Asteroid observed with Subaru telescope on collision path to Earth for 2068


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With a very close approach in 2029.

A new report suggests an asteroid named after the Egyptian God of Chaos, Apophis, may get uncomfortably close to Earth in 2068. The scientists tracking the asteroid have discovered that it has sped up, thanks to to an orbital process called the Yarkovsky effect.

“The new observations we obtained with the Subaru telescope earlier this year were good enough to reveal the Yarkovsky acceleration of Apophis," astronomer Dave Tholen, of the University of Hawaii, said in a statement. "[T]hey show that the asteroid is drifting away from a purely gravitational orbit by about 170 meters per year, which is enough to keep the 2068 impact scenario in play.”

Apophis, which Tholen and his team discovered in 2004, is scheduled to swing past Earth in 2029, too. Fortunately, calculations have shown there's no chance it will slam into our planet then. During its April 13, 2029 close approach, Apophis will swing so close to Earth that the 1,000-foot-wide asteroid will pass between our planet and a network of communication satellites. Here's the most unsettling part: It'll be visible to the naked eye.

As for 2068, astronomers had previously ruled out the possibility that it could collide with Earth. The new observations, however, which the scientists presented at a virtual American Astronomical Society meeting earlier this year, have revealed a startling possibility: We can't rule out a collision.

@Elon Musk needs to make a rocket with a nuke, land it on the asteroid when it flies by in 2029, wait until it's flown passed Earth and is on a trajectory taking it outwards, then detonate the nuke - NOT to destroy it but to nudge it off its path.

Do it Elon we want to see this.
Je ferais pas mal plus confiance à Bruce Willis qu'au gringalet à Elon.

Tu veux dire que les scientifiques ont magouillees le telescope...

Y'a un petit comique qui a plugger un accessport dans le telescope... pis paf, prochaine etape l'extinction des humains. Subaru ne va pas honorer la claim de garantie pour la terre. Void.