Guys im so lostt

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New member
*td*i got my student number for concordia.. i have no idea where to go when to go who to pay
i called they transfer me and transfer me and hang up .. my friends are lost

anyone know ?
independent student .. : (
you don't check your emails?

As you are likely aware, the university will no longer accept tuition fee payment by credit card as of August 31, 2009. (You have until friday)

We recognize that credit card payment was a very convenient way for many students to pay for their tuition and this change might pose some challenges for some students. However, we assure you that there are a number of options available to ensure that no student will be forced to abandon their studies due to this inconvenience.

These options include:

Online banking
Payment by mail
Telephone banking
Direct transfer of funds
Payment in person by cheque or bank card at the Birks Student Service Centre S-LB-185
Paying by the September 30th deadline is advisable, since there will be a $75 fee charged for late payment after that date. In most cases, however, the cost of the late fee and monthly interest rate is still significantly lower than the costs of carrying an outstanding balance on a credit card.

Many financial institutions also have student lines of credit with interest rates significantly lower than those charged on credit card which might be worth considering, and for your convenience, some will have representatives on campus you can talk to.

No student should consider dropping out of university due to the change in our credit card policy.
>>Many financial institutions also have student lines of credit with interest rates significantly lower than those charged on credit card

Bro I partied so hard at Coppola's I forgot how to go to school...

k your an idiot. first of all **** you .
second of all If i had a choice i would of stayed in school. You don't know my past , im trying to get my life togeter and make something out of it . If you have nothing good to say then its enough with your *blah*
i don't have a credit card. i gave it to my father to pay with his . i have to give him back the money

but on anthoner note look what i found

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