According to an internal email obtained by the Journal de Montreal, police officers are required to hand out 160 tickets per month. That total is further broken down by type:
– 25 to pedestrians
– 24 to cyclists
– 25 for talking on cellphone of texting
– 25 at intersections
– 20 for speeding
– 40 for other miscellaneous infractions
A spokesperson for the SPVM denied to back in July that ticket quotas are used. We are awaiting a clarification on the matter.
The Police are vehemently opposed to using quotas but it’s the city of Montreal which imposes it on them. The union has asked public security minister Lise Thériault, to introduce legislation banning the use of quotas and also evaluating officers based on the number of tickets issued.
«Ça prend une loi pour obliger les villes à mettre les constats d’infraction au service de la sécurité routière plutôt qu’au service de la taxation du public», said Yves Francoeur, president of the Montreal police brotherhood.