Economic Conditions / Situation Économique


Warning: applies primarily to USA?

"...The shale oil “miracle” is a bust. It was a fabulous stunt while it lasted. It lifted U.S. oil production from under five million barrels per day in 2008 to 13 million barrels per day in 2019, but it could never operate at a profit and the companies involved are quitting and going bankrupt. U.S. oil production is down two million barrels per day since March, and informed observers predict it will fall as low as six million in 2021—half what we produced in 2019.
Everybody knew the offshore oil boom of the us would only last a decade.

But more concerning is that Saudi Arabia lowered its output to zero to spike prices ,
Whether price jumps in Canada are merited or not because we get much from Alberta , they (oil companies) are still gonna use this excuse to screw us
Reste plus que la Chine perde le contrôle de son soleil et qu'on meurt tous. 2022 sera a la hauteur de 2021-20.
Don't worry guys.

I'm going to push the vegan thing, and then when everyone has converted, i'm going to remind them gasoline is an animal byproduct. Demand will plummet and we'll all drive hellcat powered whatevers for 10c/l
L'hydrogène c pas pour avant encore 10-15 ans...

L'hydrogene un coup que tu realise que pour avoir 1kw d'hydrogene sa prends 3kw d'électricité tu comprends assez vitte que sa va toujours rester un fail....

Plusieurs bons choix de voitures électriques sont sur le marché présentement et dans les quelques prochaines années il va y avoir un mechant boom...