Store raid


go back to africa if you cant adapt

Ils savent bien trop que le racisme entre noir existe et qu'il est terrible. Mais ça, ils en parlent pas trop.. 1 million de corps décapité à la machette, des femme agressée sexuellement, etc 1 million en 3 mois sur une population de même pas 8miliion.
Ils suggèrent de couper le financement de la police de 50% et utiliser l'argent pour les communautés noirs et amérindiens. 50% tabarnak !!!! Juste avec le budget de Montréal ça représente +300 millions pour une population d'environ 193 000 personnes, on devrait tous leurs faire un p'tit chèque de bs de 1500$ / année comme seule et unique raison, la couleur de la peau. Quel belle gang d'imbéciles et de RACISTES.
Worst part is not a single black will benefit a dollar from this lol


Most of them are too stupid to even realize how they are manipulated, used and get thrown out like some used condom at the end. And they never learn and repeat.

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So a trump supporter got executed point blank style by antifa in portland, he wasnt threatin anyone. Where's the media coverage on that subject? If MSM keep one sided biaised, this will turn into civil war. antifa is gonna get clapped.
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Y'a déjà un système à deux vitesses pour les femmes noires et autre ethnies dans la fonction publique/para-public , si elle a le même diplôme qu'un femme blanche , elle va être avoir la job

y'a juste une femme noire sur facebook '' Aurélie Kassinie Legrand '' compte inactif depuis quelques années , elle est de Québec

Ça, c'est vrai. Je confirme. Mêmes les Maghrébins passent devant les Québéçois pour l'obtention de postes et de promotions. Tout ça parce qu'il y a un "ratio" à respecter. De plus, à emploi égal, les Québéçois ont davantage de pression et les attentes sont + élevées. Il y avait un dicton il y a de cela 15ans par rapport au ratio: "On doit embaucher 3employés pas bons (non-Québéçois) pour avoir un 4e de bon (Québéçois)." C'est pour ça que les Québéçois fuient la fonction publique dès qu'ils en ont la chance.

On vit dans une société où la discrimination positive règne. En fait, puisqu’elle est une minorité visible, elle à plus de chance d’obtenir un bon emploi (fonction public provincial / fédéral) que par exemple Maxime Gendron, jeune blanc de l’Abitibi.

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Je suis dans le secteur privé et ce narratif est poussé aussi. La moyenne d'âge de mon entité corporative est d'environ 26ans et beaucoup de femmes/minorités sont haut gestionnaires. Et ça donne des règles de gérance plutôt gauchistes.

Il y a aussi beaucoup d'employés qui ont quitté à cause du manque de reconnaissance.

go back to africa if you cant adapt

I'll just wait over here for ever white anglo and franco that can't paddle a canoe, build a fire or a tipi to pack their bags and head back to Europe.

Ils savent bien trop que le racisme entre noir existe et qu'il est terrible. Mais ça, ils en parlent pas trop.. 1 million de corps décapité à la machette, des femme agressée sexuellement, etc 1 million en 3 mois sur une population de même pas 8miliion.

Ah the usual conflating of 2 different problems to deflect from the legitimaticy of the first. Remind me how american consititutional rights extend to african countries?
Worst part is not a single black will benefit a dollar from this lol

Most of them are too stupid to even realize how they are manipulated, used and get thrown out like some used condom at the end. And they never learn and repeat.

What's the simplest explanation to that statement without it being assigning nefarious intentions to BLM?

Hint: maybe they are raising the money for other organizations?
I'll just wait over here for ever white anglo and franco that can't paddle a canoe, build a fire or a tipi to pack their bags and head back to Europe.

Ah the usual conflating of 2 different problems to deflect from the legitimaticy of the first. Remind me how american consititutional rights extend to african countries?

It's the same issue worldwide since the birth of humanity. They are trying to fight racism with more racism, don't you get how f* dumb all of this is ?
It's the same issue worldwide since the birth of humanity. They are trying to fight racism with more racism, don't you get how f* dumb all of this is ?

So we just accept racism? Just have a global version of the Pakistan/India partition and give everyone a deadline to return to where their ancestors are from? The fight against racism over the course of the past several centuries has brought no tangible benefits to society?
So we just accept racism? Just have a global version of the Pakistan/India partition and give everyone a deadline to return to where their ancestors are from? The fight against racism over the course of the past several centuries has brought no tangible benefits to society?

So lets just use the american consititutional rights and black's men shot by cops in another country and apply it to Canada. so clever.
You clearly didn't understand the point, nor did you answer the question.

Et pourquoi je perdrais mon temps à t'écrire un long texte sur le sujet ? Tu es même pas capable d'utiliser tes propres conseils et tu mélanges Canada / USA, comme tous les autres qui crient fort aux racisme semblent faire....
Ah the usual conflating of 2 different problems to deflect from the legitimaticy of the first. Remind me how american consititutional rights extend to Canada ?

Now do you get MY point ?
Et pourquoi je perdrais mon temps à t'écrire un long texte sur le sujet ? Tu es même pas capable d'utiliser tes propres conseils et tu mélanges Canada / USA, comme tous les autres qui crient fort aux racisme semblent faire....
Ah the usual conflating of 2 different problems to deflect from the legitimaticy of the first. Remind me how american consititutional rights extend to Canada ?

Now do you get MY point ?

Definition of conflate
transitive verb

1a : to bring together : FUSE
2 : to combine (things, such as two readings of a text) into a composite whole
The editor conflated the two texts.

How am I mixing/fusing/confusing or combining the canadian and american situation? STI's comment was about and in relation to that a woman in Quebec, and clearly his comment was in relation to adaption to here. I responded to him and then I responded to your comment about genocide.

How am I linking the two?

Is responding to two different comments, in one reply without them being related too confusing for you?

How is BLM fight for their 14th amendment rights in the US related or should be compared to genocide on the African continent?

edit: i re-read your post and you were also responding to STI and his go back to africa and not a post that I thought you did, fair enough. my bad.

How am I mixing/fusing/confusing or combining the canadian and american situation? STI's comment was about and in relation to that a woman in Quebec, and clearly his comment was in relation to adaption to here. I responded to him and then I responded to your comment about genocide.

How am I linking the two?

Is responding to two different comments, in one reply without them being related too confusing for you?

How is BLM fight for their 14th amendment rights in the US related or should be compared to genocide on the African continent?

edit: i re-read your post and you were also responding to STI and his go back to africa and not a post that I thought you did, fair enough. my bad.

I'm still speachless as to why Aurélie Legrand is feeling that way towards cops. Because some black guys were shot in USA ? To me it sounds like all she needs is a therapist, which could be provided for free by her nearest CLSC. No need to cut down half of the Police funding for that.. I'm all in to rethink their funding and formation, but by half ? and cut down a public service for EVERYONE, uses that money for a small % of the population and all based on a racial system, that's beyond stupidity. As I said, you can't fix racists with more racism.
2020 in a nutshell. Some sicko tries to rape a 25 year old woman in a NYC subway and someone stands there to film.

Are you nuts?!! you gotta make sure to capture the crime to upload it on worldstar!
Also please nobody should call the police because this is clearly a mental illness case so bring in the expert psychiatrists on scene so they can deal with him once he's done /s