006's revenge

Saw that yesterday. What were the odds of the drone capturing the cables as they failed? Crazy and sad. Iconic site.
Saw that yesterday. What were the odds of the drone capturing the cables as they failed? Crazy and sad. Iconic site.

was not the first failure, some cables broke a few weeks ago damaging beyond repair the installation. They knew the installation was doomed so they must have monitored the cable after.
I know, still drones don't have 24h batteries and it had to fail during daylight and good weather... Lucky catch.
Probably more they were monitoring tension in the cables and knew failure was imminent.
il servait encore en août, mais un cable a laché et a fait des domages irréparables, Après, c'était une question de temps avant la fin :(
de ce que j'ai lu ils sont suppose le remettre en fonction, mais peut etre pas avec le meme genre d'equipment