silvia s13?

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New member
hey guys, i have been doing alot of reading up on the silvia s13 but i still cant decide, if it would be a good car? what do you guys think thx
yes it is,

hard to accept but it is a 1.8 - 2.4 L rwd civic.

lots of aftermarket parts, well know, pretty easy to work with, reliable(to an extent)

-corrected :p srry
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if you drive civilized then they will not bother you if you follow the rules of the road.....if you drive like a dick no matter what you drive they will harrass you.
Never had been pull by cops in 2 year (25, 000km) on the super Road of Montreal !

Maybe it's because they know i have a Ca18 and the fact that it's slow :p
police wise.. i got pulled over driving a 91 accord more often for verification then anything else.. when i got my silvia i would literally drive by cops 5-6 times in a row and they wouldnt even look at me...

i drove faster with my accord cause i always wanted to feel some power.. n now that i have the power i dont floor it as much...
La police est rendu à me faire des thumbs up dans la mienne.... j'ai posé réflecteurs, ya des drl, une 3rd brake light, un muffler avec des baffles (et une flange pour mettre ma canne)... btw est à vendre :D Sr20 + blanche = Silviaftw
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