Store raid

Ça semble se calmer un peu depuis quelques nuits.
Toujours pas de guerre civile à l'horizon.

Il y a 3400 individus que se font tuer par la police américaine par année. C'est une questions de jour avant que les fake news nous en sortent un autre pour mettre le feu aux poudres.

Ce qu'on ne ferait pas pour des cotes d'écoutes... Gang de pourris.
Family wakes up to black dude robbing their place.

Look at the comments lol i can't believe there are people blaming the shirtless guy for not being nicer haha wtf is this real life

The dude broke into his house, had a knife and tried to injure that shirtless guy. The shirtless guy was nice enough for not wanting to press charge, but I guess he should've given out all his belonging to him and made him a breakfast too while at it

I too feel bad for the black guy for crying and instantly regretting his action but it is what it is, he took the chance and he fucked up and now there will be price to pay.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk
"Defund the police" is now the battle cry of the Woke left in the USA. I'm absolutely stunned about what I'm seeing right now. The videos of white folks on their knees begging their black brothers for forgiveness for white privilege was just the tip of the iceberg. The United States are literally going through struggle sessions just like the Chinese in the Mao era.

Breakdown of ANTIFA Squad Burning Car

Écoutes, je vais te raconter quelque chose par expérience.

Lorsque des manifestations étudiantes (printemps érable) que j'ai couvertes lorsque j'étais à la SQ et que j'avais une flotte automobiles à gérer. Pour ces manifestations, nous n'avions pas nos + beaux chars de police parce qu'on savait qu'ils étaient pour être en territoire hostile où le vandalisme est un risque à assumer au moment d'un débordement. Alors, en bons gestionnaires de biens publiques, nous envoyions en premier les véhicules qui seront presque rendu à la fin de leur vie utile. C'est pas vrai qu'on allions prendre la chance d'envoyer nos véhicule neufs. Juste du gros bon sens. Pas de complot, juste du bon sens.
Look at the comments lol i can't believe there are people blaming the shirtless guy for not being nicer haha wtf is this real life

The dude broke into his house, had a knife and tried to injure that shirtless guy. The shirtless guy was nice enough for not wanting to press charge, but I guess he should've given out all his belonging to him and made him a breakfast too while at it

I too feel bad for the black guy for crying and instantly regretting his action but it is what it is, he took the chance and he fucked up and now there will be price to pay.

Sent from my SM-G950W using Tapatalk

Not pressing charge so he can post it on the internet ? Those people are just tools and that video is bad propaganda to divide people.
Écoutes, je vais te raconter quelque chose par expérience.

Lorsque des manifestations étudiantes (printemps érable) que j'ai couvertes lorsque j'étais à la SQ et que j'avais une flotte automobiles à gérer. Pour ces manifestations, nous n'avions pas nos + beaux chars de police parce qu'on savait qu'ils étaient pour être en territoire hostile où le vandalisme est un risque à assumer au moment d'un débordement. Alors, en bons gestionnaires de biens publiques, nous envoyions en premier les véhicules qui seront presque rendu à la fin de leur vie utile. C'est pas vrai qu'on allions prendre la chance d'envoyer nos véhicule neufs. Juste du gros bon sens. Pas de complot, juste du bon sens.

logique meme.
Wall Street Journal op-ed: Hold officers who use excessive force accountable, but there’s no evidence of widespread racial bias

Political commentator and attorney Heather Mac Donald posted an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal this week that argues police should be held accountable when they use excessive force, but evidence of “widespread racial bias” by police doesn’t exist.

“However sickening the video of Floyd’s arrest, it isn’t representative of the 375 million annual contacts that police officers have with civilians,” Mac Donald wrote in her piece titled “The Myth of Systemic Police Racism.” Mac Donald continues, “A solid body of evidence finds no structural bias in the criminal-justice system with regard to arrests, prosecution or sentencing. Crime and suspect behavior, not race, determine most police actions.”

Mac Donald backed up that claim with federal statistics explaining that police shot and killed 1,004 people in 2019, most of whom were armed and/or deemed dangerous. Out of that number, about a quarter of those, 235, were black, which is roughly the same percentage every year since 2015.

That number is less than one would expect when comparing it to the national black crime rate, Mac Donald argues.

“That share of black victims is less than what the black crime rate would predict, since police shootings are a function of how often officers encounter armed and violent suspects,” she wrote. “In 2018, the latest year for which such data have been published, African-Americans made up 53% of known homicide offenders in the U.S. and commit about 60% of robberies, though they are 13% of the population.”

Mac Donald then pointed out that the police shot and killed nine unarmed black suspects and 19 unarmed white suspects in 2019, which was down from 38 and 32, respectively, in 2015. When those numbers are compared to the total number of black homicide victims, 7,407 in 2018, the nine unarmed black victims killed by police represented 0.1% of all black people killed in 2019.

“By contrast, a police officer is 18½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer,” Mac Donald concluded.

Mac Donald also cited two studies that she says show an “undercutting” of the racist police narrative pushed by Democratic politicians, notably former President Barack Obama. One study, from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that the more often officers encounter violent suspects from any racial group, the more likely that person will be shot and killed by an officer. The second study, based on Justice Department analysis of the Philadelphia Police Department, showed that white police officers were less likely to shoot unarmed black suspects than black or Hispanic officers.

The Racial narrative overtaking the need for oversight / accountability is based on emotions. Knee-jerk reactions like de-funding don't lead to more de-escalation training, more bodies on the streets, more technology (body cams, in car cams etc.) or more oversight. Police budgets have always been strained historically speaking. How is less money going to equal less crime is sort of mind boggling.

But it's not P.C to say that al sharpton and crew have woven their own narratives and decided to run with it.

It's the new de-facto position. If you're of opposite races, you're racist until proven otherwise. Burden of proof? Nah, let's reverse onus that shit! (Because history.) You simply can't acknowledge the socio-economic hardships. You have to kneel and shout the martyr's names or be judged.

The whole thing is messed up.
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