TSA Molests Toddler in Wheelchair


New member
A toddler in a wheelchair is stopped by the TSA at ORD (O'Hare Airport in Chicago) and forced to into a sequestered area. On his way to a family vacation in Disney, this 3 year old boy is in a body cast for a broken leg. Despite assurances from his father that "everything is ok", he is physically trembling with fear while he watches his two siblings, mother, father, grandfather and grandmother pass through along with everyone else...only to be singled out.

He simply does not understand what is happening and why.

I couldn't even watch the whole video.

I was beside myself in anger. This is le bout de bout.

What the hell is wrong with the fucking father? He thanks the TSA agent? It's like thanking someone for rapping your kid.
I think for once I've got to disagree with you odman, I think the kid wouldv'e been more traumatized had the father gotten arrested. Don't forget that as seen on the video they have other kids too that they have to think about. You won't see me react badly (anymore) when my daughter is around. I've done it in the past and regretted it and had to explain to her what happened, so no.
^Mad I didn't come to your meet? Did you watch the video? You'd put your kid through that?

lol ya! :D

Seriously, though, lord_galathon and I are on the same page for this one. Would you rather complain and get arrested in front of your kid? They are still going to fondle him. The only difference is that you will get arrested and nobody goes to Disney.

The father made the mature decision here and avoided confrontation in order to bring his family on vacation.
lol ya! :D

Seriously, though, lord_galathon and I are on the same page for this one. Would you rather complain and get arrested in front of your kid? They are still going to fondle him. The only difference is that you will get arrested and nobody goes to Disney.

The father made the mature decision here and avoided confrontation in order to bring his family on vacation.

Well not exactly, I don't think I'd give a shit about Disney, but not having my kid traumatized is more important than making a point.
Well not exactly, I don't think I'd give a shit about Disney, but not having my kid traumatized is more important than making a point.

Still, I don't see how it would 'make a point' if you complain. They will still proceed according to protocol. They will simply remove you from the airport.

Also, I'm sure that the family made travel arrangements, paid their tickets and reserved hotels, and just want to have a good time. No need for superdad to the rescue.
A toddler in a wheelchair is stopped by the TSA at ORD (O'Hare Airport in Chicago) and forced to into a sequestered area. On his way to a family vacation in Disney, this 3 year old boy is in a body cast for a broken leg. Despite assurances from his father that "everything is ok", he is physically trembling with fear while he watches his two siblings, mother, father, grandfather and grandmother pass through along with everyone else...only to be singled out.

He simply does not understand what is happening and why.

jai fait la meme chose quand je travaillai a dorval

ta pas le choix tes toujours sourveiller si tu le fouille pas il vont capoter bridge de securiter toute la pattente.

le truck tu fait comme le gars du video tu parle avec le jeunne tu regarde sont seige une tit tape dans dos
tes clean mon grand.

swap ton petit coton.

le Test chimique (DTE) sur le siege.
toute les chaise roulente le test DTE est fait.

si vous avez prie lavion et le TSA a passer un conton sur vos bagege pour detecter des particul chimique qui peux etre utuliser pour des explosive.

jen est fouiller souvent du monde en chaise roulente des enfants comme des adulte andicaper.
souvent les mailleur passager il ce prend pas pour des petite princess

dans video Il fouille plus la chaise que le petit bonhomme.
le TSA il est pas con il le sait que Il a rien. cest rien un pauvre petit en chaise roullente.

meme je sais pas pourquoi vous ennerver.
lhomme qui fait la fouille est tres professionnel et il essait le moin possible derenger lenfants.

penser vous etre a la place de lhomme qui fait la fouille.
Ta un gamin dans une chaise roulente derniere chose tu veux lui fair cest le derenger ou le tromatiser.

et en arriere ta 2 3 perssonne qui chec si tu fait bien ta fouille.

tu essai fair le plus tu peux sans fair ton trou cull.

Pire job du monde etre TSA. tes payer pour etre un chien salle.
I couldn't even watch the whole video.

I was beside myself in anger. This is le bout de bout.

What the hell is wrong with the fucking father? He thanks the TSA agent? It's like thanking someone for rapping your kid.

that's why we need open carry in airports and planes
Seriously, why is everyone on MR a superhero?

If a gangster tries to mug you, you'll tae kwon do their asses down.

If a TSA agent tries to search you, you will bitch at them until they back down.

Who are all these amazingly strong/smart/superawesome people? I want you all to sign my ass.
Sacremaent t'aicries bhian.

serrieusement tageulle
on parle pas quand on sait pas

et wow tu est vraiment orriginal: Lol Teccrie mall

force toi a lire!
aulieux chialler pas dure.

pence bien fin insulter le monde

Si aurrai meme problem que moi tu ecrirai paraille

messieux m3 qui prend pour un artist.
I couldn't even watch the whole video.

I was beside myself in anger. This is le bout de bout.

What the hell is wrong with the fucking father? He thanks the TSA agent? It's like thanking someone for rapping your kid.

He was fuming but he was thanking the TSA and acting nice and calm so his kid didn't freak out