Fermez les frontières, un nouveau virus apparaît: La COVID-19

Il a parlé de "épiceries, SAQ, magasins etc"...Tu fais exprès?

Am I really wrong for assuming that if you're going to include it in a list along with grocery stores and complain about wasting time in line; that wasted time should represent more than 10 minutes every 2 months?
Signe astrologique?
Pour qui a-t-elle voté aux dernières élections?
C'est quoi son revenu annuel?
Avait-elle des REER?

On nous cache des choses!!!

as tu vu le vidéo de Mario Dumont qui pète une coche et qui spin la cassette sur le dos de la victime de 27 ans ?
Mario doit avoir peur , disons que l'IMC de sa femme doit être over 40 , ça l'air que y'a une fille dans la vingtaine qui elle aussi a un IMC très élevé
alors m'oncle Mario n'est pas content lorsqu'il entend des affaires comme le Doc Mailloux qui dit que les '' grosses '' vont passer au cash
Just sat in the plane.

Masks mandatory... +1 point
Assigning me 25B middle seat when there is someone in aisle seat AND at the window. And no one the entire three rows in front of us... -1 point

What about the trying to spread seating thing?

2hrs at 6" from 2 strangers. Covid incoming.
Just sat in the plane.

Masks mandatory... +1 point
Assigning me 25B middle seat when there is someone in aisle seat AND at the window. And no one the entire three rows in front of us... -1 point

What about the trying to spread seating thing?

2hrs at 6" from 2 strangers. Covid incoming.

Est ce que les compagnies fournissent les masques ?
Am I really wrong for assuming that if you're going to include it in a list along with grocery stores and complain about wasting time in line; that wasted time should represent more than 10 minutes every 2 months?

Yeah ok, but he complained about everything as a whole, 10 minutes here for your SAQ, x hours there for everytime you go to Reno Depot, x hours there for the groceries, etc...You can't just shim in and say "are you really complaining for 10 minutes a month?", that's not what he was complaining for...
Je veut me magasiné une cloture mais faire la file a la quincaillerie me tente pas pentoute.
On peu tu rentré a 2 au moin?
Am I really wrong for assuming that if you're going to include it in a list along with grocery stores and complain about wasting time in line; that wasted time should represent more than 10 minutes every 2 months?

About 30 min line up + line up for the only 2 cash open
Add line up for the groceries store
Line up pour les caisses d’épiceries
En ligne présentement pour acheter mes fleurs de jardins. Strong ratio de baby-boomer qui savent pas porter leur masque. Tu veux fumer, porter le masque et avoir le nez à l'air ! Go ahead !