Joe Biden is now president: what does it mean for you?


Ok leaving the DJT thread for good.

Here's a prediction. Four years from now, even though a Fox news poll indicates that 73% of all Americans are favorable for a universal healthcare system (you read that right, social healthcare poll from Fox,) not only the Democrats won't make it happen, it won't even be on the table. And if it does end up on the table, it will be after they make sure it won't pass and they can blame it on the Republicans.

Neither the Dems or Reps care about their citizens. The only difference now is that CNN, MSNB, NYT and WAPO are gonna try to drop their zanax prescriptions cold turkey.
Ok leaving the DJT thread for good.

Here's a prediction. Four years from now, even though a Fox news poll indicates that 73% of all Americans are favorable for a universal healthcare system (you read that right, social healthcare poll from Fox,) not only the Democrats won't make it happen, it won't even be on the table. And if it does end up on the table, it will be after they make sure it won't pass and they can blame it on the Republicans.

Neither the Dems or Reps care about their citizens.

That's a fair take.

They've had Health Care / Insurance as a business for so long that the fat cats won't simply fold and willingly step away from their licenses to bill. They know whose campaign to donate to and won't stand for systemic changes.

They'll have some feel good measures for seniors and lower income family in which private corp plays a prominent role. They're unlikely to get anything that resembles a comprehensive system like the NHS in the UK or the province run programs we have here.

Because big state is bad and some people believe universal healthcare is just a synonym for socialist "death panels".

The White House will have the most coloured and diverse staff of interns ever, George Floyd will get a civic holiday and they'll still veto most resolutions that are critical of israel. It'll be back to business as we know it, but some people's lives will be improved through more reasonable immigration policies and california inspired police reforms. Might be some higher education debt forgiveness for some people and more solar panels / wind farms.

At least the U.S won't generally embarass themselves and the rest of the G7 / NATO on a weekly basis. Good enough.
Les antifas et les suprémacistes blancs / milices d’extrême droite sont 2 nuisances qui doivent être également condamnés et éliminés.
Les antifas et les suprémacistes blancs / milices d’extrême droite sont 2 nuisances qui doivent être également condamnés et éliminés.

I agree but at what price? I don't support antifa or other milice right or left.

But I can't see my self banning antifa by any mean.
They need to keep the right to speach.

If they paddlelock people on the hand they need to be arrest.

I rather have the danger of antifa or KKK around than have the gouvernement the power to shut them and kill freedom of speech.
I agree but at what price? I don't support antifa or other milice right or left.

But I can't see my self banning antifa by any mean.
They need to keep the right to speach.

If they paddlelock people on the hand they need to be arrest.

I rather have the danger of antifa or KKK around than have the gouvernement the power to shut them and kill freedom of speech.

Il y a une grosse ligne entre liberté d’expression et faire l’apologie de la violence / inciter à la violence / à la sédition.

Le même principe que tu ne peux pas faire des menaces de mort à quelqu’un en prétextant la liberté d’expression. C’est exactement le même principe.

Il y a une grosse ligne entre liberté d’expression et faire l’apologie de la violence / inciter à la violence / à la sédition.

Le même principe que tu ne peux pas faire des menaces de mort à quelqu’un en prétextant la liberté d’expression. C’est exactement le même principe.

Tu as raison. Si un antifa dit kill all white gaz them all now.

J'espère il va faire spotted.

Mais je veux pas un antifa fait accusé uniquement par guilt by association

Mais un exemple. Qui te donne raison est Islam. Islam leur livre et enseignement son asser claire.

Ce n'est pas tout les mesulmans qui son dangereux. mais islam l est.

Donc si on prouve comme Islam que antifa et KKK et autre groupe extremist. Enseigne la violance pour arrivé à leur fin. Ils sont par définition des teorrist.

Mais avant masse arrest tout monde dénoncer en tout liberté les enseignements de ses groups est la meilleure chose que ont peut faire
Was this not the most predictable thing ever?



Democrats are that ruthless, they willingly ruined the lives and businesses of their constituents for a better shot at winning the election. Good on them, it worked.
Also possible they are banking on a comprehensive and organized plan, coupled with the vaccine they just rolled out, they feel like a soft open is possible. I expect them to close if things start going crazy again.

DC also only closed dining rooms over the holidays, and extended for 2 weeks do discourage indoor eating during the inauguration.

But please, keep posting sensationalist headlines to debunk.