so I joined a gym =D

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New member
Yup I joined a gym a few days ago, going almost every day now, I started doing anything I thought interesting, now I did a more "serious" plan


Monday = Abs
Tuesday = Biceps / Legs
Wednesday = Chest
Thursday = Triceps / Trapeze
Friday = Back / Shoulders

yeah so right now I weight 186, used to weight 166 (yup I gained alot of winter fat lol) so my plan is to get that down low to atleast 170. I go to the gym 5 days a week and everyday I run ATLEAST 10 minutes.

The other day though as I was running like a pill poppin animal (not just running around like a limp noodle) I looked at the machine on the treadmill that reads the heartrate and it said my heartrate was at 192 :yikes: isn't that alot? Is it a good thing for losing weight? If I control what I eat, how many weeks (or days :D) would it normally take if I run intensively for 20 mins a day + 1h workout) to lose that extra weight I gained?

Just wanted to share and wanted to get some of yall experts opinions :D
Yup I joined a gym a few days ago, going almost every day now, I started doing anything I thought interesting, now I did a more "serious" plan


Monday = Abs
Tuesday = Biceps / Legs
Wednesday = Chest
Thursday = Triceps / Trapeze
Friday = Back / Shoulders

yeah so right now I weight 186, used to weight 166 (yup I gained alot of winter fat lol) so my plan is to get that down low to atleast 170. I go to the gym 5 days a week and everyday I run ATLEAST 10 minutes.

The other day though as I was running like a pill poppin animal (not just running around like a limp noodle) I looked at the machine on the treadmill that reads the heartrate and it said my heartrate was at 192 :yikes: isn't that alot? Is it a good thing for losing weight? If I control what I eat, how many weeks (or days :D) would it normally take if I run intensively for 20 mins a day + 1h workout) to lose that extra weight I gained?

Just wanted to share and wanted to get some of yall experts opinions :D

Tu devrait voir un entraineur privé, avec sa t'arrivera pas a grand chose. Pour perdre et te muscler en meme temps, assure toi de toujours etre en mouvement, Des superset pourrait t'aider, courrir 10 minute c'est un bon réchauffement mais tu ne perdra pas de poid avec sa.
Pour ce qui est de té journé, pas de journer juste Abs. Ajoute 1-2-3 (selon tes besoin) exercice d'abdo a chaque fois que tu va au gym. Moi j'irait avec une journée :

Tu fait les 3, 1 journer de conger et tu recommence.

Pour perdre le poid, tu doit t'assurer que pendant le 1h-1h30 que tu t'entrainne tu est constament en mouvement.

Pour perdre du poids, tu ne doit pas courrir intensément, tu doit y aller par intervalle et pendant de longue durer.
Si tu veut plus d'info tu peut poser d'autre questions
Alors qu'est-ce que tu recomande pour perdre du poids? Courrir 5 fois 3 minutes? Ou tu veux dire comme marcher 20 minutes? Il me semble que plus tu cours vite et que ton battement de coeur est rapide (192 rpm) tu devrais perdre du poids plus vite non?

Pour les abs je pense que je vais changer mon horraire pour une rotation de 3 jours.


jour 1 = Abs intense
jour 2 = Chest/Abs
jour 3 = Biceps/Triceps/Abs

je vais y aller comme ca car c'est les muscles que je veux voir se developer le plus rapidement. Le tout avec 30 minutes de jogging/marche sur le treadmill.
^^ Cé pas parce que tu court Intense que tu brule plus de gras, Selon la durer de ton exercice physique tu va bruler des Lipides ou des Glucides. Pour ce qui est de té journée moi je les changerai. Bicep/dos, si tu veut accentuer les biceps, fait des exercice de dos qui travail les biceps, comme du seated row avec un triangle par exemple. Oublit pas que le nombre d'exercice de bicep dois etre égal au nombre de tricep si tu veut pas te déformer les bras.
Yup I joined a gym a few days ago, going almost every day now, I started doing anything I thought interesting, now I did a more "serious" plan


Monday = Abs
Tuesday = Biceps / Legs
Wednesday = Chest
Thursday = Triceps / Trapeze
Friday = Back / Shoulders

yeah so right now I weight 186, used to weight 166 (yup I gained alot of winter fat lol) so my plan is to get that down low to atleast 170. I go to the gym 5 days a week and everyday I run ATLEAST 10 minutes.

The other day though as I was running like a pill poppin animal (not just running around like a limp noodle) I looked at the machine on the treadmill that reads the heartrate and it said my heartrate was at 192 :yikes: isn't that alot? Is it a good thing for losing weight? If I control what I eat, how many weeks (or days :D) would it normally take if I run intensively for 20 mins a day + 1h workout) to lose that extra weight I gained?

Just wanted to share and wanted to get some of yall experts opinions :D

I don't know what everyone else posted (I have to sleep soon, so I didn't read), but you shouldn't go to the gym 5 days a week. It's a waste of time, and you're not giving rest to your body, IMO.

If you really want to lose weight, run at least 30 mins (you'll use your fat stores as main energy consumption; I can explain later).

To give you an idea, I'm 5'11", and I weighed 183 before I started running, and ate like shit almost 2 months ago. Watching what I eat (not a strict diet), and running 6km at least 3 times a week, and I'm now down to 170lbs. I wasn't trying to lose weight; I just wanted to be healthier, and now my goals are to run in 5 or 10k each month.

Just try to quickly calculate how many cals you need a day, and how many you spend on avg, and try to 'limit' each meal/snack to, let's say 500 cals each. 500 cals x 6 meals = 3000 cals a day. If you're an active male, I think (I really can't remember right now) 3000-3500 is the avg. Just make sure you have a caloric deficit, and you'll be shedding pounds.

Eat lots of veggies.
Thanks man, yeah I heard about using the fat as the the main energy sources. It's kind of like being a super sayan in Dragon Ball Z :p

Last time I went I ran 13 mins non stop. Now I'm aiming for the 20 mins non stop.

I'm trying to eat as healthy as I can, and I'm doing pushups at my house whenever I feel like it lol. Can't wait till the next time I hit the gym (work kept me busy)

I'm going to work out my chest and run like an animal. Then spa + pool + sauna :D
Don't do push-ups whenever you can. It's useless. You gain muscle by destroying them, and allow them to reconstruct. If you do push-ups on your "free time." then you're never really giving them time to rest.

Run slower, and try to run for 30 mins non-stop. Trick: run outside. 13 mins is very poor in terms of "fat burn." If you're running on a tread, it feels like forever cause you're not going anywhere (or to me it does). Most of the time, if you don't run more than 30 mins, you're using your carbs as your main source of energy, as opposed to your fat, therefore you're not burning your fat, but using the energy you got from that coke earlier that morning.

But I also don't want you to get tired of running, and quit right away. Really, just slow down, and try to go longer.
Thanks for your explainations. I just did pushups because I couldn't go to the gym for the past 4 days so yeah... but I won't from now on hehehe.

The reason I run more intensly for 13 mins instead of walking/slow jogging for 30 mins is 1: I thought when you're done running, since your heart still pumps you're still losing calories and 2: I'm not confortable running slowly. But I will try tomorrow (today). I will try to do 30 mins. So far I lost 1 pound lol :D
Comme J money a dit, donne du temps a tes muscles pour se reconstruire. Idealement, fais toi un horraire que tu repete a chaque semaine, comme ca t'as au moins une semaine de repos entre chaque groupe cibler pendant ton workout.
What a weird split, you don't need an entire day for abs. Do abs tuesdays and fridays.

Monday - Shoulder/Triceps
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Chest/Biceps
Friday - Legs

Run slower, 85% intensity = cardio, 65% = weight loss, if you are trying to lose weight then spend more time running at lower intensity, don't go nuts unless you are trying to build your cardio and I recommend only doing that once you've reached your target weight and then work on better conditioning.

Don't listen to people that tell you do to Back/Biceps and Chest/Triceps, I'll never understand this split, why work the same muscle twice for two different body parts? Give your muscles a break, do a pulling motion with a pushing motion, thus chest/biceps that way you can give it more effort. As long as you stick to hitting the gym and trying to watch what you eat your goals are very easy to attain and you shouldn't have any trouble reaching them.
la meilleure maniere que jai trouvé pour perde quelques livres (6' 188 lbs) c'est de jogger 3-4 fois par semaine a raison de 30-45 minutes. J'suis dans le coin du mont royal donc le 45 minutes à faire des côtes yer rough a la fin mais c'est ca qui faut.

courir 13 minutes completement inutile... meme pour un entrainement cardio @ haute fréquence cardiaque.
What a weird split, you don't need an entire day for abs. Do abs tuesdays and fridays.

Monday - Shoulder/Triceps
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Chest/Biceps
Friday - Legs

yup thats a good split workout. its what i used to do.
I found the best way to lose weight was to run in intervals;

warm up for 5 mins (walk),
slow jog for 3 mins
medium jog for 1.5 mins
fast jog for 1 min
sprint for 30 seconds
fast jog for 1 min
medium jog for 1.5 mins
slow jog for 3 mins

do this 3 times. should take you around 20 mins to do. In about one month you should see a good weight loss - ofcouse diet is very important and everything depends on that.

if you want to lose weight properly, then dont workout everyday. if you do a hardcore workout, then take the next day off. i always alternate my workout days and cardio days. 1 day strictly weight, next day cardio. except when i do legs... then i take the next day completely off :) good luck!
You want to lose weight?

No Fast Food
No Soft Drinks/Beer.
No Chips/Chocolate Bars/Ice Cream/Milkshakes etc etc.
No eating 5-6 hours before you sleep. (Low Carb Fruits, 0 Fat yogurt are fine)
15min jog before you go to bed.

Do this and i promise you you'll lose weight. FAST.
la nuit ton corps pompe des ressources , si y a pas de ressources , ca pompe dans le gras ( et dans les muscles ... ) . right ?
I would just say like everyone else if you realy want too lose the weight just put the effort(eating well ... as mentioned above no sweets, and hit the gym as often as possible) don't make crappy excuses too take off

:bigup: GL shouldnt be too hard if you stick with it
For real. I made it my goal to register for a 10k run every month till the end of summer. It wasn't that I wanted to loose weight, but I just wanted to stay fit, and it's also a great way to enjoy the weather.

Running 3 times a week, and just eating better (I still eat ice-cream, chocolate, chips from time to time), I've lost 10-15 lbs in 2 months (not too sure cause I never weighted myself before). I mostly just upped my intake of veggies, and ate more fruit instead of junk for snacks.

I'm glad that I made this "change," because I really enjoy running, and overall, I'm just getting used to eating healthy.
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