MegaRide: Anjou Convoy

This morning, five convoys containing hundreds of vehicles departed the Montreal area and took part in the MegaRide. The route they took up north was approximately two and a half hours long and at the end the convoys entered Autodrome St-Eustache for the Mega Meet.

After being postponed by two weeks due to rain, the weather looked absolutely horrible for. All week the forecast called for rain throughout the day but unfortunately, there were no other available dates to book at the track for the rest of the year which meant that the ride had to go forward no matter what.

Although some convoys (Laval especially) departed amid a massive downpour, the rest of the afternoon was remarkably rain free! It permitted the track to open itself up for drag racing and make the event a success.

There were no lineups and no traffic jams this year – these had been a hallmark of the previous rides like the Ultra Ride. And opposed to ending up in a ski hill parking lot with no lunch and nothing to do, people ended up at Autodrome St-Eustache with food on sale and drag racing to watch.

We would like to thank all the participants and all the sponsors who made this event possible. We would especially like to thank the Mega Ride leaders for volunteering to make the ride a success.

Next year, we will have an event earlier in the year with rain dates booked as well. See you then!