Drug test , new job help a bro

They usually give you a week or 2 notice before. Just dont drink or do drugs in that time. They’re not dumb, they know everyones done drugs before, they just wanna see if you have a minimum of self control.

Wow totally forgot i did this thread , (and haven't smoked since go figure )
its a sales rep job , the HR is in WA , hence she told me that sphiel about Weed still beeing illegal there .
thing is , im sure they can put it as a minus , even it cant be the main reason , hence i wont die and wait, (position could still be a possibility )
Si tu fume a tout les jours, piss test c'est environ 30 jours, cheveux 90 jours je crois.

Ça peut être plus long si t'es gras.