Israel vs Hamas: Deadly Theater (Thread About the On Going WAR)

Quelle sont tes connaisances sur le conflit actuel?
Tu vois moi il m'arrive d'ouvrir des livres et les finir en quelques jours. ''Le dereglement du monde'' d'Amin Maalouf ou encore ''Les intellectuels faussaires'' de Pascal Boniface tu dois pas connaitre. La guerre de 73 tu t'es sûrement pas documenté dessus, moi si. Ce conflit ne doit pas avoir une signification particulière pour toi, pour moi si car Israel représente le règne de l'oppression sur terre.
En exlusivité, le recit de la bataille de la fin du monde entre musulmans et le monde blanc, considerés comme ''Romains''.

La bataille, entre eux, durera trois jours et provoquera de lourdes pertes de part et d’autre jusqu’à ce qu’au quatrième jour, les survivants de l’armée musulmane vainquent les forces occidentales et poursuivent leur route pour aller conquérir Istanboul. Tandis que les soldats seront en train de piller la ville, une fausse rumeur leur parviendra à l’effet que le faux messie est arrivé. Ils repartiront alors pour la Syrie. Mais le temps qu’ils arrivent à Damas, où le Mahdi les aidera à se préparer pour une guerre contre le faux messie, ce dernier apparaîtra pour de bon.

Le faux messie ne restera que 40 jours parmi les gens, mais ces 40 jours seront très particuliers. Le premier jour durera toute une année; le deuxième, tout un mois et le troisième, toute une semaine, tandis que les 37 autres jours seront des jours normaux. C’est probablement au cours de ces 37 derniers jours que Jésus reviendra sur terre, car c’est lui qui tuera le faux messie, peu après son arrivée.

Le faux messie apparaîtra à l’Est, entre la Syrie et l’Irak, et sa venue provoquera des tribulations de toutes sortes, de même que de nombreuses injustices. Il parcourra rapidement de grandes distances, comme un nuage poussé par le vent, visitant peuple après peuple. Il invitera les gens à le suivre, rétribuant ceux qui répondront à son appel et s’assurant de leur fidélité en ordonnant à la pluie de tomber, ce qui rendra fertiles leurs terres. Ceux qui refuseront de croire en lui souffriront, de leur côté, de sécheresses, de famines et de perte de biens. Partout où il ira, il appellera à lui les trésors du pays, qui viendront en sa direction tels des essaims d’abeilles. Puis, il tuera un homme s’opposant à lui en le coupant en deux de la tête aux pieds, puis le ressuscitera.
Le retour de Jésus et la mort du faux messie

Ainsi, le faux messie recevra des pouvoirs qui lui permettront d’égarer les gens, et nombreux sont ceux qui le suivront. Certains hadiths affirment que de nombreux juifs le prendront pour le véritable messie, car il se présentera au monde comme un envoyé de Dieu. Mais peu après, il prétendra posséder lui-même des pouvoirs divins, et finira même par prétendre être nul autre que Dieu. Il conquerra une grande partie du monde et s’opposera au Mahdi, à Damas; c’est à ce moment que Jésus, le véritable messie, reviendra sur terre.

« Dieu enverra le Messie, fils de Marie, qui descendra sur le minaret blanc, du côté est de Damas. Il portera deux vêtements, légèrement safranés, et se tiendra sur les ailes de deux anges. Lorsqu’il penchera la tête, des perles de transpiration en tomberont; et lorsqu’il la relèvera, des perles de transpiration voleront autour. Tout mécréant qui sentira son odeur mourra; et son souffle portera aussi loin que portera sa vue. » (Sahih Mouslim)

Dans un autre hadith, le Prophète dit, au sujet du moment où Jésus reviendra :

« Le moment de la prière arrivera et à cet instant, Jésus, fils de Marie, effectuera son retour et mènera les croyants en prière. Lorsqu’ils l’apercevront, les ennemis de Dieu commenceront à se dissoudre comme le sel se dissout dans l’eau. » (Sahih Mouslim)

Le premier hadith continue en affirmant que les deux se rencontreront à Lydda:

« Il (Jésus) poursuivra le faux messie jusqu’à ce qu’il le rattrape aux portes de Lydda. Et alors, il le tuera. » (Sahih Mouslim)

Jésus utilisera une épée guidée par Dieu pour tuer le faux messie, triomphant ainsi des forces du mal.

« Puis, un peuple que Dieu aura protégé viendra vers Jésus, fils de Marie; celui-ci passera sa main sur leurs visages et informera chacun de son rang au Paradis. » (Sahih Mouslim)

Cela ne signifie pas que Jésus prononcera leur jugement du Jour Dernier; il ne fera que partager avec eux les informations qui lui auront été transmises par Dieu. Ces gens ne feront pas partie des élus de « l’enlèvement » chrétien, mais seront les survivants de l’agitation et des tribulations causées par le faux messie et par le retour du véritable messie. Et ce n’est là que le premier épisode de la vie de Jésus, lorsqu’il reviendra parmi nous.
C'est lors de ces beaux moments d'humanité que j'admire le pathétisme de la religion. J'ai un peu de pitié pour les palestiniens puisqu'ils vivent dans l'ignorance et la manipulation, là ou j'en perds mes mots ... c'est envers l'Israel. Comment un peuple instruit avec un indice de développement humain digne d'une société avancée, peut se résoudre à une stupidité commune si prononcée.

Et c'est pour cette raison que je blâme l'Israel.

Est-ce que tu réalises qu'au moment où tu sorts la carte de l'antisémitisme, ta crédibilité tombe catastrophiquement ?

do you realise that in regards to my comments especially the 1 you quoted you have no idea what ur talking about .
Complete genocide and extermination. The charter of Hamas calls for the death of ALL jews everywhere, not just israelis, this is a fact. Before you argue, read their charter, watch their television.

You can say thats what the Israelis are doing even though there is a monumental amount of evidence to the contrary. But we can pretend for this hypothetical scenario that the Israelis are commiting genocide, Hamas would waste 64 years doing it. It would happen as fast as they could possibly do it.In Sudan with rudementary weapons it didnt take them too long to kill 1,000,000 people for a similar extremist Islamic cause of extermination. An extermination which Hamas supported FYI

yes yes and yes . this is exactly what i was saying , cept you disagreed with me and now just proved my point
You do know that Gaza also borders Egypt on one side, right? So why do you only blame Israel for "cutting them off from the rest of the world"?

If the mohawks decided to start shooting rockets into Quebec, would you support firing back or should we take it because we stole their land? (And btw that was real stealing, not like the fact that jews who already lived there decided to group into a country)

cept that isnt exactly how it happened
Tu vois moi il m'arrive d'ouvrir des livres et les finir en quelques jours. ''Le dereglement du monde'' d'Amin Maalouf ou encore ''Les intellectuels faussaires'' de Pascal Boniface tu dois pas connaitre. La guerre de 73 tu t'es sûrement pas documenté dessus, moi si. Ce conflit ne doit pas avoir une signification particulière pour toi, pour moi si car Israel représente le règne de l'oppression sur terre.

parle nous en au lieu de faire ton intellectuel de salon.

on n'apprend pas des truc pour faire sont intéressent et descendre les autre.

on apprend des truck pour les partager

si tu a bien compris ce que tu as lut tu peu nous expliquée.

p.s La guerre de 73 je connais

et si tu veux rire regarde les bye bye des anne 70.

tu va rire comment les enjeux sont samblable a aujourduit.

bouffe coute cher le gaz coute cher.

problem au moyen orient.
anti palestine
anti israel.

dominique michel.
C'est lors de ces beaux moments d'humanité que j'admire le pathétisme de la religion. J'ai un peu de pitié pour les palestiniens puisqu'ils vivent dans l'ignorance et la manipulation, là ou j'en perds mes mots ... c'est envers l'Israel. Comment un peuple instruit avec un indice de développement humain digne d'une société avancée, peut se résoudre à une stupidité commune si prononcée.

Et c'est pour cette raison que je blâme l'Israel.

Est-ce que tu réalises qu'au moment où tu sorts la carte de l'antisémitisme, ta crédibilité tombe catastrophiquement ?

He was kidding.

Awful and no excuse, but Israel invented political assasinations at home or abroad. So it's not like they haven't done similar aprt from tying the corpse to the bike lol

That is a ridiculous statement in everyway but the first 4 words.

If Quebec took half the mohawk's land and bombed them with White Phosphorous, set up black sites to torture kids/adults/women, used cluster bombs and evicted people to form settlements, trust that it'd be more than rockets that the Mohawk would launch at us. Remember Oka?

Please Bertro. Israel is as much at fault at Hamas. Both are using their population as pons.

Provide proof that Israel is the same to its population as Hamas. The entails, finding proof of Human Shielding and inerior Political assassination and mutilation.

Hamas Shouldn’t Fire Rockets … But Israel Has Violated HUNDREDS of UN Resolutions

Washington’s Blog
Nov 20, 2012

We condemn Hamas for firing rockets into Israel. We believe that targeting civilians is unconscionable, and is a war crime.

But by any objectives measure, Israel has broken the law much more than Hamas. Haaretz noted in 2002:

Israel holds the record for ignoring United Nations Security Council resolutions, according to a study by San Francisco University political science professor Steven Zunes.


[Zunes] systematically went through all the states given instructions by the security council to find out how common a phenomenon it was. His results were somewhat surprising: “Some of the countries are considered and are known to be friendly to the U.S.,” he told Ha’aretz yesterday. “In the vast majority of cases I examined, the governments violating UN Security Council resolutions are countries that receive significant military, diplomatic and financial aid from the U.S.”

Israel leads the list. Since 1968, Israel has violated 32 resolutions that included condemnation or criticism of the governments’ policies and actions. Turkey is in second place, with 24 violations since 1974, and Morocco is third with 17 resolutions it ignored.


Zunes specifically avoided counting resolutions that are vague or unclear so that governments could claim different interpretations to the meaning of the resolutions. Thus, the famous UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338 are not included in his study. He also did not count resolutions that only included condemnations. Instead, he focused on those that included specific calls for changes in the subject governments’ policies.

The resolutions Israel violated were either about its annexation of East Jerusalem or settlements in the territories. Israel also ignored UN Security Council resolutions that called for Israel to cease using harsh measures against the Palestinian population and to cease expelling Palestinians.

Pulitzer prize winning journalist Chris Hedges points out that Israel has broken nearly a hundred UN Security Council resolutions regarding Gaza alone:

The continued presence of Israeli occupation forces defies nearly a hundred U.N. Security Council resolutions calling for them to withdraw. The Israeli blockade of Gaza, established in June 2007, is a brutal form of collective punishment that violates Article 33 of the Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention, which set up rules for the “Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.”

Here is a brief sampling of UN Security Council resolutions against Israel:

Resolution 106: The Palestine Question (29 Mar 1955) ‘condemns’ Israel for Gaza raid

Resolution 111: The Palestine Question (January 19, 1956) ” … ‘condemns’ Israel for raid on Syria that killed fifty-six people”

Resolution 127: The Palestine Question (January 22, 1958) ” … ‘recommends’ Israel suspends its ‘no-man’s zone’ in Jerusalem”.

Resolution 162: The Palestine Question (April 11, 1961) ” … ‘urges’ Israel to comply with UN decisions”

Resolution 171: The Palestine Question (April 9, 1962) ” … determines flagrant violations’ by Israel in its attack on Syria”

Resolution 228: The Palestine Question (November 25, 1966) ” … ‘censures’ Israel for its attack onSamu in the West Bank, then under Jordanian control”

Resolution 237: Six Day War June 14, 1967) ” … ‘urges’ Israel to allow return of new 1967 Palestinian refugees”. and called on Israel to ensure the safety and welfare of inhabitants of areas where fighting had taken place

Resolution 248: (March 24, 1968) ” … ‘condemns’ Israel for its massive attack on Karameh in Jordan”

Resolution 256: (August 16) ” … ‘condemns’ Israeli raids on Jordan as ‘flagrant violation”

Resolution 258: (September 18) … expressed ‘concern’ with the welfare of the inhabitants of theIsraeli-occupied territories, and requested a special representative to be sent to report on the implementation of Resolution 237, and that Israel cooperate

Resolution 259: (September 27) ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to accept UN mission to probe occupation”

Resolution 262: (December 31) ” … ‘condemns’ Israel for attack on Beirut airport“

Resolution 265: (April 1, 1969) ” … ‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on Salt“

Resolution 270: (August 26) ” … ‘condemns’ Israel for air attacks on villages in southern Lebanon”

Resolution 279: (May 12, 1970) “Demands the immediate withdrawal of all Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory”

Resolution 280: (May 19) ” … ‘condemns’ Israeli’s attacks against Lebanon”

Resolution 285: (September 5) ” … ‘demands’ immediate Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon”

Resolution 298: (September 25, 1971) ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s changing of the status of Jerusalem”

Resolution 316: (June 26) ” … ‘condemns’ Israel for repeated attacks on Lebanon”

Resolution 317: (July 21) ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to release Arabs abducted in Lebanon”

Resolution 332: (April 21) ” … ‘condemns’ Israel’s repeated attacks against Lebanon”

Resolution 337: (August 15) ” … ‘condemns’ Israel for violating Lebanon’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the forcible diversion and seizure of a Lebanese airliner from Lebanon’s air space”

Resolution 347: (April 24)” … ‘condemns’ Israeli attacks on Lebanon”

Resolution 444: ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s lack of cooperation with UN peacekeeping forces”

Resolution 446 (1979): ‘determines’ that Israeli settlements are a ‘serious obstruction’ to peace and calls on Israel to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention”

Resolution 450: ” … ‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacking Lebanon”.

Resolution 452: ” … ‘calls’ on Israel to cease building settlements in occupied territories”

Resolution 465: ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s settlements and asks all member states not to assist Israel’s settlements program”

Resolution 467: ” … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s military intervention in Lebanon”

Resolution 468: ” … ‘calls’ on Israel to rescind illegal expulsions of two Palestinian mayors and a judge and to facilitate their return”

Resolution 469: ” … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s failure to observe the council’s order not to deport Palestinians”

Resolution 471: ” … ‘expresses deep concern’ at Israel’s failure to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention”

Resolution 478 (20 August 1980): ‘censures (Israel) in the strongest terms’ for its claim to Jerusalemin its ‘Basic Law’

Resolution 487: ” … ‘strongly condemns’ Israel for its attack on Iraq’s nuclear facility”

Resolution 497 (17 December 1981), decides that Israel’s annexation of Syria’s Golan Heights is ‘null and void’ and demands that Israel rescinds its decision forthwith

Resolution 501: ” … ‘calls’ on Israel to stop attacks against Lebanon and withdraw its troops”.Resolution 515: ” … ‘demands’ that Israel lift its siege of Beirut and allow food supplies to be brought in”

Resolution 516, demanded an immediate cessation of military activities in Lebanon, noting violations of the cease-fire in Beirut

Resolution 517: ” … ‘censures’ Israel for failing to obey UN resolutions and demands that Israel withdraw its forces from Lebanon”.

Resolution 520: ” … ‘condemns’ Israel’s attack into West Beirut”.

Resolution 573: ” … ‘condemns’ Israel ‘vigorously’ for bombing Tunisia in attack on PLO headquarters

Resolution 592: ” … ‘strongly deplores’ the killing of Palestinian students at Birzeit University by Israeli troops”

Resolution 605: ” … ‘strongly deplores’ Israel’s policies and practices denying the human rights of Palestinians

Resolution 607: ” … ‘calls’ on Israel not to deport Palestinians and strongly requests it to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention

Resolution 608: ” … ‘deeply regrets’ that Israel has defied the United Nations and deported Palestinian civilians”

Resolution 611: “… condemned Israel’s assassination of Khalil al-Wazir as a ‘flagrant violation of theCharter

Resolution 636: ” … ‘deeply regrets’ Israeli deportation of Palestinian civilians

Resolution 641 (30 Aug 1989): ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s continuing deportation of Palestinians

Resolution 672 (12 Oct 1990): ” … ‘condemns’ Israel for “violence against Palestinians” at the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount

Resolution 673 (24 Oct 1990): ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s refusal to cooperate with the United Nations

Resolution 681 (20 Dec 1990): ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s resumption of the deportation of Palestinians

Resolution 694 (24 May 1991): ” … ‘deplores’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians and calls on it to ensure their safe and immediate return

Resolution 726 (06 Jan 1992): ” … ‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of Palestinians

Resolution 799 (18 Dec 1992): “. . . ‘strongly condemns’ Israel’s deportation of 413 Palestinians and calls for their immediate return

Resolution 904 (18 Mar 1994): Cave of the Patriarchs massacre

Resolution 1322 (07 Oct 2000) deplored Ariel Sharon‘s visit to the Temple Mount and the violence that followed

Resolution 1435 (24 Sep 2002) demanded an end to Israeli measures in and around Ramallah, and an Israeli withdrawal to positions held before September 2000

The war crimes are ongoing.

Note: We have not been able to find a single UN resolution against Palestine.

Israel Violates the resolution because there are 57 Islamic Dictatorships pushing forward for these resolutions.

There are more resolutions against Israel than, Sudan, Guatemala, Pakistan, Cambodia, Rwanda, Congo, Syria. Notable mention to Saudi Saudi Arabia and Qatar, combined over recent combined History, i hate to make this a numbers game but to give you a brief idea.

Palestinian deaths due to CONFLICT since the mid 1970s, 10,000.

Death due to GENOCIDE and Humans rights abuse.

Sudan, 1,000,000 +
Guatemala 200,000+
Pakistan up to 3,000,000+
Cambodia up to 3,000,000+
Rwanda 1,400,000
Congo 500,000+ ongoing
Syria 36,000+ ongoing
Ethiopia 500,000+

Notable mention, Qatar and Saudi Arabia force over 1,000,000 slaves to work.

The UN allows such prominent figures as FIDEL CASTRO among others to lecture israel about Human Rights.

20,000 Palestinians were killed in 1 month, in jordan.

Syria declared Open war on the PLO in the past and killed 10s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of of Palestinian civilians.

Notes: UN organizes humans rights conferences over the past 14 years where 80% of the material is directly about israel. While largely ignoring the below issues and facts.

Explain to me why Israel has so many more resolutions against it than any of these countries, and probably all combined? Explain to me why approximately 10,000,000 deaths by genocide including on going genocide and 1,000,000+ slaves in countries that none of which pass humans rights inspections and most of which are dictator ships receive when all combined less than or equal to the amount of Israel where 10,000 people have died in 40 years through conflict.

Again.. 10,000,000 genocide to 10,000 conflict

again.. 1,000 to 1.


Israel > Sudan, Guatemala, Congo, Pakistan, Cambodia, Rwanda, Syria, Ethiopia.

yes yes and yes . this is exactly what i was saying , cept you disagreed with me and now just proved my point

I disagreed with you that Israel is similar to Hamas. That if the situation were reversed israel would fight the same way

Quote me where i disagreed with the above notion? Your confusing arguments.
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I disagreed with you that Israel is similar to Hamas.

Quote me where i disagreed with this notion.

again didnt say similar . all i said is that israel defends it population because it can while hamas hides in its population because it cant go toe to toe with israel and also because they try to make israel look bad while doing so .

you made it out that israel is all noble and hamas isnt in regards to their respective populations while i said its only like this while because hamas isnt equipped to fight israel toe to toe . then u proceed to say that if roles were reverse in the imaginary scenario hamas would wipe out the jews as fast as they could , and i agree . thing is that you cant wipe anything out while hiding in ur house firing a few rockets every lil bit. so in this situation i beleive that israel would fight amongst its own population kinda like hamas does now

see you proved my point
Gaza crisis: Egypt says Israel’s Gaza offensive to end Tuesday

Full headline: Gaza crisis: Egypt says Israel’s Gaza offensive to end Tuesday, Israel says it is willing partner to truce

JERUSALEM—A diplomatic push to end Israel’s nearly weeklong offensive in the Gaza Strip gained momentum Tuesday, with Egypt’s president predicting that airstrikes would end within hours and Israel’s prime minister saying his country would be a “willing partner” to a ceasefire with the Islamic militant group Hamas.

As international diplomats raced across the region to cement a deal, a senior Hamas official said an agreement was close even as relentless airstrikes and rocket attacks between the two sides continued.

President Barack Obama dispatched Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the Mideast from Cambodia, where she had accompanied him on a visit.

“We haven’t struck the deal yet, but we are progressing and it will most likely be tonight,” Moussa Abu Marzouk said Tuesday from Cairo, where ceasefire talks were being held.

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, perhaps the most important interlocutor between Hamas, which rules the Palestinian territory, and the Israelis, said the negotiations between the two sides will yield “positive results” during the coming hours.

In Brussels, a senior official of the European Union’s foreign service said a ceasefire would include an end of Israeli airstrikes and targeted killings in Gaza, the opening of Gaza crossing points and an end to rocket attacks on Israel.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Violence raged on as the talks continued. An airstrike late Tuesday killed two journalists who work for the Hamas TV station, Al-Aqsa, according to a statement from the channel. The men were in a car hit by an airstrike, Gaza health official Ashraf al-Kidra said.

Israel claims that many Hamas journalists are involved in militant activities. Earlier this week it targeted the station’s offices, saying it served as a Hamas communications post.

MORE: Hamas militants kill 6 suspected informers for Israel: Reports

Grandfather in mourning after family of 11 killed in Israeli airstrike on their home

By Tuesday, 128 Palestinians, including at least 54 civilians, were killed since Israel began an air onslaught that has so far included nearly 1,500 strikes. Some 840 people have been wounded, including 225 children, Gaza health officials said.

Three Israeli civilians have also been killed and dozens wounded since the fighting began last week, the numbers possibly kept down by a rocket-defence system that Israel developed with U.S. funding. More than 1,000 rockets have been fired at Israel this week, the military said.

Late Tuesday, a Palestinian rocket hit a house in the central Israeli city of Rishon Letzion, wounding two people and badly damaging the top two floors of the building, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.

With the death toll rising, the international community stepped up efforts to bring a halt to the fighting that began last Wednesday with an Israel’s assassination of the Hamas military chief.

“If a long-term solution can be put in place through diplomatic means, then Israel would be a willing partner to such a solution. But if stronger military action proves necessary to stop the constant barrage of rockets, Israel wouldn’t hesitate to do what is necessary to defend our people,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a joint press conference in Jerusalem with visiting UN chief Ban Ki-moon.

Ban condemned Palestinian rocket attacks, but urged Israel to show “maximum restraint.”

“Further escalation benefits no one,” he said.

Minutes before Ban’s arrival in Jerusalem from Egypt, Palestinian militants fired a rocket toward the holy city. Earlier Tuesday, a man identified as Hamas’ militant commander urged his fighters to keep up attacks on Israel, even as Israeli airstrikes killed a senior Hamas militant identified as Amin al-Dada and five others in a separate attack on a car, according to Gaza health officials.

Israeli warplanes dropped leaflets on several Gaza neighbourhoods asking residents to flee and head toward the centre of Gaza City along specific roads.

The army “is not targeting any of you, and doesn’t want to harm you or your families,” the leaflets said. Palestinian militants urged residents to ignore the warnings, calling them “psychological warfare.”

Clinton was scheduled to meet with Netanyahu in Jerusalem, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank and Egyptian leaders in Cairo. Turkey’s foreign minister and a delegation of Arab League foreign ministers travelled to Gaza on a separate truce mission. Airstrikes continued to hit Gaza even as they entered the territory.

“Turkey is standing by you,” Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told the Hamas prime minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh. “Our demand is clear. Israel should end its aggression immediately and lift the inhumane blockade imposed on Gaza.”

It was unclear how diplomatic efforts to achieve a cease-fire and stave off a threatened Israeli ground invasion into Gaza were hampered by the hard-to-bridge positions staked out by both sides — and by the persistent attacks. Tens of thousands of Israeli soldiers have been dispatched to the Gaza border in case of a decision to invade.

Residents of Jerusalem ran for cover Tuesday as sirens sounded after Palestinians fired a rocket toward the holy city for the second time since the fighting started last Wednesday.

Rosenfeld said the rocket landed harmlessly in an open area in Gush Etzion, a collection of Jewish West Bank settlements southeast of the city. Last Friday’s attempt to hit Jerusalem, nearly 80 kilometres from Gaza, landed in the same area. No one was wounded in either attack.

Jerusalem had previously been considered beyond the range of Gaza rockets — and an unlikely target because it is home to the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, Islam’s third-holiest shrine.

In a sign of the difficulty diplomats will have in forging such a ceasefire, a man identified as Mohammed Deif, Hamas’ elusive military commander, urged his fighters to keep up attacks on Israel.

Speaking from hiding on Hamas-run TV and radio, Deif said Hamas “must invest all resources to uproot this aggressor from our land,” a reference to Israel.

Deif is one of the founders of Hamas’ military wing and was its top commander until he was seriously wounded in an Israeli airstrike in 2003. He was replaced as the de facto leader by Ahmed Jabari, who was assassinated by Israel last week in the opening salvo of its latest Gaza offensive.

The U.S. considers Hamas, which has killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide and other attacks, to be a terror group and does not meet with its officials. The Obama administration blames Hamas for the latest eruption of violence and says Israel has the right to defend itself. At the same time, it has warned against a ground invasion, saying it could send casualties spiraling.

Netanyahu said earlier Tuesday that Israel was exploring a diplomatic solution, but wouldn’t balk at a broader military operation.

“I prefer a diplomatic solution,” Netanyahu said in a statement after meeting with Germany’s Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, who is also in the region trying to advance peace efforts. “But if the fire continues, we will be forced to take broader measures and will not hesitate to do so.”

Westerwelle said a truce must be urgently pursued, “but of course, there is one precondition for everything else, and this is a stop of the missile attacks against Israel.”

The conflict erupted last week, when a resurgence in rocket fire from Gaza set off the Israeli offensive, which included hundreds of airstrikes on militants’ underground rocket launchers and weapons’ stores.

The onslaught turned deadlier over the weekend, as airstrikes began targeting the homes of suspected Hamas activists, leading to a spike in civilian casualties. Israel sent warnings in some cases, witnesses said, but in other instances missiles hit suddenly, burying residents under the rubble of their homes.

Hamas is deeply rooted in densely populated Gaza, and the movement’s activists live in the midst of ordinary Gazans. Israel says militants are using civilians as human shields, both for their own safety and to launch rocket strikes from residential neighbourhoods.

Early Tuesday, Israeli aircraft targeted another Hamas symbol of power, the headquarters of the bank senior Hamas officials set up to sidestep international sanctions on the militant group’s rule. The inside of the bank was destroyed. A building supply business in the basement was damaged.

Fuad Hijazi and two of his toddler sons were killed Monday evening when missiles struck their one-storey shack in northern Gaza, leaving a crater about two to three metres deep in the densely populated neighbourhood. Residents said the father was not a militant.

The conflict showed signs of spilling into the West Bank, as hundreds of Palestinian protesters in the town of Jenin clashed with Israeli forces during a demonstration against Israel’s Gaza offensive.

Two Palestinian protesters were killed in anti-Israel demonstrations in the West Bank on Monday, according to Palestinian officials. Separate clashes occurred Tuesday in Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian government, during the funeral for one of the dead.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who lost control of Gaza to Hamas in 2007, now governs from the West Bank. Abbas claims to represent both areas, and there is widespread sympathy among West Bank Palestinians for their brethren in Gaza.

Israel demands an end to rocket fire from Gaza and a halt to weapons smuggling into Gaza through tunnels under the border with Egypt. It also wants international guarantees that Hamas will not rearm or use Egypt’s Sinai region, which abuts both Gaza and southern Israel, to attack Israelis.

Hamas wants Israel to halt all attacks on Gaza and lift tight restrictions on trade and movement in and out of the territory that have been in place since Hamas seized Gaza by force in 2007. Israel has rejected such demands in the past

again didnt say similar . all i said is that israel defends it population because it can while hamas hides in its population because it cant go toe to toe with israel and also because they try to make israel look bad while doing so .

you made it out that israel is all noble and hamas isnt in regards to their respective populations while i said its only like this while because hamas isnt equipped to fight israel toe to toe . then u proceed to say that if roles were reverse in the imaginary scenario hamas would wipe out the jews as fast as they could , and i agree . thing is that you cant wipe anything out while hiding in ur house firing a few rockets every lil bit. so in this situation i beleive that israel would fight amongst its own population kinda like hamas does now

see you proved my point

I didnt, i never said israel would fight like Hamas. The people dont believe in maryrs, they dont believe in making sacrifices for Allah, like extremists do.

Even in the Holocaust the jews did not use human shields or population shields..

And that was a much more lopsided affair.

You are justifying Hamas's use of Human shields. I am not. They would have far more support if they didnt attempt to kill all their political rivals, abuse aid money and smuggle weapons. The PLO was assassinating thousands of palestinians in the 90s doing the same thing, justified?

Iran used children to clear minefield in their conflict with Iraq, telling them that they are doing a service Allahy but not telling them they were going to die.

Again Extremist mentality. One that is not replicated by Israel. Israel made willingufl tactical errors in the 73 war simply to go pickup 3 soldiers that were left behind, while they were under fire, and in retreat. Different mentalities.

Your 10000 post will be arguing with me, yet again. Our first anniversary lol :p
^IDF soldiers are not god fearing men that lay their lives for their land and for their people?

I think your ancestors need to be dug up so they can woop your ass.
^IDF soldiers are not god fearing men that lay their lives for their land and for their people?

I think your ancestors need to be dug up so they can woop your ass.

Thats a nice twist. Creative. But this is what i said
The people dont believe in maryrs, they dont believe in making sacrifices for Allah, like extremists do

I took many videos Interviewing holocaust survivors so i would know and remember exactly what "my ancestors" went through. Many of which went to israel in 1948 +. None of which would ever sacrifice unwilling/knowing civilians for political gain. Sacrificing oneself and volunteering others to be sacrificed is very, very different. And they sure as hell didnt assassinate people who didnt share their political belief.

Nice try, this cute little stunt shows that your arguments are losing steam.
Gaza Health Ministry confirms that White Phosphorous was used in attacks on Gaza city.

It's possible, but the gaza health ministry is run by Hamas. A few days ago they posted pictures of Dead Syrian children as their own. So this has yet to be confirmed.
Tu vois moi il m'arrive d'ouvrir des livres et les finir en quelques jours. ''Le dereglement du monde'' d'Amin Maalouf ou encore ''Les intellectuels faussaires'' de Pascal Boniface tu dois pas connaitre. La guerre de 73 tu t'es sûrement pas documenté dessus, moi si. Ce conflit ne doit pas avoir une signification particulière pour toi, pour moi si car Israel représente le règne de l'oppression sur terre.
Ah, alors Israel représente le règne d'oppression. Et le Hamas? Racontes moi sur le Hamas. Je suppose que le Hamas représente le règne d'amour?
T'es con ou t'es con?
Qu'est ce que vient foutre le hamas là dedans? Tu leur reproche quoi? De combattre? Ils représentent la résistance et sont déjà plus légitime qu'un état israélien sur ces terres là. Et sans rentrer dans des considerations politiques, ce qui me chagrine c'est que BHL et tous ces sionistes de merde ainsi que leurs alliés arabes ne disent pas un mot sur la palestine, ne demandent pas de zone d'exclusion aerienne ni rien