Hit-And-Run: Claim Damages From The SAAQ

There exists a little-known law that permits drivers to claim damages from the SAAQ as a result of a hit-and-run accident.

Article 148 of the Loi sur l’assurance automobile permits the claim to be made provided the driver is not already insured via his or her automobile insurance policy.

The SAAQ told the Journal de Montreal that 558 claims of this nature were made in 2014.

Here are the requirements in order to be eligible compensation by the SAAQ:

–       The driver who caused the damage cannot be found

–       You’re not responsible for the accident

–       Your insurance policy doesn’t cover hit-and-run

–       The material damages are not covered by your policy

–       Your claim is presented within 60 days following the accident

–       No repairs were made before the SAAQ inspected the vehicle

–       The maximum payout is $10,000


Discussion: http://www.montrealracing.com/forums/showthread.php?886881-Delit-de-Fuite-Reclamation-SAAQ