Were can i get caucasian shepherd (puppy)

OP thinks that table food is better for his dog than dog food... please don't get a dog.


Dog food contains a shit load of garbage... Euro's always fed house pets with table food (again, different mentality, no kraft dinner, no frozen tv dinners). It is in fact much healthier than the Pedigree crap.
OP thinks that table food is better for his dog than dog food... please don't get a dog.

lol dry food is probably worst thing to give a dog to eat.

I always give table food, rice, fish beef vegies etc. Dry food I only give it if there is no enough table food. I always mix dry food with the table food.

table food>any dry food brand out there
Some dry food are good. It's your job to shop for the good ones.

Even though I don't think it's bad to feed a dog table food (as long as it's not crap), I think you might miss important stuff in his diet.

All in all, a dog is a dog, he'll live happy and give you love all his life, whatever kind of food you feed him.

PS, for some bread, always giving table food might make them more annoying when you eat your own meal, always starring you, trying to steal it on the table when you are not looking, since he knows the taste.