I notice something about First World Feminists

Other shit that Grind my gear about feminist and SJW.

The damn IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR Argument.
Third wave feminism will just lead to women being alone and depressed. I'm just laughing at this whole concept.

They are taught to waste their prime 16-21 banging randoms all over the place because they should feel empowered by doing so. (that's cool because I banged tons of these sluts lol)
Meanwhile they study, get a degree.
30 years old comes by and they expect a 9/10 male to become their beta male after they banged 50 of them in their 20's
they end up depressed and alone with some 5/10 beta male that they despise, but he has money
they divorce him and take all his money and end up all alone at 45 years old
depression settles in after they realize menopause is coming and they are old and ugly

What women fail to realize is that they need emotional connection whereas men simply need sex.
Feminists do not understand that women cannot deprive themselves of relationships, they need it. They should be finding a man in their prime (or close to it) and settle at that time instead of slutting around unless they want to endup alone and depressed.

Third wave feminism is simply destroying women as much as it is destroying men. There is no winner in this lol

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‘What can we free themselves from?’ So they turned against everything that tried
to influence them and destroyed it.
They smashed family, culture, country, tradition, the sexes, and a thousand other things.

Look at all the videos, men and women alike, all wear the same clothing. Maybe different clothing
also leads to exclusion and groupthink.
They enter one of your many education factories. Here infants, taken from their parents shortly after
birth, are raised by highly trained and qualified experts. they have recognised that many people are
disadvantaged by their family backgrounds. To give everyone the same chances in life, they have finally
abolished the outmoded institution of the family.
The children are taught some things in school. But they don’t receive grades, because grades
differentiate the better from the less capable students.

It is modern school.