MR francophobe ???

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This is exactly why i get really pissed about these bullshit laws. If your language and culture isnt strong enough to be carried on without stupid ****in laws to make everyones lives more difficult then it deserves to be wiped out

and if you get rid of the language laws (which is what should happen), and your language and culture is strong, it will live and be carried on

the French need to stop bitching and crying.:cry: When you stop making the lives of the English hard with your bullshit language laws, they'll start treating you with respect.

This is coming from someone who is French BTW.

^this guy knows what hes talking about
moitier moitier?? j'espere que cé pas le cas avec tous les anglophones parceque sinon ya un mechant bunch d'attardé qui on gaspillé la moitié de leur temps d'étude parce qui parle **** all francais maintenant...

one class year?? you're crazy it's more like 1 classe every 10 years or so

i rest my case. you just proved my point
ta aucune idée de quoi tu parle, tu pense qu'on fais quoi a l'école, des chateau de cartes??

Il y a meme des cour d'anglais obligatoire au cegep man

J'ai ete au primaire et secondaire francais et je peux te dre que c'etais a chier les cours d'anglais, c'etais la meme chose de 1ere annee a sec 5, tellement que quand je suis arriver au cegep anglais, J'ai eu de la vraie misere a suivre mes cours au debut.

Ma cousine vas a l;ecole anglaise et elle aprend les adj. qualificatif ; structure etc..

Malgre que les cours d'anglais dans les ecole francaise aurais pu evoluer avec le temps, mais en 95 c'etais rien, il avais meme pas d'anglais enrichie.
c con! lol

on est une province franco/anglo avec le francais comme langue l'anglais va toujours passer en 2 eme
ceux qui ne comprennent pas le francais c'est just to bad parce que je parle les 2 mais ya personne qui va m'obliger a parler en anglais au Québec a cause de son manque d'éducation

avant d'etre dans une province tu es dans un pays anglais/francais ou l'anglais passe en premier.
Pourquoi, si t'es francophone, ( C'est pas du tout une attaque , la, c'est juste une question.) Tu t'exprimes à 100% en anglais ?
Avec tes parents à la maison, parles-tu français ou anglais ?

Je parle les deux a la maison...avec la famille (oncle, tantes, cousin etc) je parle 100% Francais. Mes deux parents sont de Sherbrooke et mont dernier nom est Desrochers...The reasons I write in english are:

#1. I dont have a french key board.
#2. I find it easier to write in English then in French. It comes easier to me due to the fact that I went to English school all my life.

But my heritage and culture is French du Quebec.
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ta aucune idée de quoi tu parle, tu pense qu'on fais quoi a l'école, des chateau de cartes??

Il y a meme des cour d'anglais obligatoire au cegep man

Yeah what did you learn in English class in a French school? The car is green, what color is the car? I have friends that went to French high schools, their French was was just a bit more advanced than what I did in French immersion in an English school and their English doesn't even come close.

One friend at Beaubois had a French teacher who spoke to them in French in English class! Not to mention you get in shit for getting caught speaking English (gotta punish them from a young age so they learn their role in this province). I wonder if I would have ever got in trouble for speaking French in my high school :dunno:.
I think mutual respect is needed:

French people need to stop making English people feel like second class citizens, and by stopping to force their ways on everyone it would enhance their position and culture and make English people appreciate the french instead of hate/dislike them...

English people should make as much effort as possible to read/write/talk both languages.

That being said, (LBPSB at least) English schools are terrible at teaching french.

Honestly this is 85% a GOVERNMENT problem like everything else it seems. I have French and English friends and we don't fight when my microwave is English and his PC is French.
i think all french people should translate their posts into english for stupid english people, and all english people should translate their posts into french for stupid french people.

i of course will sit back and do neither
Je parle les deux a la maison...avec la famille (oncle, tantes, cousin etc) je parle 100% Francais. Mes deux parents sont de Sherbrooke et mont dernier nom est Desrochers...The reasons I write in english are:

#1. I dont have a french key board.
#2. I find it easier to write in English then in French. It comes easier to me due to the fact that I went to English school all my life.

But my heritage and culture is French du Quebec.

^ ^ ^
A product of Pierre Elliot Trudeau, he is a citizen of the promised land ! :bigup:

I can speak and write the two as well, English is easier !
Why are you guys complaining that french people never take the time to learn english? We should be glad they don't, it gives us the upper hand when we go looking for a job. Who in their right mind would want to hire a unilingual person dealing with the public or dealing with other countries. I did my elementry in french, I hated it then but now I thank my parents for sending me there because I don't know what I'd do in Quebec if I didn't know french.
Mon nom de famille est Lavigne-Masse. Mes deux parents sont francophones et je parle français à la maison. Pourtant, mes parents ont cru bon que j'apprennes l'anglais dès la garderie. Mes premiers mots étaient en anglais. Je parle anglais avec mes amis anglophones et français avec mes amis francophones. De même quand je me rends dans un magasin, parle moi anglais, je te parlerai anglais. Parle moi français et je te parlerai en français.

La beauté d'avoir grandit dans les deux milieux linguistiques c'est que j'ai jamais eu connaissance de cette "rivalité". Je vie et je laisse vivre. Si l'affiche d'un restaurant est en anglais, et bien je la lis et je commande en anglais. Je voies pas pourquoi je serais offusqué d'être obliger de parler une autre langue!

Je comprends vraiment pas l'objectif de ces discussions.... Comme énoncé plus haut, le québec se dit capable d'être souvrain mais en même temps se doit d'imposer des lois pour garder sa dominance....
meme chose pour moi ^^^

jai jamais compris ou etait le mal a servire qqun en anglais ...
This is exactly why i get really pissed about these bullshit laws. If your language and culture isnt strong enough to be carried on without stupid ****in laws to make everyones lives more difficult then it deserves to be wiped out

and if you get rid of the language laws (which is what should happen), and your language and culture is strong, it will live and be carried on

the French need to stop bitching and crying.:cry: When you stop making the lives of the English hard with your bullshit language laws, they'll start treating you with respect.

This is coming from someone who is French BTW.

Well said. That company has had 2 complaints, the first time was from an ex-employee years ago and then 2nd which is why they came back is because a delivery driver came to the warehouse and they didn't serve him in French. And like I said earlier, they're all Indians in there that barely speak either language, I guess they should have mon ami instead of my friend when addressing him.
This guy speaks the truth ! ...LoL

[ame=]YouTube - The next craziest Quebec great prime minister ever !!![/ame]
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