Snoring spouses...

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Any of your spouses/partners snore?

I'm forced to sleep in a separate room about half the time, if I don't fall asleep before my wife I'm stuck and I won't sleep so I might as well leave. She is so loud that our daughter gets up and closes her bedroom door.

Sometimes when I leave for another room, usually the basement (hide-a-bed) I can still hear her snore while down there.

This started after the baby was born (she's 8) before it was ok.

Frankly it sucks.

For the record, I'll snore too sometimes, mostly when I'm drunk or really tired.
J'ai déja entendu dire que quand on met une balle dans le dos de la personne qui ronfle, la personne, quand elle dort, est trop inconfortable sur le dos et inconsciemment dort sur le coté et sur le ventre, ce qui annule les ronflement. Test le et redonne moi en des nouvelles
I snore when I'm sick and so does my boyfriend but otherwise there's no snoring. BUT my boyfriend sleepwalks a lot or wakes up with night terrors. He'll stand up or shake me awake screaming "BABE!!! BABE!!! It's gonna blow up!!!" or something along those lines. It's always him panicking. At the beginning of our relationship it freaked me out cause he would wake up screaming. Now I just either don't even turn around or I'll tell him "You're dreaming !! Go back to bed!!" hehe my patience has worn a little thin ;)
My gf snore sometimes but its not loud at all. I normal person wouldn't wake up because of that but as soon as I hear any small noise, I wake up. I usually punch her or turn her around and it stops. Pretty funny if you ask me, especially when I punch her.
I snore when I'm sick and so does my boyfriend but otherwise there's no snoring. BUT my boyfriend sleepwalks a lot or wakes up with night terrors. He'll stand up or shake me awake screaming "BABE!!! BABE!!! It's gonna blow up!!!" or something along those lines. It's always him panicking. At the beginning of our relationship it freaked me out cause he would wake up screaming. Now I just either don't even turn around or I'll tell him "You're dreaming !! Go back to bed!!" hehe my patience has worn a little thin ;)

haha jai une ex qui fesai ca elle parlait et fesai des sursaut en me donnant des coup , je tavoue jai deja perdu patience pi je lai reveiller en criant apres elle parce que jetai en maudit de me faire reveiller , mais des fois je riai tuseul delle parce que setai drole jaissayai de suivre son discour et de l'allimenter en lui disant plein de truc idiot..... mais toi des crise de panik ca doit etre asser intence
funny this is asked now, my gf is going crazy with my snoring, I'll wake up and i see she's all pissed besides me, she'll be like "you kept me up all night!"..... ops :p, i snore loud, i know, sometimes so loud i wake myself up.....
We tried the nose patch (Breathe Easy) but they didn't work.

I wear earplugs. Every night. Weirdly enough, on week-ends I'm OK and I can sleep.

I wonder if it's not the stress of not being able to sleep and then be able to get up and get my ass to work.

^ Possibly.

If the patch things don't work, put the ear plugs in her nose instead. This way everyone will have some peace!
Weirdly enough, on week-ends I'm OK and I can sleep.

I wonder if it's not the stress of not being able to sleep and then be able to get up and get my ass to work.


Man, if Anxiety kicks in too it's getting serious. You should sleep in another room if it harms your lifestyle at least until you get rid of the anxiety.

Does the ear plugs work or you can still hear her?

PLEASE don't take sleep pills those are junk and will mess up your sleep cycle even more and will only fix things temporarily.
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