My Rust review.


New member
So this game called Rust, apparently the result of minecraft and dayz having sex together, is in alpha right now.

When i saw it for the first time i thought it would have a lot of potential, but oh lawd surprised. There are 2 types of servers in the game that you can join so i'll describe to you my experience in each of them.

Official steam servers:

These servers are the standard ones offered by the devs, they have NO admins and are hacker paradises. But also, the size of these servers being so big creates an atmosphere of continuous chaos. The moment you hop in, you start hearing massive gun fights near you, and everyone is killing everyone on sight. You absolutely have no chance to hide, farm or even make a small shelter without getting shot in the process. These servers are massive clusterfucks filled with trolls, hackers and dupers, good luck staying there for more than an hour. What's even worse, is that you see full-kevlar/armed-to-the-teeth dudes just hunting for naked newbs to kill "for fun". The whole point of the game in these servers is to find a gun through friends or hacking/duping, and start hunting for new guys as it's apparently cool to do so. Have you seen the movie "The purge" ? Well it's pretty much this, except that it lasts for ever.


I have a lot of mixed impressions about these servers, it's mostly groups of people/gaming communities/forums hosting their own servers with their own admins and rules. Some are really fun to play on, and i would advise anyone buying the game to skip the official servers and to start hunting for good community servers. The downside though, is that admins have way too much power, and can easily abuse it when things don't go their way. In some servers i've played on, just the fact that you kill an admin's friend or farm a specific ressource node that the admin or his crew want, will net you an insta-ban. Some other times, the admins will start duping a fuckton of equipment, ammo and C4 for their crew so they can always be ready to raid other people on the server at will. Again, not every server has these problems, some got really good admins, it will take you hours of research to find a good niche server with nice admins and a good community to play on.

Hacking: It's a major problem in rust, and you'll have to deal with countless of deaths due to them, aka wall hackers busting into your shelter, killing you, destroying your sleeping bag and stealing all your stuff. Some servers with active admins have a lot less hacking problems so again, it's all about the server you play on.

Listen here, i know it's a survival game, but there's a difference at survival and being an instant dickhead killing noobs who have NOTHING on sight. In many servers it's literally impossible to start out or settle a simple camp fire because the admin and his buddies are hunting for fresh meat, or it's an official server full of trolls. It litterally takes one dickhead with a pickaxe to make you go back to square 1 and start everything over. It's that frustrating. Also, i'm aware that this game is just an Alpha build, but that doesn't justify having sub-par anti-cheat systems that even the most poverty free-to-play publisher can provide, especially when the game maker the game is making 20 bucks a pop for an alpha game. So with all that money made, i'm expecting some efforts to be deployed to at least correct the hacking issues.

Does this game have potential ? Yes it does. Do it deliver right now ? Absolutely not. Should you be buying this game ? It's really up to you, but if you're looking for a real survival experience, Day Z Standalone should do the trick.

I like the first part about hacking and kill on sight. Me gusta

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I have no idea what this game is, but this review sure does make it sound/look like shit so I will never buy !

Thanks for the heads up !
Reviewing a game in Alpha and sort of shitting on it is pointless imo.

If you buy a game thats in Alpha or Beta you should expect problems, hacking, server issues, features and functions not implemented yet. You are playing the game to help the devs build the game using the communities preferences.

IMHO it will make Day-Z obsolete when it fully launches. Games like Gary's Mod are super popular and still to this day have a huge community.

The problem is not the alpha itself, it's the poverty game guard that Valve uses. It DETECTS hackers but takes upwards 3-4 months to ban them, so this kinda gives the green light to any moron to download the hacks and start trolling endlessly.

List of possible fixes that could make the game infinitely better:

1) Proper anti-cheat system, seriously, even the retards at gamersfirst hosting half-assed pay-to-win games can pull it off quite nicely, so i'm expecting mr.garry who has entire communities working on the game + making a shit load of money off an alpha build to do some effort on this, if it was a free alpha test i would understand, but he's making a crap ton of profit off of this so i just hope he's not blowing it all up on hookers and booze like the APB devs did.

2) Remove the rights of admins to spawn/dupe items at will, it's really fucking annoying to raid a house and find the guy has crates full of C4 given by his admin friends.

3) Give a penalty for killing naked dudes with no registered shelter, let's give the guys a chance to settle first before trying to go hunger games mode on them. It just pushes people to ragequit the game and it will never beat Dayz if we encourage this type of behavior.

4) Make sleeper an option but not the norm, losing all your shit while sleeping in a house as you're not online is quite stupid, this just discourages the whole basis of PvP and people just start hunting for houses with their offline owner.

5) Make bows/basic weapons more easy to make, when you're on a chaotic server you don't have time to farm all these ressources just to make a 9mm pistol, this shouldn't take an eternity to make.

I understand your point though, and i'm willing to be patient with garry so he can make the proper fixes to the game. I also think that when this game goes past the beta test level, it will kick the ass of Day Z, there's no question about it.
jvien de l'acheter sur steam .. bin hate de voir ca .. day z jlavais eisseillé et marcher 4 heure sans RIEN voire .. c'est un peu dole
cest cool .. jai trouvé une maison .. fait un feu
jsuis en train de starver a mort

Don't use fires outside at night, craft a weapon ASAP because it won't be long until you need it, and make sure you take the strict necessary before leaving the house, no need to carry a shit load of ammo and loot on you. Also stay away from roads, trust me on that one lol.
ajoute moi mdmitch87

Workbench is designed to make specialized tools and weapons, make it asap bruh so you can make a metal door for your house.

Btw left community servers due to faggot admins, now on official servers without any admins, feelsgreatman.jpg since they fixed the hacking srs.
Lol new hack involving mass killings out so game is unplayable again. Garry is in that Steam party event in Seattle so nothing is gonna get fixed before next week.

Fuking great.