I’ve wanted to try Uber for quite a while and recently had the opportunity to do so. After dropping off a vehicle which I test drove for a week, I needed a lift to a different manufacturer where I’d pick up another road test vehicle. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to give Uber a go.
I hadn’t even downloaded the app to my phone so I did that and fired it up. The interface was nice, user friendly and efficient. I entered my basic information and then the app asked me to scan my credit card using the camera. It just takes a photo of the card, saves it and boom, I was ready to order my first pickup just like that.
The GPS enters your current location as the pickup location and I specified my destination to get an estimate. It was $9-$11 and the ETA was 8 min for a driver to arrive. I hit order and then it gave me the name & photo of the driver, his make and model of car and a live map with his GPS coordinates so I could literally follow him as he drove to me.
I read the news on Twitter for a few minutes and then when I saw he was turning onto my street, I went outside and waited for him.
Our ride was only about 10 min and I chatted with the driver about how his end of the program works. As soon as he drops me off, the system marks him as available and he can chose another pickup. There are enough clients that he rarely waits. Another cool aspect is there because it’s done via credit card, there is no transaction to be done. There is no meter and you know what you’re going to pay ahead of time. When you get to the destination you simply say thanks and hop out.
One issue was that the driver was using a cellphone GPS to navigate. The phone was beside him on the cup holder and he was forced to look down every few minutes which I didn’t find safe at all. I suggested he get a holder so he could attach his phone to the dash.
All in all, I was amazed at how easy this was. In addition, this ride was likely much cheaper than it would have been had a called a taxi. There are still some legal hurdles that Uber will need to address but I can’t see the current model of centralized taxis surviving much longer. They are finished. The positive this is that most of them will probably just become Uber drivers.
BTW if you want to try Uber for the first time, they will give you $20 off with this promo code: dannyg2441ue