Fermez les frontières, un nouveau virus apparaît: La COVID-19

Le gouvernement parle toujours de mesure advenant une augmentation des cas

Et s'il n'y en avait pas d'augmentation de cas à l'automne?

D'ici un mois, 75 % des Québécois seront pleinement vaccinés

Aucun pays n'est aussi avancé dans la vaccination

Les cas vont augmenter en automne. Les virus respiratoires sont en recrudescence lors de la saison des grippes, c'est inévitable.

Normalement ça ne devrait rien changer si les hospitalisations ne montent pas mais comme nos médias sont plutôt intéresser à fomenter la panique et marchander la bullshit du gouvernement, je m'attends à ce qu'ils crient à une demande de reconfinement en automne.

Yikes! et en passant tu as oublié de cité Qanon

Il a raison en passant. Le seul vaccin qui était un vaccin soi-disant "classique" dans les règles de l'art est le astra-zénecca. Les Mrna sont plutôt des booster de système immunitaire.
Le gouvernement parle toujours de mesure advenant une augmentation des cas

Et s'il n'y en avait pas d'augmentation de cas à l'automne?

D'ici un mois, 75 % des Québécois seront pleinement vaccinés

Aucun pays n'est aussi avancé dans la vaccination

Moi c’est pas mal plus le fait qu’on ait aucun barème clair, y’a encore un flou qui peu être interprété différemment dépendant de l’humeur ou des vents dominants. Ca l’air d’etre encore les meme cabochons qui jugeaient que 15cas a quebec ca méritait d’etre en zone rouge. Ceux qui vont décider quel secteur est essentiel ce sont les mêmes qui jugeaient que des mitaines et des pelles a neige c’était non-essentiels l’hiver passé.

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Ne nous faisons pas d'illusion, les cas vont augmenter. Ça recommence à augmenter en Europe (France, Espagne, Italie etc), USA, UK ça l'explose, moyen orient, Asie etc

Et ça augmente plus tôt dans l'été que l'an dernier...

Ce sont les hospitalisations qui vont dicter le tout, sinon on retourne à la case départ avec 2 doses dans le bras qui auront servi à rien. On s'entend que la majorité des gens ne se font pas vacciner pour être protégé, mais pour retrouver une vie normale en fonction des paroles du gouvernement.,
Just a small history lesson nobody actually teaches about the origins of vaccines. This is the shortest I could find:


Basically vaccines derive their name from Vacca (cow) because the solution small pox was natural (cow pox) and based solely on the power of observation not something concocted in a lab. A non vaccine example of this is penicillin.

Since that time it has been more or less the same procedure. Take the source, disable/weaken it and then inject it to let your body learn how to cope with it.

The mRNA shots are technically not vaccines. They're only called vaccines because people use that word interchangeably with injection/needle/shot. The "how it works" is completely different than just about every other vaccine on the regular schedule. Also, even it's been around for 30 years https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/52424.html to my knowledge not a single other mRNA vaccine has successfully passed the full FDA approval process, not even the ones going into arms daily (emergency use only).

So we got zero track record, just 30 years of theoretical science, maybe a small trial here and there. Thank God Covid came along and gave them access to the biggest human trial study in history, where people willingly rolled up their sleeves to be guinea pigs.

Hey it might be perfectly fine, nothing at all happens but as for me, I'll take my 0.00XXXX chance of death over the uncertainty that is the mRNA shot. Choice is more important than people understand

Hi Grim!

By the way, you can ask for the AstraZeneca if you are so worried.
you do realise that laughing at people who dare to ask about the risk of this vaccine versus the risk of complication from the virus, is getting close to as bad as those antivax who think there's some sort of conspiracy around vaccines... not saying that overall no matter of what you might think of the risks of the vaccine it might still be good a idea to get vaccinated depending on your context, but apparently being open minded without going full retard in one direction or another is getting rarer and rarer
you do realise that laughing at people who dare to ask about the risk of this vaccine versus the risk of complication from the virus, is getting close to as bad as those antivax who think there's some sort of conspiracy around vaccines... not saying that overall no matter of what you might think of the risks of the vaccine it might still be good a idea to get vaccinated depending on your context, but apparently being open minded without going full retard in one direction or another is getting rarer and rarer

It shows that the propaganda job from the media worked. The media said that any questioning of whatever the Government tells us is Q-ANON conspiracy fodder and the brainless sheep mindlessly browbeat their marching orders.
It shows that the propaganda job from the media worked. The media said that any questioning of whatever the Government tells us is Q-ANON conspiracy fodder and the brainless sheep mindlessly browbeat their marching orders.
Dude , dozens of validated and scientifically approved piece of evidences were posted throughout this thread on the benefits and security of the vaccines (or 'immunesystem boosters' like you like to call it).

Yet some idiots still prefer to argue saying it is a big experiement and BELIEVES he is safer WITOUT a vaccine than WITH a vaccine.

This is pretty close to flat earthers and illuminati levels of stupidity.
Dude , dozens of validated and scientifically approved piece of evidences were posted throughout this thread on the benefits and security of the vaccines (or 'immunesystem boosters' like you like to call it).

Yet some idiots still prefer to argue saying it is a big experiement and BELIEVES he is safer WITOUT a vaccine than WITH a vaccine.

This is pretty close to flat earthers and illuminati levels of stupidity.

sure no stress, I mean it's not like they're discovering that mrna works both ways, in case you don't understand what that means is that generally that strand of dna that's being send to your molecules so they have the information to produce the correct antibodies can also be read and added to your dna, something that was thought impossible until like a month or something like that... Of course doesn't mean anything in regards to the vaccine, or at least I don't think so, that being said there's a lot more unknown there than one might think, we are playing with the proteins that define who we are, this is not to be taken lightly and asking questions and balancing risks (which isn't only defined by the articles in this thread but also by each ones situation and the size of the unknown) shouldn't be put in the same bucket as "don't want to be controlled by government with their vaccines", is that so hard to understand, or is the fact that the ones who got vaccinated want to confirm their choice and be sure they made the right one, by completely closing their minds to any reasonable questions around the subject?
On a tu une liste de tous les variants qui ont sorti depuis la covid 19?

Variants of Concern (WHO)

Alpha (lineage B.1.1.7)
B.1.1.7 with E484K
Delta (lineage B.1.617.2)
Beta (lineage B.1.351)
Gamma (lineage P.1)

Variants of Interest (WHO)

Eta (lineage B.1.525)
Iota (lineage B.1.526)
Kappa (lineage B.1.617.1)
Lambda (lineage C.37)

Former variants of interest

Epsilon (lineages B.1.429, B.1.427, CAL.20C)
Zeta (lineage P.2)
Theta (lineage P.3)

Other notable variants

Lineage B.1.1.207
Lineage B.1.620
Ma vous closer ça assez vite avec mon variant


Mortalité de 70%
Wipe la planète et les pays pauvres

On en parle plus après
I'm 72 hrs post 2nd dose and I feel fully recovered back to 100%.

Even did a heavy day lift last night and felt about 80-90% good to go.

I honestly was worried because first dose I had arm pain like an SOB for like a week and just in general my body tends to react highly to even a flu vaccine.

2nd dose just very sleepy the night of and some brain fog the day after but was still able to work like normal.
sure no stress, i mean it's not like they're discovering that mrna works both ways, in case you don't understand what that means is that generally that strand of dna that's being send to your molecules so they have the information to produce the correct antibodies can also be read and added to your dna, something that was thought impossible until like a month or something like that... Of course doesn't mean anything in regards to the vaccine, or at least i don't think so, that being said there's a lot more unknown there than one might think, we are playing with the proteins that define who we are, this is not to be taken lightly and asking questions and balancing risks (which isn't only defined by the articles in this thread but also by each ones situation and the size of the unknown) shouldn't be put in the same bucket as "don't want to be controlled by government with their vaccines", is that so hard to understand, or is the fact that the ones who got vaccinated want to confirm their choice and be sure they made the right one, by completely closing their minds to any reasonable questions around the subject?
Ya kek mois on entendait a tv, radio , partout , lavez vos main avec du purell , distancez de 2 metres , sociabilisez pas aka une bulle a maison , portez le masque ,
l'a on a vait la paix de ça depuis un boutte ,
osti de tbnk asteur partout on entend le vaccin , le vaccin et encore le vaccin. Plus le debat du vaccin , conspiration ou non ??

J'étais mais l'a plus que jamais j'suis écoeuré en tbnk de cette pandémie !

D'ailleurs j'écoute juste a l'occasion les news depuis kek mois et c'est a RC.

Edit je regarde les news via le thread présent ...
Apparemment le BBQ annuel est de retour à ma job. Il parait que ça va se faire dans un genre de parc. On parlait peut-être d'admettre seulement les gens full vaccinés. Misère....
Apparemment le BBQ annuel est de retour à ma job. Il parait que ça va se faire dans un genre de parc. On parlait peut-être d'admettre seulement les gens full vaccinés. Misère....

T'est sérieux ?
Osti que le post-pandémie risque d'etre aussi pénible que la pandémie.