Joe Biden is now president: what does it mean for you?

Tu rie mais pratiquement ça.

Imagine avec defund the police et les diversity program.
Les polices serront encore de moin bonne qualité encore plus accident vont arrivé.

La responsabilité de désarmé le monde sera donné au police au final.

Sans parler le PR de ATF.

Faque la police n'existera plus parce qu'elle va s'être fait defunder mais elle va aussi désarmer les citoyens?
The most absurd thing about the gun grabbing is, say gun possession would suddenly become a federal offense, who the hell do you think would fill up the prisons for these crimes?

Millionaires like this dude:


or young African Americans who are lighting each other up like X-mas trees in democratic cities?

Some more great work by progressives that would send even more blacks in prisons.
Another quality for Trump.

now American are more ignorant what the commander in chief doing.


he love that power is being exercised behind closed doors away from scrutiny. Ignorance is bliss.
That's Incel speak for "They keep rejecting me and would rather fuck a cactus than me."

How orriginal.

Thel me how a duty who need force and violence like police officer benefit of female officer.
countless example of women police who cant restrain an average male they need weapon to do anything.
How orriginal.

Thel me how a duty who need force and violence like police officer benefit of female officer.
countless example of women police who cant restrain an average male they need weapon to do anything.
Explain to me why most the majority of police shootings are done by males if they are strong enough to subdue suspects?

Oh look! A manly male policeman in perfect physical shape not using weapons to tell an army officer to get out of his own vehicle:

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Le Trump’s thread et Biden’s thread sont des documents d’anthologie qui démontre à quelle point un humain comme KossaK peut être aussi arriéré dans sa manière de penser. C’est fou à quelle point un incel comme KossaK peut être aussi taré. On bid combien que KossaK est un célibataire endurci?
Votre opinion des femmes dans un bataillons ou dans les marines?

j ai hate que vous allumer et vous oublierr vos idiologie de 68ers
But if they're strong manly males why would they need to use their weapons to subdue suspects? I'm just pointing out the flaws in Kossak's "logic".
there are 400 million guns. every person has 1.2 guns on average. a 5 year old can put an end to your days if he wants to. what do you do? you pull out your gun before he pulls out his, regardless of who you are or who the other is. guns are in the constitution and people are too used to them by now. It's impossible to change that now. it will take 500 years to do so, with the strictest of regulations, and filling up the prisons (which will by the way end up in a racism outcry as it was pointed out, 100 will get imprisoned for every white person and in a shocking turn of events, it will be impossible to decide whether this invented racism is worse than actual guns)

but luckily for the democrat presidents, this debate is pointless. nothing can change. nothing will change. maybe, minor tweaks.. bump stock is illegal. so what. whoever wants to get one will get one, one way or another. Biden will give great pre-written speeches about guns because that's what his electors want to hear. sadly, that's as far as it will go. people will get riled up, etc etc, and next d president will start over and win votes because some will eat that pie over and over. In a strange twist of events, Trump might be the most anti-gun president in recent history as he passed a law in this sense whereas others have not.