Fermez les frontières, un nouveau virus apparaît: La COVID-19

Ton argument fait pas de sens... Au final, ça sera jamais assez correct?
C'est de la méchante improvisation de gérer cette crise.

Le partie de marde que je veux pas imaginer gérer ça c'est bien le PLQ avec sa métis de cheffe.

Envoyé de mon LG-H873 en utilisant Tapatalk

Je suis d'accord avec toi, c'est jamais assez correct de toute façon. As tu déjà été 100% satisfait du travail d'un parti? Les gens choisissent le moins pire selon leurs besoin.
70 % des Québécois pleinement vaccinés

Augmentations depuis une semaine

Cas : +20%

ICU : +75%

Hospitalisations : +35%

Il me semble qu'avec un tel pourcentage de vaccination, la situation devrait être sous contrôle

Dire que certains scientifiques ont déjà affirmé qu'un pourcentage de vaccination de 60 % serait suffisant

Ca prend quand même 2-3 semaines avant que ta 2e dose soit effectif.
Donc en septembre on devrait voir comment ca va. Par contre, la rentrée risque de meler les cartes un peu avec les cas.
2 weeks to "FLATTEN THE CURVE!!!"

2 years later "Vaccine Passports"

2 years later "Warrentless mandatory vaccinations in your home"

Its all so tiresome.....
Ca prend quand même 2-3 semaines avant que ta 2e dose soit effectif.
Donc en septembre on devrait voir comment ca va. Par contre, la rentrée risque de meler les cartes un peu avec les cas.
Yep this is something isn't being talked about too much. Also as I've mentioned there are a ton of people who waited out the 8+ weeks for the second dose. You have stretched out first doses and still a waiting period with the second.

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
And the tunnel is long en tabarnac to see the light at is end. Imo we are at the crossroads now we either continue down the lockdown route or ride the wave out.

Envoyé de mon LG-H873 en utilisant Tapatalk
It's a curved tunnel. There is no light at the end

Sent from my EML-L09 using Tapatalk
Faux, la vaccination des enfants n'est pas obligatoire au Québec pour aller à l'école. On n'est pas dans une dictature sanitaire comme en Ontario!

Il parlait de la vaccination contre les maladies infantiles comme Diphtérie, tétanos et poliomyélite (DTP), Coqueluche, Infections invasives à Haemophilus influenzae de type b, Hépatite B, Infections invasives à pneumocoque, Méningocoque de sérogroupe C, Rougeole, oreillons et rubéole.
It will be a "dernière petit effort " next week

Ask any questions about data? Conspiracy theorist.
An experimental vaccine rushed with 0 long term conclusions yet propagated as "safe"? White supremacist.
Question the media/political narrative? Right-winger.
Hoping to see an open and free debate from all sides? Censored/Cancelled.

*Plays clown music*

Glad that Ontario doesn't have any plans for a passport as of now. I mean it's easier to implement in Quebec because you guys rolled over for a curfew.

Looks like our Cyberpunk Dystopia isn't on the horizon. Its here.
Ask any questions about data? Conspiracy theorist.
An experimental vaccine rushed with 0 long term conclusions yet propagated as "safe"? White supremacist.
Question the media/political narrative? Right-winger.
Hoping to see an open and free debate from all sides? Censored/Cancelled.

*Plays clown music*

Glad that Ontario doesn't have any plans for a passport as of now. I mean it's easier to implement in Quebec because you guys rolled over for a curfew.
I think the data is pretty accurate, some stuff could be updated more often . it's how you interpret the data to fit different narratives is the problem, manly with media and most of the general public understanding of numbers. The vaccines work, there might be missing data on long term effect but I wouldnt worry about it too much

The big elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about is the huge disparity of vaccinated in ethnic Minority groups...There is a certain amount of tip toeing around the issue because the majority of people ending up very sick now are not white. The pandemic advisory people are all for it, but they're mostly medical people. The political side is apparently where the hold up lies. Can't say I blame them. Conservative government versus minorities is a bad look

They tried liaising with churches and community groups. A lot of progress was made that way. But apparently very few of the people getting jabs now are 40+ year old people. The are disproportionately middle Eastern or middle/ South Asian. Interesting that uptake in the 18-35 camp of the same ethnicities is on the upswing
it's a loop :p

Il parlait de la vaccination contre les maladies infantiles comme Diphtérie, tétanos et poliomyélite (DTP), Coqueluche, Infections invasives à Haemophilus influenzae de type b, Hépatite B, Infections invasives à pneumocoque, Méningocoque de sérogroupe C, Rougeole, oreillons et rubéole.

Je sais très bien. Ces vaccins ne sont pas obligatoires pour aller à l'école au Québec mais ils le sont en Ontario.