Why do so many bad drivers have luxury cars?

You can be an asshole in any car, has nothing to do with speed and how fast your car is.

Yes...but think twice...you look cooler in a BMW/AUdi/Mercedes as the study mentions it.
As the Finnish study mentions it as well, they talk mainly about men.

It's a European study, and let's be fare , people in Europe drive 10x better than here. No offense. In most of the European countries...not saying all.
Because cops enforce the law. No flasher, fine. And next...
I did not read the article as it asks for dollars, aint nobody got time for that.

I agree 100% European drivers are much better, women included, unless we talk albania or something.
just had this exact conversation with my brother. It seems like it's more of the character that goes along with flaunting luxury items in public, what people feel they need to prove to anyone and how secure a person feels with himself/herself.

Rich people who drive low-key cars are exceptionally good drivers. Conversely, I find that people who don't have a solid financial situation and insist on driving a luxury car are amongst the worse drivers on the road.

I mean, really. Who is the type of person to drive an entry-level luxury car.

As we drove "up North" past Laval, is was pretty apparent how true that was. Save for a couple of young teenage girls in a Nissan Micra, every road douche...every last road douche was driving a luxury car. BMWs, Mercedes, Teslas...
Je me fais souvent collé au q par des gros truck ...je roule toujours a droite (petite civic oblige) et dans les 1 way je roule environ 10km/h de plus.

Hier dans un stationnement j'attendais des pietons passer devant moi pour rentrer dans une place, et la une mini viens de derriere me depasse et me prend la place! Jarrive pas a croir je voyais ca seulement sur youtube lol

Cetait une genre de slut de FB avec un passager... j'ai pris le prochain spot de libre et jai continué ma vie lol
They seek out those vehicles like a fly to shit but it's their sense entitlement that causes them to be perceived as assholes. Examples include:

- Thinking that the roadway is theirs and that other people need to move out of their way. Result: No turn signals used
- Thinking their time is more precious. Result: Cutting over a solid line ahead of a long line of traffic.
- Not thinking of how it will impact others. Result: Parking/stopping in places they shouldn't be

You are talking about 70% of the drivers in Quebec.