Can I contest this parking ticket? Pics inside.


Well-known member
Been parking like this for 10 years at least 3 times a week and over night. summer just like winter. I'm not the only one that parks like this either. The proof is the neighbor also got a ticket. First time I even notice a sign which is a hundred meters out.

Some dick cop gave us a parking a ticket at 2am in the fucking morning instead of a warning. Even the condo association hasn't placed a complaint or ever said anything over the course of the last 10 years. (other than a general notice to all home owners during a snow storm to not park to allow the snow plows to clean up)

confirm if the sign is placed according to laws. Could EASILY be interpreted as that one section of grass where they were placed.







As far as I can tell, that isn't a legit "street" but rather a path for a condo complex. If that's the case, cops can't give you a ticket unless numerous complaints have been filed. That's what I think anyways...and that's how I would present it if I were contesting. that is, of course, if it is in fact just a path for the condo complex.
The snow plows that are privately contracted by the condo association are the ones that clean this area, payed by the condo owners. The city doesn't own this path as far as I know. It doesn't even show up on google maps as a "street". it's just land on the side of the main road along with the condos.
Je commencerais à vérifier les plaintes aux niveaux des proprios des condos, c'est que c'est suite à une ou plusieurs plaintes de citoyens. Suite aux plaintes, les policiers doivent agir.

Des warnings de parking ticket je n'ai jamais vu ça en passant et btw le Tercel bloque partiellement un entrée privé (à moi que se soit le tiens?). TOUT les tickets se contestent, c'est un droit fondamental au Canada. Voir si tu va le gagner, c'est une toute autre game par contre...
d'apres moi le signes est pour l'espace ou est la pancarte, sinon ca serais écrit "pas de parking des 2 cotés de la rue". mais comme ce n'est meme pas une rue, ce ticket la n'est pas valide. a moins que ce sois effectivement une plainte d'un propriétaire de condo.
So I just checked the provincial laws and:



The question is, do municipal signs follow installation rules of the provincial normes? What law supersedes what law?
So I just checked the provincial laws and:



The question is, do municipal signs follow installation rules of the provincial normes? What law supersedes what law?

Les lois municipales sont autrement dit une subdivision des lois provinciales. En droit pénal, tu as des lois fédérales et des lois provinciales. Le municipal rentre dans le provincial...
Ok but if the provincial says: "this is how they have to placed.",can the municipal say "no. we want to place them our own way!" ? or these laws have to be followed?
What's the law/article written on the ticket ? Is it according to a municipal or provincial law ?

Either way, I believe this is something you could win in court.
What's the law/article written on the ticket ? Is it according to a municipal or provincial law ?

Either way, I believe this is something you could win in court.
868 municipal. The sign itself says it's municipal on it. But can't find a piece of info anywhere.
Ok but if the provincial says: "this is how they have to placed.",can the municipal say "no. we want to place them our own way!" ? or these laws have to be followed?
Yes they have to...the power to put these sign up is given by the csr so they have to conform to it

But in my mind municipalty doesnt have anyright to put these sign there
since it a private road and it not considered open to the public

But unless you get some real information i dont think the judge will let it slip
But I know these signs are frequently used in private parking lots (at our old condo as well). But, do they have to follow the transport quebec's normes or they can do wtv they want because its municipal...

I can already imagine a dick judge saying. "C'est municipal et sur des terrains privés, donc les panneau N'ont pas besoin de se conformer au reglement du mtq."
Le panneau est un de camion de pompier: Donc: Pas de parking pour ne pas entraver la voie et permettre les pompier de pouvoir faire leur job en cas de besoin.
Le panneau est un de camion de pompier: Donc: Pas de parking pour ne pas entraver la voie et permettre les pompier de pouvoir faire leur job en cas de besoin.

Thank you very much for clarifying this...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Si le voisin d'en face décide de faire la meme chose mais que lui a pas un char de fif mais un full size 4x4 c'est clair qui aura pu de place pour passer. Ta surfé sur la vague pendant 10 ans considère toi chanceux.