How do you know if you are truly in love?

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Don't get me wrong, I am not asking for help but try to create an interesting discussion here...

What's the line between the moment you say you like a lot being with someone and that you love that person.

I would say it's the feeling inside you but it's hard to draw the line.

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If your a guy, you know your in love when you want to spend time with your significant other rather than watch the NHL playoffs.

If your a girl, you know your in love when your significant other wants to spend time with you rather than watch the NHL playoffs. pense que ça vient otu seul. Tu es bien et tu n'as pas le goût d'autre chose à chaque matin que tu te lèves. Tu passe la majoritém de ton temps avec sans même que ça te dérange... etc.
If your a guy, you know your in love when you want to spend time with your significant other rather than watch the NHL playoffs.

If your a girl, you know your in love when your significant other wants to spend time with you rather than watch the NHL playoffs.

and if you spend time with her while watching the game with her ?? eating chiken wing and beer :p
If your a guy, you know your in love when you want to spend time with your significant other rather than watch the NHL playoffs.

If your a girl, you know your in love when your significant other wants to spend time with you rather than watch the NHL playoffs.


nhl playoffs > GIRL

there's a diff between being in love and pussywiped.
i'm sorry but it's true.

anyway, my gf watches hockey with me.
pretty hard to say... I've got a very different mentality than your average dude so this might seem quite odd... but here goes.

say I start a relationship with a girl... a month in..she tells me she loves me, I burst out laughing and tell her to **** off. that's my kind of mentality, a girl tells me she loves me after 1 month? there's something wrong with her. I can see a good like 4-6 months in, maybe even a year... but 1 month is way too soon, unless you've known the person already for a few years... then it's not bad i guess.

I'm totally diehard for a girl right now, I don't know if it's love, maybe it is..but I know for sure it'll most likely only become 1 sided love, this girl is ... just perfect. she's beautiful, smart, absolutely amazing friend, has a head on her shoulders, she's russian(my kinda girl :D) but she's with another guy that doesn't make her happy, cheats on her on a regular basis and treats her like shit almost all the time.

remember guys, nice guys always finish last. treat women like trash and they'll **** your brains out... am i rite?

remember guys, nice guys always finish last. treat women like trash and they'll **** your brains out... am i rite?


Ouais ta ben raison, jai jamais jouer la carte du bon gars, pis ca me reussi asser bien... Ouais jvais dire des affaires qui les font rever ... mais tjrs avec l'attitude que jai pas besoin d'elle pour vivre !

Mais bon, jai deja vu du monde s'accrocher a une fille, qui avait un chum dans le genre de la fille en question, elle le drop... sort avec le gars qui courrait apres... l'ex revient dans le decord pis a retourne avec...

fait juste faire attention... si a le drop bon move... mais engage toi pas a rien avec elle avant d'etre sur que le dude est pu dans le decord
pour en revenir au topic ....

Serieusement la difference entre l'amour et l'attachement jen ai aucune idee ! personnelement ca fait 4 ans que jsuis celibataire par choix .. pis dernierement jai rencontré une fille .. pis juste avec son sourire les 2 jambes me lachent ... l'amour ? coup de foudre ? No idea... mais criss que jaime ca quand qu'a me sourit :D

C la premiere fois que ca me fait ca depuis mon ex ( v'la 4 ans ) fak si l'amour existe... ca doit etre ca !
from a girl's perspective,

when u like somone i think that its more ur very attracted to them, but usually its still fresh into the relationship so there is still the 'new' feeling to the relationship! after that newness is gone...i think that you know that ur in love when the butterflies in ur tummy (hypothetical obviously), and the excitement of being with that other person are gone, but u still can't get enough of the other person and still want to be with him/her all the time no matter what ..

I don't know its just my opinion! :dunno:
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