Député Libéral ayant aggressé une femme?

Danny devrait partir une commission d'enquête sur les agissement des usagers de MR envers les nouveau qui se font violer à chaque premier post.

Ensuite on le tablettera... puis le cercle vicieux recommencera

Walking, talking false rape allegation.

EDIT: Confirmed for fucking parasite.



Good luck with your cat herding goals of 2016


LEL look at all the kosher pansexual nonbinary genderfluid spoon-kin LGBTQWABBGASIE in this committee

Ca fait plusieurs fois que je repete ca mais la société est vraiiiiment rendu viré sur le top. Un bon menage genre cataclysme ou che pas quoi est de mise. Tidal wave, n importe quoi. Wtffffffffff kessé ca.

Walking, talking false rape allegation.

EDIT: Confirmed for fucking parasite.


Good luck with your cat herding goals of 2016


LEL look at all the kosher pansexual nonbinary genderfluid spoon-kin LGBTQWABBGASIE in this committee


Québec moderne = Putrescence
Ce sont ces femmes blanches et hommes homosexuels blancs qui viennent nous parler de racisme et de sexisme.
Les universités c est rendu des machines a folles. Ca fabriques des conasses qui se disent victime de tout, tout TOUT. Wtf is going omn.

If you were looking for a good woman to have a family with, there is absolutely zero added value for her to have gone to university. In most cases they'll just ensure that the girl comes out an indoctrinated leftist feminist
If you were looking for a good woman to have a family with, there is absolutely zero added value for her to have gone to university. In most cases they'll just ensure that the girl comes out an indoctrinated leftist feminist

Dont worry, ive had enough of crazy uncertain bitches. I chose wisely. For me. Me only. My sister is partly crazy justement a cause du brainwash des universités. Je te laisse deviner ce que les soupers de familles ont l'air...
Dont worry, ive had enough of crazy uncertain bitches. I chose wisely. For me. Me only. My sister is partly crazy justement a cause du brainwash des universités. Je te laisse deviner ce que les soupers de familles ont l'air...

I have a sister exactly the same way so I can relate.

What drives me nuts is that they got to her even though she was doing a non-bullshit heavy on math degree. Lens a lot of credence to the theory that women will adapt to conform to their environment
Walking, talking false rape allegation.

Due process works both ways.

Falsely accusing someone of rape before anything is known is exactly the same thing as dismissing an accusation outright because the chick is a young feminist and you just don't like her face.

You are not critical enough to carry the point you are trying to make in a way that cannot be argued. In other words your instant false accusations theory has as many holes in it than this girl's accusations about the liberal MP.

You twitch react to these things like young girls twitch react to anything they can call rape culture.

You are effectively on their level, except you're playing for the other team.

Two things are at play here :

1. Someone forcefully entered the dorm rooms at ULAVAL and allegedly did fucked up shit to some, and tried to do fucked up shit to others. Is this as serious as they make it seem? We will see, but it really happened, and it's fucked up. If you're gonna argue this, you're a damn moron.

2. In the wake of what happened, someone else came forward and accused a liberal MP or sexual assault. This is totally unrelated to the dorm room incident. We are still waiting to know who it was, and exactly what he did, so we can figure out if it was actual physical assault, verbal harassment, or nothing at all. These two different charges (harassment/assault) cross over regularly on social media, so it's tempting to doubt the assault, and I do doubt it, but even if the guy never touched her, he is still a dumbshit for not getting the memo that no means no and that becomes sexual harassment, which is still punishable even though that would make the chick who brought it up a reactionary little cunt for trying to transform insistent and unwanted flirting into full blown assault.

Now thanks to social media, looking at a chick the wrong way is considered rape these days, so the only way to be absolutely certain of what happened and have a clear view through the mediatic and twitter/facebook fog of shit is to sit on our asses and let the facts come out.

So you're emotionally jumping to conclusions, just like a woman.
La meilleure ami de la supposé victime (je dit pas ca mechament) d'un député liberal vient de passer a la radio (Dutrizac)... ca lair tres credible comme histoire
La meilleure ami de la supposé victime (je dit pas ca mechament) d'un député liberal vient de passer a la radio (Dutrizac)... ca lair tres credible comme histoire

Quelque chose s'est passé, reste à savoir la gravité pour voir si les accusations d'aggression sont crédibles, ou si ça va être "downgradé" à du harcèlement, ou si (improbable) les accusations sont complètement fausses et proviennent du fait que les jeunes féministes crient au viol pour absolument rien.