Tolerance Zero 21 ans et moins, la lois est passée

I got almost killed 5 years ago by a taxi driver that was talking on the cellphone and I was against the cellphone law before they wanted to pass it. Changing your whole idea about a subject just because it affected your little person is simply selfish.
La raison pourquoi ils s'attaquent tout le temps aux jeunes c'est parce que les jeunes sont trop caves pour voter comme il faut.

nan, c'est parce que les baby boomer ont été plus intelligents que leur parents

ils ont fait moins d'enfants pour être sure que on pourra pas les tassé quand on est devenu majeurs
ouin, y savent pu trop quoi inventer, le monde suivent de plus en plus les lois, les gens conduisent plus lentement que jamais, l'argent rentre plus dans les coffres et on rajoute des lois pour pouvoir les re-remplirs et tu vois du monde qui normalement ce font jamais arreter qui mange des tickets pour les 15km/h plus haut que la limite, ils n'ont plus les conducteurs rapides qui trainent sur les routes, une bonne preuve es durant les deux derniers mois vers la fin du mois(surtout janvier/fevrier de cette anner) tu peux voir jusqu'a 10 policiers a different endroit qui font du radar en fesant un trajet de 50km(St-Anne-de-Bellevue/Salaberry-de-Valleyfield) et j'ai aussi demander a un policier s'ils avaient vraiment un quota et il m'a repondu et je cite; "Nos patrons n'admettrons jamais qu'il y a effectivement un quota mais lorsque le niveau es bas on as des pressions de la part de nos patrons de produire plus de contravention".

J'ai hate que le monde fasse 2+2=4 et que ca change..
This is so true, People are driving much much slower.

I notice it in 50 zones, and 40 zones. On the highway you also see many more people doing 90 and less. It's frankly dangerous. You are doing 110 and the person in front of you is going 80km/h in the left lane. That's a significant difference of speed.

Be careful out there, it's a big society of cunts.
This law won't really affect me (Cuz I'm 25) but its total bullshit! Don't the people affected by this law get to have their say or at the least get to vote against it? These gov't fags just keep on imposing shit on people for their own selfish desires.
This law won't really affect me (Cuz I'm 25) but its total bullshit! Don't the people affected by this law get to have their say or at the least get to vote against it? These gov't fags just keep on imposing shit on people for their own selfish desires.

They do get to vote against it in the elections, but 18-20 year olds have like a 5% voter turn out. If 90% of 18-25 year old went to vote, we would have a tremendous amount of influence.
GOOD OL QC!!!! U gotta love the"we do anything for a dollar" mentaliy!!!

It won't change fuck all. People that drive fucking smashed will continue to do so!!! and they will continue to crash into things!!!

I can't wait to move out of this fucking hell hole u guys call a province!!!! The qc gov is so fucking ignorant it pisses me off.........seriously why not just put out a curfew for everyone too!!!
GOOD OL QC!!!! U gotta love the"we do anything for a dollar" mentaliy!!!

It won't change fuck all. People that drive fucking smashed will continue to do so!!! and they will continue to crash into things!!!

I can't wait to move out of this fucking hell hole u guys call a province!!!! The qc gov is so fucking ignorant it pisses me off.........seriously why not just put out a curfew for everyone too!!!

I think that's called marshall law, and don't worry about it they're working on it.
GOOD OL QC!!!! U gotta love the"we do anything for a dollar" mentaliy!!!

It won't change fuck all. People that drive fucking smashed will continue to do so!!! and they will continue to crash into things!!!

I can't wait to move out of this fucking hell hole u guys call a province!!!! The qc gov is so fucking ignorant it pisses me off.........seriously why not just put out a curfew for everyone too!!!

I'm with this guy.