What Razor do You Use to Shave Your Balls?

I use same blade for everything without washing it in between and I always end with the face, this way, when she kisses you she gets a good wiff of how they're gonna taste like in her mouth.
I read some reviews on manscaped. People seem to say it's fake advertisement. No different than any other trimmer.

Just looking for a good trimmer in general.
Un chum m'a enlevé le gout du manscaped quand il m'a dit s'etre fait l'équivalent de 4 paper cut sur le sack avec ca first use lol
sorry didn't want to pollute your super serious thread on this super serious off-topic section on this super serious web site... but yeah it was a stupid joke...
Sorry if my 3 word response offended you.

It is a legit question/thread tho.
Manscaped for about a year. It doesn't cut for real, does an ok job. The minus: Too narrow and it uses a plastic blade so they can keep selling you new ones every now and again.