?

Y’a tellement de monde en Asie comment ça c’est pas si pire.

Les chiffres chinois n'ont aucune crédibilité.

L'inde est en lockdown a coup de matraques / batons. Reste a savoir ce qu'ils ont comme capacité / volonté de tester en grand nombres.
I am frustrated with "authorities" saying that wearing a mask is useless. If they are useless why the fuck do doctors need them? I have several P100 industrial respirators and I am sure that filters designed to filter out radioactive elements are going to do just fine with a sneeze.
C’est vraiment pas si pire quand on regarde ça.

Ça c’est vraiment éteint en Chine. Comment on peut expliquer ça?

En Inde rien?

Y’a tellement de monde en Asie comment ça c’est pas si pire.

L'inde sont en train de mass produce des masques, sont correct.

I am frustrated with "authorities" saying that wearing a mask is useless. If they are useless why the fuck do doctors need them? I have several P100 industrial respirators and I am sure that filters designed to filter out radioactive elements are going to do just fine with a sneeze.

Pas le choix quand les quantités sont limités. T'as vu comment le monde se sont pitcher sur le papier de toilette en innocents? Imagine pour quelque chose qui fais du sens...

C'tune demi vérité pour proteger la capacité de fournir aux hopitaux et que la nature humaine crasse ne l'entrave pas trop. T'as aussi du monde qui se croirais presque invicible avec leur masque chinois douteux qui fit mal. So IDK.
Pas que je veux souhaiter du malheur à qui que ce soit, mais disons que l’Inde est le moindre de mes soucis....

D’ailleurs, ils doivent tester fuckall pour avoir un aussi bon score
Une amie à moi qui a été testée positive

Voici un compte rendu, p-e vous vous retrouvez dans ses symptômes

Oh, j'ai reçu un nombre pas possible de messages, merci pour tout

Les mêmes questions reviennent alors à la question comment tu vas? Je réponds : Ça va moyen! J'ai l'impression qu'un truck m'a passé sur le corps. J'ai super mal à la tête mais je ne fais pas de fièvre, alors espérons que ça reste ainsi. 🤞

- Non, je n'ai pas voyagé.
- J'ai été en contact avec 2 personnes qui ont testé positif - avant la quarantaine.
- J'ai commencé mes symptomes le 24 mars au soir. J'ai été testé le 27 mars au matin et j'ai reçu mon résultat le 29 mars en pm.
- Selon santé publique, je n'ai pas contaminé personne et aucun membre de mon entourage est à risque.

Et finalement, j'ai tout ce qui me faut pour rester en quarantaine stricte, merci pour toutes vos offres 😘


Lorsque tu écouteras le prochain point de presse de notre gouvernement, je ferai partie des nouveaux cas recensés.

J'ai testé positif à la Covid-19.

J'ai pris toutes les précautions nécessaires demandées par Santé publique depuis le début de la crise - je n'ai pas été en contact avec personne depuis 11 jours.

Je n'ai pas fait de fièvre. J'ai eu un rhume/gastro, fatigue extrême, mal de tête et j'ai complètement perdu le goût et l'odorat depuis 6 jours.

Bref je feel pas top
