Instagram Full Of People Complaining Their Cars Aren’t Good Enough For SEMA

Every year, the SEMA show has the tough decision to decide which cars from the general public they will allow on display around the convention centre. The public isn’t allowed inside the building but there is always a free show of the best of the best outside the building which I’ve always found to be a really cool part to the experience.

As the SEMA Show approaches, the applicants are informed if they’ve made the cut or not. Obviously, if you’ve put a ton of money into your ride, it’s a disappointment to be refused. That said, people must realize that there are only so many spaces available. SEMA is refunding the entrance fee to the refused applicants ($400).

Well some people obviously cannot grasp this concept. They’ve take to social media to vent against the SEMA Show with the hashtag #NotSemaWorthy. It’s a little bit over the top and they need to get over it because shows aren’t an exact science. There is always next year.
