Israel vs Hamas

Qu'on va me faire croire que c'est la guerre.
View attachment 58610

Ya le brand drette sur le top du char. Ensuite ils vont dire qui sont des cible legal parce qui font parti de Hamas.

Serieux, j'en ai plein mon casque de leur bullshit.
C est des chiens sales. Le pire ils ont tiré la première shot sur l'auto du staff ONG et après il y avait un dans le group survivants de l'explosion essayer de sortir pour s'enfuire mais ils ont reposter une deuxième shot pour le tuer.
Est-ce que quelqu'un leur avait dit qu'ils seraient en sécurité en allant travailler dans une zone de guerre??

Si oui, qui?

Envoyé de mon SM-G781W en utilisant Tapatalk
Est-ce que quelqu'un leur avait dit qu'ils seraient en sécurité en allant travailler dans une zone de guerre??

Si oui, qui?

Envoyé de mon SM-G781W en utilisant Tapatalk
They notified in advance the IDF they were passing through and also it was considered a non conflict zone
Est-ce que quelqu'un leur avait dit qu'ils seraient en sécurité en allant travailler dans une zone de guerre??

Si oui, qui?

Envoyé de mon SM-G781W en utilisant Tapatalk
THIS..... après ça continue a dire qu'ils sont pas supposer être la bas... l'armée des chiens sale israéliens s'en chriss que tu soit un ONG ou un civile ils ont le feu vert de tuer n'importe qui !!
Waiting on MRs Anthony Housefathers to chime in on how this murder by the IDF can be justified

This happened at night with low detailed visibility, there was hamas activity in the building they visited while they were there and more than one vehicle that entered. the drone pilot Mistook them for a combatant vehicle when leaving.

Accidents happen in war, humanitarian aid workers have been killed by NATO, by Canada and by the US as well as others in large numbers with air strikes in multiple conflicts including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen & Ukraine. Usually it’s at night and in this sort of circumstance. Non government actors and militants raid humanitarian aid suppliers in most middle eastern conflicts

Naturally you’ve never mentioned those. You pretend to be a humanitarian online, but only when it involves israel
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This happened at night with low detailed visibility, there was hamas activity in the building they visited while they were there and more than one vehicle that entered. the drone pilot Mistook them for a combatant vehicle when leaving.

Accidents happen in war, humanitarian aid workers have been killed by NATO, by Canada and by the US as well as others in large numbers with air strikes in multiple conflicts including Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen & Ukraine. Usually it’s at night and in this sort of circumstance. Non government actors and militants raid humanitarian aid suppliers in most middle eastern conflicts

Naturally you’ve never mentioned those. You pretend to be a humanitarian online, but only when it involves israel

lol and this is the reason you have zero credibility, these aid workers were clearly hunted and murdered meanwhile you come back with this response?

It's no wonder Israel image on the world stage is looking more and more like a joke, meanwhile you'll probably cry and say im riding that Antisemitism train which seems like a Zionist trend these days.

Not every Jew wants war meanwhile not every German was a Nazi.

But time and time again, its always a excuse,

Aid workers killed "Oh it was night time"
Two men murdered on the beach and bodies then buried with a bulldozer "Probably laying mines in the sand"
Hind Rajab, relatives, 2 paramedics all murdered "Hamas drives cars so bomb all cars"
Shireen Abu Akleh news reported targeted and killed "She must have had rockets on her"

And dont ever get me started with the massacre at the Al-Shifa hospital because ill probably get another fuck tard response

But this is the problem with certain individuals in the Jewish community, you guys do no wrong, you can't admit you're doing wrong, and you guys are never the bad guys and everything you're doing is to create peace and restore order. Even with the most atrocious crimes, it's always an excuse. And im just waiting for the narrative "If Hamas lays down their weapons, we will stop" I don't think they are that naive and neither is society these days in terms of popular opinion of Israel which is a shame because there are wonderful people from there.

Without Hamas there, BB and his boys would have a field day wiping out every Palestine man, woman or kid meanwhile back here their land will be sold at a premium. If anything, how things are going, you're creating more terrorists, you're creating more anti-semites, your own allies in the west are questions your methods. Hell even the American citizens have started questioning themselves "Why are we forking out so much cash?"

So once again, high five on your justification on the murders of several aid workers as it was a accident where im assuming 30,000+ deaths is a accident as well.

Whatever Jewish schooling system brought you up to give you that mindset, well done mon boi, society has done you well.

lol and this is the reason you have zero credibility, these aid workers were clearly hunted and murdered meanwhile you come back with this response?

It's no wonder Israel image on the world stage is looking more and more like a joke, meanwhile you'll probably cry and say im riding that Antisemitism train which seems like a Zionist trend these days.

Not every Jew wants war meanwhile not every German was a Nazi.

But time and time again, its always a excuse,

Aid workers killed "Oh it was night time"
Two men murdered on the beach and bodies then buried with a bulldozer "Probably laying mines in the sand"
Hind Rajab, relatives, 2 paramedics all murdered "Hamas drives cars so bomb all cars"
Shireen Abu Akleh news reported targeted and killed "She must have had rockets on her"

And dont ever get me started with the massacre at the Al-Shifa hospital because ill probably get another fuck tard response

But this is the problem with certain individuals in the Jewish community, you guys do no wrong, you can't admit you're doing wrong, and you guys are never the bad guys and everything you're doing is to create peace and restore order. Even with the most atrocious crimes, it's always an excuse. And im just waiting for the narrative "If Hamas lays down their weapons, we will stop" I don't think they are that naive and neither is society these days in terms of popular opinion of Israel which is a shame because there are wonderful people from there.

Without Hamas there, BB and his boys would have a field day wiping out every Palestine man, woman or kid meanwhile back here their land will be sold at a premium. If anything, how things are going, you're creating more terrorists, you're creating more anti-semites, your own allies in the west are questions your methods. Hell even the American citizens have started questioning themselves "Why are we forking out so much cash?"

So once again, high five on your justification on the murders of several aid workers as it was a accident where im assuming 30,000+ deaths is a accident as well.

Whatever Jewish schooling system brought you up to give you that mindset, well done mon boi, society has done you well.

Do you feel better now? I didn't justify the death of the aid workers, I explained how it happened. The school system did do me well. I understand the difference between "justify" and "explain". You don't

It must have been difficult for you having to interact with zionists that made their way into your friends lives.

You're not arab, you're not muslim, you're not jewish and you don't give a shit about casualties of war anywhere else in the world unless israel is involved.

The problem that the jewish community has with people like you is that you don't give a shit about humanitarian issues that don't involve jews, conflicts that don't involve jews or identical situations by your own country in other wars. For example, Canada & the US killing dozens of foreign aid workers in Afghanistan and crippling dozens more in just 1 strike... and this is just one of many.. Complete silence from all you fake humanitarians.

Palestinians represent less than 1% of the casualties of war in the region in recent history and you haven't posted about the other 99%.. ever.

The obvious double standard is perceived by the jewish community as discrimination.

Regarding your statement about foreign aid, it seems you have no clue how it works. The cash americans are "forking" out is not direct aid and it's pretty much the only aid in the region that is NOT direct, it HAS to go towards the purchase of american goods and the purchase amount has to be ALOT higher than the aid. It's essentially a discount coupon to keep israel from buying elsewhere like china or russia. The angry monkeys protesting this don't understand how the world works, and it seems that you don't either.

The US yields a net positive from their economic relationship with Israel. You don't believe if Hamas put their weapons down there would be peace? The writing is on the wall. 97% of the innovation out of the middle east comes from israel which is 2% of the population. It's the only major economy in the area that was not created by oil and us "funding" is less than 1% of the amount that oil countries get from their oil and only started in meaningful amounts in the 80s. The country's focus is obviously not conquest.

I've provided facts and evidence for almost everything I said i've even posted entire investigation PDF by the UN in this thread and cited paragraphs from it proving the BS in this thread wrong. Questioning my credibility is laughable. Meanwhile, you and deap have been posting emotions and bullshit 90% of the time which i've debunked repeatedly. You accept sources when they're anti-israel, and reject the same source when it's anti hamas. That in itself shows your nature.

You mentioned a few names, like Hind Rajab. You don't find it strange that israel took immediate responsibility for killing foreign aid workers but didn't take responsibility for the girl? There were no IDF troops deployed in the area when the shooting started and no footage of the incident either, despite the insane amount of cameras in the area and you accept that blindly.
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Do you feel better now? I didn't justify the death of the aid workers, I explained how it happened. The school system did do me well. I understand the difference between "justify" and "explain". You don't

It must have been difficult for you having to interact with zionists that made their way into your friends lives.

You're not arab, you're not muslim, you're not jewish and you don't give a shit about casualties of war anywhere else in the world unless israel is involved.

The problem that the jewish community has with people like you is that you don't give a shit about humanitarian issues that don't involve jews, conflicts that don't involve jews or identical situations by your own country in other wars. For example, Canada & the US killing dozens of foreign aid workers in Afghanistan and crippling dozens more in just 1 strike... and this is just one of many.. Complete silence from all you fake humanitarians.

Palestinians represent less than 1% of the casualties of war in the region in recent history and you haven't posted about the other 99%.. ever.

The obvious double standard is perceived by the jewish community as discrimination.

Regarding your statement about foreign aid, it seems you have no clue how it works. The cash americans are "forking" out is not direct aid and it's pretty much the only aid in the region that is NOT direct, it HAS to go towards the purchase of american goods and the purchase amount has to be ALOT higher than the aid. It's essentially a discount coupon to keep israel from buying elsewhere like china or russia. The angry monkeys protesting this don't understand how the world works, and it seems that you don't either.

The US yields a net positive from their economic relationship with Israel. You don't believe if Hamas put their weapons down there would be peace? The writing is on the wall. 97% of the innovation out of the middle east comes from israel which is 2% of the population. It's the only major economy in the area that was not created by oil and us "funding" is less than 1% of the amount that oil countries get from their oil and only started in meaningful amounts in the 80s. The country's focus is obviously not conquest.

I've provided facts and evidence for almost everything I said i've even posted entire investigation PDF by the UN in this thread and cited paragraphs from it proving the BS in this thread wrong. Questioning my credibility is laughable. Meanwhile, you and deap have been posting emotions and bullshit 90% of the time which i've debunked repeatedly. Accepting sources when they're anti-israel, and rejecting the same source when it's anti hamas. That in itself shows your nature.

Like Hind Rajab for example. You don't find it strange that israel took immediate responsibility for killing foreign aid workers but didn't take responsibility for the girl? There were no IDF troops deployed in the area when the shooting started and no footage of the incident either, despite the insane amount of cameras in the area and you accept that blindly.
Qu'on va me faire croire que c'est la guerre.
View attachment 58610

Ya le brand drette sur le top du char. Ensuite ils vont dire qui sont des cible legal parce qui font parti de Hamas.

Serieux, j'en ai plein mon casque de leur bullshit.
Le bombardement à eu lieu à 23:00 donc en pleine nuit. Difficile de voir un autocollant sans matériel visible à l'infrarouge. Si tu penses que de poser un autocollant World Central Kitchen active god mode en pleine zone de combat, tu as tord.
No, you read it.

Emotional dump and run when you're called out on your bullshit, typical beta move
You take pride in the killings of women and children soooooo I'm not sure how one can have a proper discussion with a modern day hitler
Le bombardement à eu lieu à 23:00 donc en pleine nuit. Difficile de voir un autocollant sans matériel visible à l'infrarouge. Si tu penses que de poser un autocollant World Central Kitchen active god mode en pleine zone de combat, tu as tord.
Rat^3 emotional dump incoming. Logic triggers him
You take pride in the killings of women and children soooooo I'm not sure how one can have a proper discussion with a modern day hitler
I didn't display pride anywhere. Stop being a karen.

You're not aware of this, but i know you. Which is why it's hilarious to read your virtue signaling online