Is this child abuse?

This is a lot like a religion. Some don't allow blood transfusions and they would rather die, which they do occasionally. Is that abuse?

There are documented cases of children dying because they were vegan, and Italy now has a law that says that you have to feed your own kids meat until age 4.

Ask yourself if you want a law telling people what they can or cannot feed their children or see malnourished children. Both are horrible in their own way.

I am a proponent of evolution. Any deviation that is unhealthy will end up as a genetic dead end sooner rather than later. Some will branch out and start their own theory and practice it. Maybe being vegan from birth is the way and we don't know it. But as a group we'll have that answer in a few generations. Fortunately not everyone will choose the same path and the race won't go extinct either way. But in time maybe we'll discover that we are stronger by following one of these new branches and then that becomes the new path, and the ones who will stick to the old school way will become the branched out people.
This is a lot like a religion. Some don't allow blood transfusions and they would rather die, which they do occasionally. Is that abuse?

There are documented cases of children dying because they were vegan, and Italy now has a law that says that you have to feed your own kids meat until age 4.

Ask yourself if you want a law telling people what they can or cannot feed their children or see malnourished children. Both are horrible in their own way.

I am a proponent of evolution. Any deviation that is unhealthy will end up as a genetic dead end sooner rather than later. Some will branch out and start their own theory and practice it. Maybe being vegan from birth is the way and we don't know it. But as a group we'll have that answer in a few generations. Fortunately not everyone will choose the same path and the race won't go extinct either way. But in time maybe we'll discover that we are stronger by following one of these new branches and then that becomes the new path, and the ones who will stick to the old school way will become the branched out people.
Somebody asked me once : do you believe in human instinct ? And I found it a bit weird...but I said, I think so. As in...if somebody attacks you, you defend yourself? And he said, kind of...
Then he said : give a 1 year old a rabbit and an apple. And I said...ok....
Do you think the kid will eat the rabbit and play with the apple ?
All this to say, that the answer to that question might be somewhere around this and a young , pure, not brainwashed kid...might answer better than us at this question.
Anyhow, it's an interesting debate...
Je vois pas le problem d'etre vegan,la fille a lair bien correct.

La mere a lair trash af

Отправлено с моего CLT-L04 через Tapatalk
was going to write this yesterday but wasn't too sure how relevant to the topic it actually was, in the end it come up to saying that one of our strengths as humans is our adaptability being physical/mental/socially/etc... so if I were to go with an "extreme" example and say that with time we could get used to eating only grass like the cows do, I mean a lot will die, get sick etc... and it would be a very long process and have it's own consequences, now in this particular example, I think we can all assume that none of the positive consequences that would arise from that are far too insignificant considering all the negative and loss of life to get there.

so obviously that's an exaggerated example and the context here is at a much less extreme, so it is much harder to asses the risks/negative consequences along the route/etc v.s. the positive consequences...

Edit: *even more how are we going to justify eating animals/plants when we'll get to a point where will be able to synthesize every possible nutrient/minerals/etc... within a pill or tasty artificial chocolate cake with the right molecules that you're body would absorb and use as it come from the actual plant/animals? Right now it's not the case, so hard to argue against eaiting meet and plants if you want to stay as healthy as possible, doesn't mean our body can't with many generations adapt and develop new defenses to stay healthy without meat, but don't bullshit me telling me that's the case now...
I do not agree with some things in that video, but some of you are way too extreme about this. Child abuse, probably not no.
Somebody asked me once : do you believe in human instinct ? And I found it a bit weird...but I said, I think so. As in...if somebody attacks you, you defend yourself? And he said, kind of...
Then he said : give a 1 year old a rabbit and an apple. And I said...ok....
Do you think the kid will eat the rabbit and play with the apple ?
All this to say, that the answer to that question might be somewhere around this and a young , pure, not brainwashed kid...might answer better than us at this question.
Anyhow, it's an interesting debate...

We are the product of many generations of not brainwashed people. The early humans living in caves were hard to brainwash simply because they were too dumb. Yet they were meat eaters and they discovered fire and noticed that combining the two gives something very high in nutrients and safe to eat (as opposed to raw meat). If they were all vegan back then, we'd probably all be vegan today. The strongest evolutionary path was through meat, no doubt about that. I can tell you right now I will never ever be vegetarian, let alone vegan. but that doesn't make all meat eaters right and all vegans wrong. the opposite also applies. Some people have higher tendencies towards meat than others. To each his own.

By the way your example is flawed. Sure the kid will pick the apple. Give the kid a choice between candy and kale, and the kid will pick the candy. By the same token one can draw the conclusion that human diet should not contain any vegetables, and should be 100% sugar based.
>ouvre le video.
>je vois les tattoo.
>comprend que son pere la violler.
>pas besoin de voire la suite.
>ferme le video.
Somebody asked me once : do you believe in human instinct ? And I found it a bit weird...but I said, I think so. As in...if somebody attacks you, you defend yourself? And he said, kind of...
Then he said : give a 1 year old a rabbit and an apple. And I said...ok....
Do you think the kid will eat the rabbit and play with the apple ?
All this to say, that the answer to that question might be somewhere around this and a young , pure, not brainwashed kid...might answer better than us at this question.
Anyhow, it's an interesting debate...

L'humain a appris, évolué, et transmet son savoir de génération en génération. Nous sommes une des espèces ou les enfants prennent le plus de temps à être autonome en raison de nos besoins complexes.

Si tu place un enfant d'un an seul avec un lapin et une pomme, il va mourir de faim. Quels animaux sont capable de survivre seulement avec la partie inné de leur cerveau et non le acquis? les verres de terres?

Il y a plein de race qui ont continué à manger des fruits et légumes seulement, regarde ou ils sont aujourd'hui.

Maintenant que l'humain est si évolué, il est capable de comprendre la nutrition et est aussi capable d'être végan sans avoir des carences. C'est clair que perdu seul dans le bois, tu ne survivrait pas en étant vegan, mais l'humain n'est plus rendu la. Le végannisme se fait principalement pour des raisons éthiques et écologiques. Je ne le suis pas, mais je n'ai aucun problème avec ça...
We are the product of many generations of not brainwashed people. The early humans living in caves were hard to brainwash simply because they were too dumb. Yet they were meat eaters and they discovered fire and noticed that combining the two gives something very high in nutrients and safe to eat (as opposed to raw meat). If they were all vegan back then, we'd probably all be vegan today. The strongest evolutionary path was through meat, no doubt about that. I can tell you right now I will never ever be vegetarian, let alone vegan. but that doesn't make all meat eaters right and all vegans wrong. the opposite also applies. Some people have higher tendencies towards meat than others. To each his own.

By the way your example is flawed. Sure the kid will pick the apple. Give the kid a choice between candy and kale, and the kid will pick the candy. By the same token one can draw the conclusion that human diet should not contain any vegetables, and should be 100% sugar based.

VERY debatable . Only way to survive in winter is meat. No choice of plants, vegetables, etc back then.
So your survival instinct kicks in. Normal.
No matter what region you pick back then...only animals were all over, so the only food all year around ; independent on where on planet Earth you were.
Pour ma part, c'est bien pire nourrir des enfants aux croquettes pis aux Kraft Dinner pis ça au Québec, c'est encore très commun. Mon ex travaillais dans une école pis des diners genre: 2 hot dogs dejà faits avec du ketchup dedans, c'était à tous les jours. Quelqu'un qui fait attention à la nutrition de son enfant et qui varie beaucoup, pourquoi pas? Perso je mange végé 95% du temps et je ferais pas nécessairement ça avec de jeunes enfants je voudrais les initier à tout.
VERY debatable . Only way to survive in winter is meat. No choice of plants, vegetables, etc back then.
So your survival instinct kicks in. Normal.
No matter what region you pick back then...only animals were all over, so the only food all year around ; independent on where on planet Earth you were.

You're right about winter and meat. But there are areas in the world where the temperature is always nice and it doesn't hold a larger percentage of vegetarians. Some animals are are vegetarians and they live throughout the year (e.g. cows). Cattle were domesticated 10,000 years ago in some warm areas, not in the cold ones. Also the primates eat meat every now and then, like birds and reptiles. But this could also be an evolutionary trait, and that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. If it is evolutionary, it's at least 10,000 years in the making. You can't bring back traits from 10,000 years ago overnight. It will take many generations and the current stomach is not the same as it was back then.
Sounds like you are about to go SJW on their ass

It deeply, deeply upsets me, rustles my jimmies and just outright pisses me off when a growing child is not given a freedom of choice of doing whatever the fuck they want.
This typically turns into either broken families, house escapes, criminal activities, or for the weaker/obeying ones broken rest of the life with a fucked mentality, which further affects surrounding kids, etc.
It gives me goose bumps.
Les gens outrés ici, vous me faites penser aux matantes qui viraient sur le top quand je leur disais que j'avais mangé des sushis pendant ma grossesse. Certaines femmes enceintes se bourrent littéralement la face de Mcdo à tous les jours et tout le monde trouve ça bin chill et même drôle, mais moi je mettais en danger la santé de mon bébé parce que j'avais mangé du saumon frais la veille. Un moment donné, il me semble que le point est d'utiliser son jugement et d'éviter les extrêmes. Dans la vidéo précédente, est-ce du child abuse ? Clairement pas, lol, j'ai de la misère à croire que c'était un vrai post. Est-ce que c'est l'idéal ? Probablement pas. Est-ce pire que de bouffer non stop de la junk avec ses kids ? Je pense que oui.
It deeply, deeply upsets me, rustles my jimmies and just outright pisses me off when a growing child is not given a freedom of choice of doing whatever the fuck they want.
This typically turns into either broken families, house escapes, criminal activities, or for the weaker/obeying ones broken rest of the life with a fucked mentality, which further affects surrounding kids, etc.
It gives me goose bumps.

Are you being srs with your comments in thread or just trolling?
Les gens outrés ici, vous me faites penser aux matantes qui viraient sur le top quand je leur disais que j'avais mangé des sushis pendant ma grossesse. Certaines femmes enceintes se bourrent littéralement la face de Mcdo à tous les jours et tout le monde trouve ça bin chill et même drôle, mais moi je mettais en danger la santé de mon bébé parce que j'avais mangé du saumon frais la veille. Un moment donné, il me semble que le point est d'utiliser son jugement et d'éviter les extrêmes. Dans la vidéo précédente, est-ce du child abuse ? Clairement pas, lol, j'ai de la misère à croire que c'était un vrai post. Est-ce que c'est l'idéal ? Probablement pas. Est-ce pire que de bouffer non stop de la junk avec ses kids ? Je pense que oui.

Moi je contrôle ça , junk food pas + que 1 fois par mois pour les enfants et la conjointe
You're right about winter and meat. But there are areas in the world where the temperature is always nice and it doesn't hold a larger percentage of vegetarians. Some animals are are vegetarians and they live throughout the year (e.g. cows). Cattle were domesticated 10,000 years ago in some warm areas, not in the cold ones. Also the primates eat meat every now and then, like birds and reptiles. But this could also be an evolutionary trait, and that's exactly the point I'm trying to make. If it is evolutionary, it's at least 10,000 years in the making. You can't bring back traits from 10,000 years ago overnight. It will take many generations and the current stomach is not the same as it was back then.

Let a cow in free all year around. And we'll talk next spring. This is getting out of control with so many variants and so and I don't feel like debating it.
Although I agree with you , that most probably if 80-90% of meat eaters would become suddenly vegetarians ( let alone vegan ) will probably develop some kind of illness on a short / long term. I'm not a just my logic saying it.
Je vois pas le problem d'etre vegan,la fille a lair bien correct.

La mere a lair trash af

Отправлено с моего CLT-L04 через Tapatalk

^^This et t'est modeste en disant qu'elle a l'air trash af ,
elle est plus que ça ….

Pauvre jeune fille, elle part avec 2 prises avec une mère comme ça !!!
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