Montreal Merger

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HAHAHAHA Bourque lost yesterday!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

This fool comes and pulls some almost Dictatorship style moves and now that it comes down to it...he has lost his power!!

Next QC election, when the liberals win all this merger garbage will be reversed..and we could live normally again.

What do you think?
I'm against forced mergers but I think it might cause more confusion to un-do it although I would like to see someone at least try.

I hope to God the Liberals win the next election because I can't take anymore of these Louise Harel/Beaudoin types in power. We need a new face for the Liberals to win like Chretien. If he came to lead the Quebec liberal party, there would be no contest. If he doesn't come it will be close.

What really pissed me off is when the PQ merged 3 Liberal ridings and split 3 PQ ridings to give them more sovertist ridings.
They are as dirty as they get..but you'll see, honesty and fairness will prevail.
I have often looked at it from their side (seperatist). If you wanted your own country, wouldn't you do what it took to get it? We should be thankfull we don't live in a war zone and that the PQ are doing it the legal way. This is not often the case in other parts of the worls like Chechnya and Taiwan were there could be lots of fighting.
I dont think the merger is gonna be reversed....Its a shame really cause a lot of great cities, large and small have just lost a big chunk of their identity. As far as the liberals getting the majority vote in quebec next election thats gonna happen for sure. Dirty Landry is about to be taken to the cleaners! (god that was a cheesy line!) I know that voting liberals seems so boring, but its the safest route at this point. A liberal governemnt has been running our country for a few years now, so I feel I can trust them with our province.
As it stands..the liberals promise that if they are elected into QC..they will reverse the Merger! politicians lie?
I believe they promised to hold a referendum on the subject, no reverse it right away.

I sure hope the liberals win but there is still like 40% support for soverenty which is still too high for me.'re right! They will hold a referendum, like a democracy should. Either way...we know which way the vote will go! 40% sovreignty support is high, but not enough for there ar no worries.

It's a shame thet Bourque had to force us into this merger which the majority was against. Even when the Mayors of Toronto, NY, and other merged cities told him not to do it!

What a pig headed bastard! He announced yesterday that he will lead the opposition. Doesn't he know when to give up?
Any which way I don't mind, if the Liberals win I know minorities will at least have a say, unlike way long ago when the french separted Quebec to Upper and Lower Canada and the english were treated like they didn't even exist, but if the PQ wins I would end up moving to Cornwall or Toronto. This would be a great business opportunity to by land on the border between Quebec and Ontario in Cornwall, right off the 401, that will be a goldmine.
I'm sick of blue walls, let's put them red for a while. In a few years we'll put them blue again. Repeat at nauseum.

I have yet to vote for a party i like. It's always been the lesser of two evils or whoever has the chance of beating those i didn't want in. I hate two way battles!

Anybody else in this boat or am i just being pessimist ? :)

BTW Vrsik: Politician aren't allowed to lie and they can't even call the others "liars". In their oath to the queen, they promised not to lie in full knowledge of the truth. Of course that doesn't prevent them to just stretch the truth and work the numbers to fit reality! Makes for some colorfull debate at the national assembly! Good politic is an exercise in elocution actually! :)

AHH politics! when you think about it. We have democracy. We can vote and speak our mind at will, without fear of retaliation by the people in power. They will take virulent critics and continue to serve you in what they think is your best interest. Do you realise that many people around the world are willing to DIE to have this? Many people around the world CAN'T vote, CAN'T speak their minds without being "silenced", preferably painfully, by whoever is in charge. Think about it if you plan on not voting at any election. it's a privilege to choose who's boss.

.:: MaxyChip7 ::.
Guy's it's all amoney game! politician's they do what the biggest contributer to thier election campaign's tell the to do Like unions! of public servant's !!!!!!, this merger means more jobs for thier boy's wich is not neseserily a bad thing but who is costing the most? certainly not them!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's all the citizens of the Island of montreal!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's like a legal Mafia!!!!!!!
One of the main reasons why the PQ is pushing so much for the mergers is because of the Unitary Resolution. About 30 municipalities voted, that if Quebec was to separate they would separate from Quebec back to Canada. So by the Forced mergers they put an end to all that. Not to mention that they also want to put another stab into the rights of English speaking Quebecers.
The Liberal party is not really the answer they are the ones that put into place bill 178
Vote for the Equality Party
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