Working out everyday

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New member
I workout 4 times a week (sometimes 3 depending on work and school).

I went to the gym for 3 consecutive days last week which is rare for me and noticed the same people in the gym at the same time, one of my friends works at my gym and told me that there are members that come in everyday!

Do you workout 7 days a week?
By working out everyday I don’t mean weight training/bodybuilding for 7 days in a row.

I see some people do cardio, weights, cardio weights so that they do cardio 3 times a week and weights 4 times a week. I can’t do that because I prefer doing an hour of weights/weight training and then 30 to 35 minutes of cardio so that I am in the fat burning zone at the beginning of my cardio session.
i try to go to the gym around 4-5 times/week just doing weight, but during summer i should go around 3-4 times + 30 min of cardio 3 times per week. But i do regularly see the same people at the gym too, so yes alot of people go there everyday
lots of motivated people here :p

3 times a week should be sufficiant, if you workout 7 days a week, I hope you do it well, 'cause you can hurt yourself in the long run!

never saw any athletes go beyond 70-80 years of age, the body is a machine, the more you use it, the less it'll last. of course if you train appropriatly, you can do more good than harm... but 7 days a week is overkill
I used to work out 7 days a week.. and I only do weight training (well at least since the last 10 years...)

I stoped doing that last year.. when I realized their were beter way to spent my time !! :)

and for the discussion about athletes living longer or less, I think what he meant was extreme athletes might live less longer than active people... I dont think it is crazy to think like that... but active people that dont over train, they will live longer..

There was a research done and people from sweden do more activities than people from quebec. In fact, generaly, a 70 years old from sweden is more in shape than a 40 year old man from quebec.
7 is a bit much to be at the gym but I like to stay active as much as possible. I'll hit the gym 3-4 times a week and I'll play hockey twice a week and soccer once or twice as well which is basically my cardio for the week as well. You need to give your body time to recover, if you're going 7 days a week I really hope some days are light and others heavy.
I was going to start going all out but then when I went to a couple of events in montreal, I realized I dont want to be classified as all the meatheads that walk around like their king shit cause they are huge.. all I see is someone waisting a shitload of time indoors when they could be out enjoying life.
when i was training a few months back iw as there everyday but sunday, sometimes i only did cardio though, so i was there like 45 mins max
I was going to start going all out but then when I went to a couple of events in montreal, I realized I dont want to be classified as all the meatheads that walk around like their king shit cause they are huge.. all I see is someone waisting a shitload of time indoors when they could be out enjoying life.

Personally i usually go around 8-9pm so i enjoy most of my day if i'm off...if i don't go i'll be in front of the computer or the tv

6 days here the others said if i take more then 2 days off it feels weird
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